Chapter 181 I Still Miscalculated
Hearing Tang San's words, everyone stopped at the same time, but he almost couldn't stand, fortunately Dai Mubai supported him.

It's dangerous, if there is no reminder, he may have lost control, and then his soul will be drained.

The number one weapon in the world, the Martial Soul, really lived up to its reputation.

"I declare that the winner of this game is Shrek Academy!"

Everyone was very happy to hear the result, they won the victory.

Moreover, more importantly, everyone didn't show their own strength, so Tang San used the Clear Sky Hammer, which is still the Clear Sky Hammer without a spirit ring.

As everyone knows, Tang Pixiu, who is in Tang San's wishful treasure bag, also heard everyone's voices.

It's just that her body was still in pain, so she decided to continue sleeping.

In a daze, Tang Pixiu's spirit returned to the God Realm.

"Why is it so serious?"

A gentle voice rang in his ears, and Tang Pixiu raised his eyes to look over, and it was the incomparably noble God Emperor, Lord Dizun.

"Di Zun, woo woo woo, Xiuxiu hurts so much."

Seeing the closest person, the little girl immediately threw herself on the God Emperor.

The God Emperor wore lavender clothes, looked at the little crying cat at his feet, a hint of doting flashed in his eyes, and knelt down to hug the little girl.

"That ordinary continent can still hurt you. Are you making trouble again?"

"No, Xiuxiu is very obedient, there are villains who want to take Xiuxiu away." Tang Pixiu complained.

Hearing the little girl's words, a trace of helplessness flashed in the eyes of the God Emperor.

In the past, when she complained about being bullied, he would always want to vent her anger for her, but in that plane of Douluo Continent, he couldn't do anything.

It's not to worry about anything, but once he makes a move, the whole world will collapse, and the order of the whole world will be disrupted at that time.

These are all the hard work of the little girl... hey!

However, it is possible for other gods to take a look at how the Douluo Continent is doing.

The God Realm is divided into three levels, the God Emperor has the highest status, but in fact there is another person above him.

Below is the king of gods, and it is also a small world.

Further down are other ordinary gods, and those people only come to the Temple of Emperor Zun when they report things every day.

Only Tang Pixiu can ignore the restrictions of these worlds and walk around at will.

"You little girl, I asked you to come back, but you don't want to come back. Now that you've been bullied, you know you're going to come back and file a complaint. Let's see, how spoiled are your brothers and sisters." The God Emperor said softly.

Hearing what the God Emperor said, Tang Pixiu was a little puzzled.

In the past, when Emperor Zun had such a bad temper, his brothers and sisters would always be scolded.

Why is Emperor Zun so gentle today?
However, the little girl didn't hear the pampering in God Emperor's words, she simply thought that he was looking for trouble for her brothers and sisters.

"Lord Emperor Zun, Xiuxiu made a mistake, just don't sue Xiuxiu."

The little girl lowered her head, looking pitiful.

The God Emperor stretched out his hand, pinched Tang Pixiu's little nose lightly, and pampered her while he had the opportunity.

"Little idiot, don't forget the bracelet that this deity gave you, it can protect you. It's only your fault that you didn't listen carefully to this deity's words, and didn't learn how to use it to bring out its maximum effect."

Tang Pixiu was a little embarrassed, covering the horns of his head, and rubbed against the God Emperor's arms.

"Oh, Hugh made a mistake."

The atmosphere in the Emperor's Temple was extremely warm. After a while, Tang Pixiu was drowsy and fell asleep lying on the God Emperor.

Not long after, the God Emperor stretched out his index finger and tapped Tang Pixiu's forehead lightly.

The little girl's body was suddenly suspended in mid-air, emitting a soft golden light.

Then, with a light wave of his right hand, Tang Pixiu's spirit disappeared in place.

The hall fell silent, and the God Emperor looked into the distance with misty eyes.

"Little girl, when will you be able to... Between heaven and earth, the important task of the Three Thousand Realms will be handed over to you."

Tomorrow's final will be held between the Wuhundian Academy team and the Shrek Academy team.

But on the side of Wuhundian Academy, Shrek Academy is extremely looked down upon.

In their eyes, Shrek Academy has no strength in a fight against them, and is destined to be a loser. They all look very contemptuously, and they don't regard Shrek Academy as an opponent at all.

The people from Shrek Academy also returned to their rest area, and everyone was very happy to have won today.

"Teacher, thank you." Tang San said.

The master also had a smile on his face, "I didn't expect you to be able to use the weapon soul avatar of the Clear Sky Hammer. It really deserves to be the first weapon soul in the world, I made a mistake."

At the beginning, the master thought that Tang San's use of the Clear Sky Hammer would be effective and powerful.

But I didn't expect that the power would be so heaven-defying.

Indeed, it was his judgment that was wrong, he did not expect the power of the Clear Sky Hammer to be so powerful.

"What about Xiuxiu, is she awake?" Liu Erlong asked.

Tang San shook his head, the joy of victory was washed away a lot.

"The children are exhausted today, let's go back and make some adjustments before we make plans," the master said.

Outside, especially since Bibi Dong was still there, they couldn't continue discussing about Tang Pixiu.

After returning to the hotel, everyone began to recover their soul power with the help of Jiang Zhu.

"Although everyone seems to be harmless, the consumption of soul power is huge. Especially Xiaosan, who used the weapon soul avatar, the soul power in the body must have been drained." Qin Ming was a little worried.

The master looked at Tang San, "Little San, can you restore your spirit power to its best state in the final tomorrow?"

"I have the medicine to strengthen the foundation and cultivate the essence here, there is absolutely no problem in restoring the spirit power." Tang San replied.

Hearing this, the master heaved a sigh of relief and turned around.

"The plan can't keep up with the changes, and I still miscalculated."

Oscar didn't quite understand, "Master, our victory over Kamikaze Academy can be said to be a complete victory without any suspense."

Dai Mubai also opened his eyes, "That's right, after the master taught us the seven-in-one fusion technique before the match, he then ordered the junior to command and defeat the opponent at the fastest speed, isn't this tactic well executed?"

"If I had known that Xiaosan could use the weapon soul avatar, today's match would not be arranged like this. With the Clear Sky Hammer's weapon soul avatar, I am almost [-]% sure of fighting against the Wuhundian Academy team. But now Exposed too early, but it won't work."

"Could it be that they were able to crack our seven-in-one fusion technique in one night?" Dai Mubai was puzzled.

The master sighed, "Not only that, your opponents tomorrow will have the backing of the Spirit Hall. There are countless powerful people in the Hall of Spirits, and there are countless Title Douluo, who can always come up with countermeasures."

Sure enough, Grandmaster is the one who knows Bibi Dong best.

The current Bibi Dong has already told the team members of Wuhundian Academy about the tactical arrangement.

Tomorrow, as long as Tang San uses the Tool Soul Avatar again, he will either die or be injured.

Bibi Dong had murderous intentions towards Tang San.

Killing Tang San can give the Wuhun Palace a prestige because of Tang Hao's affairs, and it can also make the masters and students not like this, killing two birds with one stone.

(End of this chapter)

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