Chapter 190 You Will See You Again
Faced with the little girl's inquiry, Tang Hao would not hide it.

"She's gone and returned to where she should be. Both you and Xiaosan need to be strong to protect her."

Tang Pixiu curled his lips, "Why did Ma Ma want to leave? Didn't she want Xiuxiu? It was hard for Xiuxiu to get Papa Mama, now Mama doesn't want to be Xiuxiu."

Tang Hao sighed, "Silly boy, you will see each other again, grandpa promises."

Hearing what Tang Hao said, Tang Pixiu felt a lot better.

That's right, he won't lie, he keeps his word.

It doesn't matter if Ma Ma leaves for a while, she can go to find Ma Ma, and wait until Papa becomes powerful.

As night gradually approached, Tang Pixiu also felt a little sleepy, sleeping in Tang Hao's arms.

At this moment, the little girl didn't suffer any injuries, and her divine power has recovered a lot, but she only had four of her five multicolored stones now.

"Father." Tang San woke up very happy.

He finally saw his father. After so many years, he finally saw him.

Tang Hao looked indifferent, "Sit down."

After finishing speaking, he handed a bag of water to Tang San with one hand, signaling him to drink water first.

Tang San drank the water, raised his head, looked left and right subconsciously, and saw Tang Pixiu in Tang Hao's arms, but the other person was nowhere to be seen.

"There's no need to look for her, she's gone."

"Gone, why did Xiao Wu leave?" Tang San was puzzled.

Tang Hao replied, "Because she has to go, I just ask you one question. Given your current situation, can you protect her? Also, can you protect Xiuxiu well?"


Tang San fell into silence, he knew very well that his current strength was not enough to protect Xiao Wu and Xiuxiu.

Even every time he encountered danger, it was Tang Pixiu who stood in front of him.

Tang Hao stood up, hugged Tang Pixiu, walked to Tang San and sat down.

"A man, a real man, you must be able to take it and let it go. When one day, you have the power to protect her, go to her again. Xiaosan, do you hate me for leaving you behind for these eight years?" Tang Hao was a little nervous.

He was very worried that he would hear an answer he didn't want to hear from Tang San's mouth.

It is impossible not to love his own son, but he also has too many difficulties.

"I don't hate." Tang San replied.

This answer exceeded Tang Hao's expectations, he never thought that Tang San's answer would be this.

"Why?" Tang Hao asked again.

"Because you are my father, you gave me my life, children never have the right to blame their parents." Tang San said with a smile.

Finally, Tang Hao couldn't help it, hugged Tang Pixiu, and then hugged Tang San into his arms.

Tang San also realized that this is the feeling of family affection, which is different from his affection for Tang Pixiu.

Of course, what is done to the father is not the same as what is done to the daughter.

"I know you have a lot of questions you want to ask me. The voice you heard when you used your soul avatar that day was mine." Tang Hao let go of Tang San, "There are still many things that you don't need to know now, because You don't have the ability to know yet. From now on, I will arrange for you to practice, and one day, after you meet my requirements, I will tell you everything."

Tang San was a little puzzled, "Can I no longer learn from the teacher?"

"The master is undoubtedly a very good teacher, but there are some things he can't teach you." Tang Hao replied, "cough cough cough."

"Father, are you injured?" Tang San was startled.

Tang Hao shook his head, "It's nothing, my old wounds have been healed by Xiuxiu, and my soul power has improved on the day you entered Shrek Academy. Today's work is just some meridians Concussion, it’s not an injury, just adjust your breathing. Besides, are you wondering about Xiao Wu? Xiao Wu is a 10-year soul beast, why is her strength not strong.”

"Yeah." Tang San nodded.

Soul beasts have been cultivated since birth, and are divided into five levels: ten years, one hundred years, one thousand years, ten thousand years, and one hundred thousand years.

Soul beasts have been cultivated for 10 years, and their status is like that of titled Douluo among soul masters.

However, at this time, they are faced with two choices.

One is to live according to the status quo, but you can only live for 1000 years at most, and you will die after 1000 years.

But the other way is an adventurous way, that is to transform into a human being.

Because among all creatures, human beings have the greatest potential, so the soul beasts that transform into humans need to cultivate almost from scratch.

If such a soul beast can break through the [-]-level mark, then it can live forever and become a god-like existence.

The cultivation of soul beasts is much more difficult than that of humans, and it is irreversible after transformation, and they must contact humans during the cultivation process, otherwise they will not be able to progress.

Although compared with ordinary humans, the cultivation speed of soul beasts is much faster, and there is no need to hunt soul beasts to obtain soul rings.

Only when one has cultivated beyond the sixtieth level and entered the mature stage can one truly become a human being.

As for Xiao Wu, a 10-year soul beast that is currently in its infancy.

"What you wish to know, I have told you, you."

What Tang Hao wanted to say was interrupted by Tang San.

"Father, was my mother killed by the Spirit Palace?" Tang San asked.

"If you want to know all of this, you must first become strong and meet my requirements. In the face of Wuhundian, you have no way out, you can only make yourself stronger, otherwise you can only live in the shadow forever. Rest, tomorrow I will Take you to a place and officially start your special training."

Tang Hao didn't answer Tang San directly, even if Tang San knew about A Yin now, it would be useless and nothing could be changed.

After speaking, Tang Hao put Tang Pixiu into Tang San's arms, turned and left.

Tang Pixiu still slept soundly, with a small mouth, as if he was eating something in a dream, very cute.

"Father, is Xiu Xiu also a soul beast?" Tang San asked.

Tang Hao stopped and looked at Tang Pixiu in Tang San's arms.

"She is not a soul beast. From her body, I didn't feel any fluctuations in soul power. Moreover, every time Xiuxiu makes a move, that kind of power is not like the power on the Douluo Continent. Perhaps, the little girl is a mysterious beast , spirit beasts, or even divine beasts are all possible. The only certainty is that we must protect her well, she is full of treasures. After this battle, the people of Wuhundian may value her more than Xiao Wu. "

After the words fell, Tang Hao had already left.

Tang San was a little silent, he knew that the people in Wuhundian should have blood feud with him.

Now there are more security issues for Tang Pixiu. Only when he becomes stronger can he protect the people he wants to protect.

Xiuxiu, don't worry, Dad will do his best to protect you.

Tang Pixiu in his sleep seemed to feel something, showing a sweet smile, Xiaopang grabbed Tang San's skirt with his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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