Chapter 218

Tang San lowered his head, originally wanted to talk about Tang Hao and A Yin's current situation, but felt that it was better not to talk about it, their current situation was undoubtedly improved because of Tang Pixiu.

In this way, Tang Xiao's heart might be softened even more.

What's more, he only came to Haotianzong today, and he didn't want to expose Tang Pixiu's ability too much. No one knew whether Haotianzong would have any thoughts about Tang Pixiu. He couldn't risk his daughter's safety.

"Father is very good, he is by mother's side every day, and he plans to spend the rest of his life with this." Tang San replied.

That's right.

"Stay with your mother?" Tang Xiao was shocked.

"After mother passed away, she transformed into Blue Silver Grass." Tang San explained.

That's what he said, but Tang San didn't tell Tang Xiao that Ah Yin had reincarnated as a human.

The expression in Tang Xiao's eyes fluctuated, "It turned out to be. Okay, okay, maybe this is the best thing for him."

Immediately, Tang San took out the box.

"Sect Master, my father asked me to bring this. He said that this is the only thing he can do for the sect."

After saying this, Tang San opened the box.

Seeing the soul bone inside, Tang Yuehua turned pale with shock.

It is impossible for her not to understand what a soul bone means to a fused soul master.

Tang Xiao finally rushed over in a loss of composure, "Brother Hao, he, he..."

"Father said that if he doesn't do this, he won't be able to accompany his mother at ease. Sovereign, you don't have to."

Before Tang San could speak, Tang Xiao directly interrupted him.

He stepped forward and grabbed Tang San's shoulders, his eyes were moist.

"Call me uncle!"

"Uncle." Tang San called out.

From Tang San's eyes, Tang Xiao saw Ah Yin's appearance back then, and he couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Actually, I never thought he did anything wrong. If Ah Yin chose me, I would do the same thing as him." Tang Xiao said softly.

At the beginning, he and Tang Hao both fell in love with Ah Yin, but he also knew that the person Ah Yin liked was Tang Hao, so he left.

A person's liking cannot be hidden, it's not that he quit, it's that he never had his place.

"Uncle." Tang San choked up.

It's really rare, Tang Xiao thought in his heart.

If my father heard this, he would be very happy.

"So, no matter what others say in the future, I don't want his affairs to become your burden. Doing your best for the sect is what you must do, because you are also a member of the sect." Tang Xiao stretched out his hand and closed the door in front of Tang San. Box.

Tang San had tears in his eyes, "Thank you, uncle."

Seeing the scene between Tang Xiao and Tang San, Tang Pixiu didn't quite understand.

Why does Papa's uncle and Papa cry when they meet?
The little girl was wandering, thinking that every time she returned to the God Realm, she never seemed to have such a feeling.

And separated from Papa and Mama, and didn't want to cry.

Humans are really too complicated.

"Yuehua, prepare for the ancestral recognition ceremony for Xiaosan tomorrow, you can arrange it." Tang Xiao turned around after speaking.

Tang Yuehua was a little worried, "The elders of the sect."

"Instead of informing them privately, it's better to put it directly on the table."

Tang Yuehua looked at Tang San with some worry, feeling uneasy about Tang San's next recognition of his ancestors.

"The situation in the sect is more complicated. If you look at it from your father's point of view, the sect is divided into two factions. The faction headed by your uncle believes that what happened back then was not your father's fault, but because of the domineering spirit hall. And the other faction is headed by a few elders from one generation to the next. The combination of your father and the soul beast caused the later conflicts. Moreover, it made your grandfather angry to death, which is an unforgivable crime." Tang Yuehua said in a low voice.

"Auntie, do you mean that I will be blocked by the elders of the sect?" Tang San asked.

Tang Yuehua nodded, "The elders are not only powerful, but also stubborn and paranoid. And"

"You will be expelled from the sect and the martial soul will be abolished." Tang Xiao took the words.

Just hearing this result really makes one's scalp tingle, the elders seem to be very dangerous.

But Tang San wasn't afraid.

"Since you asked me to come back, have you thought about a countermeasure?" Tang San asked.

Tang Xiao closed his eyes, "I give you two words, tough! Here, strength is the right to speak."

Tang San knew in his heart that he had to have such mental preparations when he returned to the Clear Sky School.

Not everyone would think that Tang Hao did the right thing, nor would everyone think that Tang Hao was wrong.

There are always distinctions in the human heart.

If you want to be tough, be more arrogant!
Next, Tang San was arranged by Tang Yuehua to rest with Tang Pixiu.

Immediately after, Tang Yuehua said something about the sect, and then left to let Tang San rest by himself.

As for Tang San, he stayed to rest well.

Tang Pi had nothing to do in Leisure, so Tang Long took her around Haotianzong, and concluded that it was very boring, even more boring than Shrek Academy.

People here are rough and not careful at all.

Moreover, there is no soft aunt to hug her, it is better to be beside Papa and aunt.

At least, my aunt is very pretty, and she is soft to hold her.

After resting all night, Tang San told Tang Pixiu to stay in the room the next day and not to run around, so he followed Tang Yuehua to the main hall.

At this time, there were also people discussing in the hall.

"It's been a long time since the Haotian School had such a big show. It seems that the new kid has a lot of background."

"I heard that the five elders are not coming, so I guess they don't want to see this newcomer."

"He's here, he doesn't look very good, he looks very weak, and he is worthy to join our Haotian School."

Behind Tang Yuehua, Tang San and Tang Long followed.

At this time, Tang Long began to introduce, "There are four generations of direct descendants of the Zongmen, and we are the third generation, with a total of about 200. Today only some of them came, and the rest are practicing in the front yard."

The whispered discussion still reached Tang San's ears, and his expression gradually turned cold.

"Hmph, it made us hide from the world, and we still have the face to come back."

"Yeah, why does he still have the face to come back!"

The icy breath quickly spread from Tang San's body, the ground in the hall began to freeze, spreading rapidly in all directions from Tang San as the center.

The sudden coldness caused the immediate disciples present to rub their arms.

Strange, why is it so cold all of a sudden?

At this moment, the door of the main hall was suddenly opened, and five white-haired old men stood at the door.

This is the five elders.

One of the elders stared straight at Tang San, and the momentum on his body directly attacked Tang San, and Tang San couldn't bear it.

After all, the opponent is a Titled Douluo.

Seeing this, Tang Yuehua stood in front of Tang San.

That elder snorted coldly just now and turned his head, no longer looking at Tang San.

(End of this chapter)

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