Douluo: After picking up the Pixiu, Tang San became a dad

Chapter 220 Willing to gamble and admit defeat

Chapter 220 Willing to gamble and admit defeat
Tang Yuehua was watching nervously, not wanting to feel a small weight on her shoulders, she turned her head and found Tang Pixiu's enlarged face.

"Xiuxiu, why are you here?"

Tang Pixiu grinned, "Hee hee, let's see Papa."

"Okay, then let's cheer for your father." Tang Yuehua hugged the little girl in front of her.

On the iron chain, the Seventh Elder sneered.

"If you lose, you will be treated as a sinner of the Haotian School and imprisoned here forever."

Tang Xiao stood up and said, "Elder Seven, this is not up to you."

"Oh? Then suzerain, what do you think should be done?" the Seventh Elder asked back.

"If Tang San wins this competition, please don't obstruct him any more. If he loses, please leave the sect and not be allowed to use the Clear Sky Hammer for the rest of his life."

Tang Xiao's voice carried some pain, he didn't want to see Tang San lose.

The Seventh Elder was a little displeased, "Is it that simple?"

"If he is imprisoned here forever, then his life will stop here. Seeing such a genius wither, is it what you want to see? No matter what, the blood of our Clear Sky School is always flowing on him, This cannot be changed by anyone," Tang Xiao replied.

In fact, what he said touched the hearts of many people.

It's true, even if some people hate Tang Hao's disaster, it's impossible to deny that Tang San is the blood of Clear Sky School, he is also a genius.

Elder Changmei talked slightly, and took a step forward.

"According to what the suzerain said, if Tang San can really defeat Lao Qi, I have three additional requests. Of course, these three requests were put forward after he recognized his ancestors and returned to the clan. Whether he agrees or not is entirely up to him voluntarily." Elder Mei said.

Tang San knew in his heart that the elders might have different ideas from Tang Xiao, but from this point of view, they were all for the sake of Haotianzong.

"Okay, that's it." Tang Xiao continued, "Next, there is one more thing about Tang Hao. I would like to ask all the elders to witness it."

The Seventh Elder turned around directly, "I don't want to hear anything about this person."

Tang Xiao was very forceful, "Only this news, elders, you have to listen. When Tang Hao left the sect and took away the two great spirit bones of the sect, this time he ordered Tang San to come to recognize the ancestor and return to the sect. Ask Tang San to bring back these two spirit bones. I think this is enough to prove the remorse in his heart."

After speaking, Tang Xiao took out the soul bone for everyone to see.

Taking a soul bone from a living person really makes one's scalp tingle.

"After all, he is the son of the old suzerain. It seems that he has not forgotten the sect." Elder Changmei sighed.

The soul bone was handed over to him for safekeeping, and we will talk about it later.

The competition had already started, Tang Pixiu nervously clenched her little fists, she told herself in her heart, trust Tang San, Tang San will definitely win.

But no matter what, the other party is also so powerful, of course she will be worried.

Papa, come on!
At first the Seventh Elder said to only use [-]% of his spirit power, but it didn't take long before he started to use [-]%, and he was also beaten by Tang San.

Yes, Tang San really made everyone unbelievable.

Especially the younger generation, no one can guarantee that they can fight the Seventh Elder like this.

Tang San's strength may not be as good as his opponent's, but in terms of timing ability, he is not inferior to the Seventh Elder.

At this time, it was the gap that the Seventh Elder Haotian hammered out and hadn't recovered yet, that is, the moment where the old power had just gone and the new power hadn't been born.

The azure blue silver domain was launched, and the cobweb restraints spread out in the wind, and the coverage area surged again.

Even with the strength of the Seventh Elder, if he is trapped by this spider web with only [-]% of his soul power, it will take a certain amount of time to break free.

"Good boy."

The Seventh Elder shouted loudly, and his eyes couldn't help revealing a gleam of appreciation.

In fact, just like what Tang San said before, the Seventh Elder also knew that his enemy was Wuhundian.

What's more, Tang San's current ability is enough to show his talent, and it is also a good thing for Haotianzong to have such a child.

Now, the Seventh Elder also has to think about it for Haotianzong.

Even if he was aroused to be competitive, he still didn't intend to let Tang San die.

After being hit by Tang San's Ziji Divine Light, the Seventh Elder had already reflected the weapon soul avatar, and Tang San also protected himself immediately, but he was still injured by the shock.

The iron chain broke, and the Seventh Elder fell off the cliff, but he is strong, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

Tang San flew up after falling, everyone looked at this young man in surprise.

At the age of 20, a level 59 soul king, with two talent domains and three soul bones, to describe him as a genius would belittle him.

Tang Pixiu sat beside Tang San, resting his chin with both hands.

Fortunately, Papa's injury is not serious.

Elder Changmei looked at Tang Yuehua, as if he was asking about this little girl's background.

Tang Yuehua explained in a low voice, this is Tang San's goddaughter, she is also an outstanding genius, and she is currently the Soul Sect.

In fact, it's because the little girl doesn't care about soul rings and the like, otherwise she can make you a Titled Douluo directly, and she can do it.

Just now the Seventh Elder's Tool Soul Avatar was weakened by the Blue Silver Overlord Spear, and the subsequent attacks were all endured by the Eight Spider Soul Bone, so Tang San was only slightly injured, not serious.

"Seventh Uncle has suffered a great loss, Second Uncle, stop him from ordering later, don't let him be impulsive." Tang Yuehua chuckled.

The direct descendants around all know how strong the Seventh Elder is, after all, they have suffered a little loss in his hands.

Now hearing Tang Yuehua's words, everyone laughed.

Elder Changmei, also known as the Second Elder, sighed and shook his head.

At this moment, the Seventh Elder rushed up from the bottom of the cliff with a smug expression on his face.

"What about that kid, won't he be crushed by me?" He said as he walked forward, and when Tang Xiao's figure moved away, he saw Tang San who was sitting down at a glance, "How did this kid come up, suzerain, you Saved!"

Tang Xiao looked at Tang San on the ground, "He came up by himself."

Of course the Seventh Elder didn't believe it, "Impossible, under the full-strength bombardment of my Artifact Soul Avatar, he will peel off his skin even if he doesn't die."

"Accept the reality, we are all watching. If my guess is right, he also has a flying skill, which he didn't use in the battle with you." The second elder replied.

For this result, the Seventh Elder could hardly accept it.


"Shut up! During the competition with him, you violated the previous agreement. You have already lost this competition." The second elder reprimanded.

The Seventh Elder also thought about it. He had used more than [-]% of his power before, and even used the Soul Avatar, and he knew that he had indeed lost.

"I would like to bet and admit defeat. Since I lost, I will do what I promised him."

This kid doesn't look like a person at all!
(End of this chapter)

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