Chapter 231 Facing Title Douluo
Flender nodded, in fact, he still felt a little emotional and reluctant, but he also knew that Tang San was thinking about Xiao Wu.

"If you don't have a suitable place to go, you can come back too. The gate of the academy is always open for you. No matter what happens to you, you can come back. Even if it is Wuhundian, it will not directly turn against the two empires. Now we Shrek Academy is surrounded by the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire, and the Spirit Hall will not move us casually, even if it moves us, we must consider it."

"Yeah." Tang San nodded.

The master also looked at Tang San, "Little San, when do you decide to leave?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Tang San, and so did Tang Pixiu.

In fact, she just met her uncles and aunts, and she was still a little bit reluctant, but she also wanted to see Ma Ma as soon as possible.

Although she had been with her for a year before, she also knew that Ma Ma missed Papa very much.

Then, let's meet again later.

"Teacher, I plan to go on the road early tomorrow morning, I am very worried about Xiao Wu. I haven't seen her for five years, and I don't know how she is doing." Tang San replied.

Everyone also fell silent, Ning Rongrong thought of Oscar.

She also hasn't seen Oscar for five years, so she doesn't know how he is doing now.

"I hope to see you next time. We, the Seven Shrek Monsters, can gather together." Ning Rongrong was a little sad again.

Dai Mubai nodded, "Little San, it looks like your spirit power is not as good as mine, but your strength is still higher than mine. When the Seven Shrek Monsters reunite, you can't be surpassed by Xiao Ao and me. "

"Then you have to work hard, now my strength is beyond what you saw today." Tang San replied.

Flender sighed, "I really want to see what you all look like when you become Titled Douluo."

"Ah!" Ning Rongrong suddenly exclaimed.

Zhu Zhuqing hurriedly asked, "Rongrong, what's wrong with you?"

Ning Rongrong shook his head, "I don't know why, I suddenly got a headache, it's all right."

Suddenly, Tang Pixiu's expression changed, his eyes turned scarlet and he looked at Ning Rongrong.

"It's not good, a lot of people in the castle are killing people, and Uncle Shuai Da and the old man of the nine circles are fighting. A lot of people are coming, they want to kill, there is blood."

Hearing this, everyone was surprised.

"Something must have happened to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, let's go and have a look." Dai Mubai hurriedly said.

Hearing this, everyone didn't rest, and rushed to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, even Flender's teachers followed.

Fortunately, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is not far from Shrek Academy, and the group arrived quickly.

At this time, someone was already dealing with people from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, but there were not too many casualties now, the direct descendants of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School had hidden weapons made by Tang San, and they lasted for a while.

After Shrek Academy arrived, they directly joined the bitter battle without saying a word.

The opponent also had a Title Douluo, so Tang Pixiu rushed out to face the Title Douluo without any fear.

"Xiuxiu, be careful." Tang San hurriedly reminded.

Tang Pixiu didn't look back at Tang San, "Got it."

I also taught so many fighting methods, and now I can finally use them, I am happy.

The little girl fought with one Titled Douluo, Ghost Douluo dealt with one, and Chen Xin continued to fight with two Titled Douluos.

There are a total of four titled Douluo, with Tang Pixiu singled out, the pressure on Chen Xin is reduced, and she can display greater strength.

The teachers of Shrek Academy also joined the battle, and the golden iron triangle merged again, and the sacred dragon appeared.

At the beginning, Qibao Glazed Tile School was still very dangerous, but now with everyone's help, especially with Tang Pixiu's existence, they have a chance to catch their breath.

There were almost no casualties, and the little girl became more and more courageous.

She was of course very happy to finally have a chance to fight.

The titled Douluo who fought against Tang Pixiu was the Snake Lance Douluo of the Wuhun Palace, and he was also terrified.

By now, he had recognized Tang Pixiu's identity.

Although the little girl hasn't changed in any way from five years ago, her strength is much stronger than five years ago. Even the titled Douluo is vaguely overwhelmed.

"Destroying Mountain God Flash!"

Tang Pixiu snorted softly, this was also the first time she used her magical skills in front of everyone.

Of course, in front of everyone, it should be a soul skill.

In fact, what Tang Pixiu used was not a soul skill, but a divine skill.

This magical skill was taught by the God Emperor himself, but the little girl didn't know how powerful it was, and it was her first time using it.

A strong golden light flew out from Tang Pixiu's right hand, turned into lightning, and flew towards Snake Lance Douluo.

Snake Lance Douluo naturally knew that he didn't look weak, so he immediately used soul skills to protect his body.

"The seventh soul skill, the real body of the snake spear."

But even so, the real body of Snake Lance was still shattered by Tang Pixiu's lightning, and even Douluo with Snake Lance was shaken away, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Although the golden light was blocked by the Serpent Lance's real body, it still affected him, making it very difficult for him to use his soul power for a while.

Tang Pixiu was also panting, he didn't expect this move to be so powerful, Lord Emperor Zun is really powerful.

Probably feeling Tang Pixiu's nagging, the God Emperor of the God Realm suddenly sneezed.

"Little girl, you actually want to use this move. It seems that the opponent is not weak. You, you, you don't even know what this move means. You don't have a long time to be free."

As he said that, the God Emperor smiled and continued to practice with his eyes closed.

Of course the little girl didn't know that the God Emperor knew she was talking about it, so she quickly recovered.

However, the divine power did not recover much.

"Big villain, bully Uncle Shuai Shuai and Aunt Rong Rong, beat you to death."

With that said, Tang Pixiu rushed out again.

Snake Lance Douluo was shocked, and quickly backed away, but he didn't want the little girl to teleport, so she punched him in the abdomen.

At this moment, Snake Lance Douluo's face was very ugly, he didn't expect that he would be beaten by a little girl.

Looking at the other two Titled Douluo, who were also beaten a bit badly by Jian Daochen, he actually felt balanced in his heart.

With the addition of Shrek Academy, it seems that it is not realistic to deal with the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

What's more, there is also a very weird little girl among them, who is not defeated by the Title Douluo.

"No, withdraw!"

Hearing Snake Lance Douluo's words, the others also hurriedly left here.

Most of the people in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School are auxiliary soul masters, so of course they can't chase them down, after all, they are not their opponents.

As for the people on Shrek's side, they didn't go after them, because they were afraid that after they left, the other party would continue to attack them.

With the help of Shrek Academy, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School suffered very little casualties, not many people were killed.

Not to mention, he had killed many people on the other side with hidden weapons before.

"Fengzhi thanks Shrek for his help, especially Xiuxiu."

After speaking, he knelt down and hugged Tang Pixiu.

(End of this chapter)

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