Chapter 403
This figure is both familiar and unfamiliar to Jiang Li.

Because she has seen this figure countless times in Wan Shengjue's book of beauties, and she is very familiar with it, but she has never had the chance to see it...

After obtaining the Wansheng Jue, Jiang Li only touched the demon-type kung fu, and kept the others in dust.

Right now, she actually saw the Demon Race senior in the Wansheng Jue...

Jiang Li frowned, this is the Nine Heavens Gods and Demons Formation, but there are portraits of the seniors of the Demon Race, which must be related.

Senior is the owner of this deserted courtyard?Or does the owner here know this senior?

Is there any connection between the Nine Heavens Gods and Demons Formation?

Several thoughts and guesses flashed through her mind, and she held the portrait and looked at it carefully.

But when she saw the contents of the portrait clearly, she suddenly found a familiar object lying on the ground beside the senior in the portrait, which was the chessboard she had put away.

At this moment, Jiang Li suddenly realized that the senior was the owner of this place.

She pondered for a moment and took out the chessboard from the storage ring. She looked at the portrait and then at the chessboard, her eyes darting back and forth between the two.

Suddenly she thought of something, took out all the chess pieces, and restored the chess game one by one according to what she saw in the hall.

When she dropped the last white pawn, the portrait in front of her eyes suddenly glowed with white light, and at the same time, the Wanshengjue in her storage ring also changed, and flew out on its own.

The familiar breath collided, and Jiang Li only felt that white light enveloped it, which was very warm and comfortable, and the next moment, his soul was pulled into the Wanshengjue.

Jiang Li had already experienced the uniqueness of Wanshengjue, so she was not afraid, and calmly observed the environment as soon as she landed.

This time, there were no groups of monks chasing and intercepting them, only a deserted courtyard.

This miscellaneous courtyard and the deserted courtyard have some similarities, but they are not exactly the same. They are obviously two different places.

Just when she was wondering, that familiar figure stepped out of the room with a chessboard in hand and walked slowly towards her.

He was wearing a green robe, with a feather crown on his head, and Dao Yun flowed from his body while walking.

With every gesture, Jiang Li seemed to see the strength of character of the ancient civil servants, like the ancient Confucian officials who came out of the book, and she couldn't help feeling respectful.

Jiang Li hurriedly got up to greet her, and found that she had changed into a different outfit during the action, and the hands clasped into fists had also turned into slender knuckles of a man.

She knew that this was the body of the creator of Wanshengjue, and her behavior was beyond her control.

"Ziqian, please sit down."

The figure gave her a gentle smile, asked her to take a seat, put the chessboard on the stone table, and sat down opposite.

After he sat down, Jiang Li also sat down, staring at him seriously.

The figure was not annoyed, still smiling gently, with a straight back and a dignified demeanor, he poured Jiang Li a cup of tea before setting the chessboard open.

Afterwards, both of them stopped talking and started playing chess in silence.

Jiang Li didn't understand the chess game, but watched them go back and forth seriously, thinking what kind of spell was this?
What is recorded in the Wansheng Jue is the big moves of the predecessors, but what is the reason for this chess game?
She didn't quite understand the meaning of the scene in front of her, so she could only keep every move in her heart.

The senior on the opposite side is very skilled in chess and won the victory very quickly. He would say "acceptance" modestly, but there would be a hint of arrogance in his eyes.

The perfect fusion of humility and pride on him made him even more extraordinary and untouchable.

Jiang Li watched the game, his mind was muddled.

She didn't understand the rules, let alone the strategies and plans inside, so she didn't learn anything except memorizing every move.

This is not at all what she imagined, shouldn't it be a scene where the seniors use their big moves to kill everyone?

Just as she was getting more and more confused, her mind suddenly became dizzy, and she was immediately kicked out by Wan Shengjue.

Jiang Li's figure swayed, and quickly stabilized her figure.

She stared worriedly at Wan Shengjue who had returned to the storage ring, which meant that after the demonstration of the exercises, no matter how many times she entered again, she would face the same scene.

So, is the game of chess the skill of the demon seniors?

It's so weird.

It was the first time for Jiang Li to encounter this kind of exercise, so she had no choice but to decide to learn how to play chess first after going out, and then try to see if she can learn something from it.

But before that, she can try this chess game again.

Just doing what she said, she put away all the black and white pieces on the chessboard, and then recalled the chess game in Wanshengjue to restore the chess game step by step.

Suddenly, she felt as if she had become that senior. Although she didn't understand anything, she completely controlled the chess game.

The last chess piece fell again, and while Jiang Li was admiring the chess game, all the chess pieces on the board changed.

They flew up from the chessboard and spun around the room at high speed, and soon a dark vortex full of magic energy appeared in the middle.

Jiang Li felt something in her heart, and immediately flew forward, plunged into the whirlpool.

At the same time, the portrait scattered on the ground also changed. After a flash of light, the portrait on it gradually disappeared, and in the end there was only a blank space left.

Jiang Li didn't know all this. After entering the vortex, she returned to the second-floor house, but this time, the furnishings in the house were still in good condition, and there was no dilapidated and desolate scene.

She sat on the ground, and the figure of the senior demon appeared in front of Huishenjian.

Jiang Li thought she was in another scene, but the senior in front of her called out her name:

"Ginger quinoa?"

There was uncertainty in the clear voice, which made Jiang Li's heart tremble, and her pupils trembled slightly.

How does this senior know her?
"Hehe, don't be nervous."

The senior seemed to see her nervousness, and smiled faintly.

He looked at Jiang Li, looked at it and suddenly sighed.

"It turns out that not only I have fallen, but also Ziqian, and everyone has disappeared in this torrent of time."

He thought back to those days when a few of them traveled south and north, wandering around in the Linyuan world. Those days made him recall countless years and miss them endlessly.

The original pride and ambition gradually dissipated over the years.

Those rhetoric about wanting to ascend to the fairy world together seems to have become a joke.


Jiang Li wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say, so she just pursed her lips tightly and looked at him.

"If you can be recognized by Ziqian, you must be a good boy. If I can see you again, I can rest in peace."

The senior Mozu seemed to think of something, and laughed again.

"You don't know, that guy Ziqian was the most bluffing before..."

"He is timid and doesn't like to practice, so he is interested in writing and drawing."

(End of this chapter)

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