Ghost eye peasant girl group pet daily

Chapter 121 Chapter 120 Arriving at Hefeng Town

Chapter 121 Chapter 120

Her father was still the same father, she didn't move, but went to find Qi Kaishan.

Qi Kaishan is also a ruthless person, what kind of ball is he playing? He decides to divide their family. If you don’t want to, it’s okay if you don’t want to. You can leave on your own, and no one will care about your family.

When the rich lady heard it, she became wilted. At this time, there was nothing to share, and there was only twenty catties of corn, and the whole family was less than five taels of silver.If this is further divided, life will be even more difficult.

He hurriedly promised old man Qi Kaishan that he would never bully Fucai's sister-in-law again and raise her as his own daughter.

When Qi Baoer heard these words, she thought to herself: I am still not tired enough, I am still too full.

Walk during the day and stop at night, walk during the day and stop at night.

When they finally saw the towers on the city wall of Hefeng Town, one of the group of people was completely lost, and even Qi Baoer's clothes were dirty.

She didn't make it herself, her grandma grabbed the wet mud on the ground and wiped it all over her body.

Gao Dayou, who came back from exploring the way ahead, turned pale: "Very, many refugees were stopped outside Hefeng Town. I inquired about it and said that the gate of Hefeng Town has not been opened for a long time."

Everyone's face changed at the same time, isn't this too much?
Qi Kangan hurriedly asked: "Can no one enter? Are there any notices posted outside the city gate?"

They are basically out of food.

"I didn't see any notices posted outside the city gate, and the city gate was also closed. The vicinity of the city gate was occupied by groups of refugees. When I passed by, they looked at me strangely."


Seeing Qi Bao'er next to Qi Kang'an, Gao Dayou immediately said: "Bao'er can't be so clean anymore, there are too many people outside the city, I see that there must be [-] to [-] if there is no one with [-] to [-], all of them are with us The same sloppy and dirty Mai Tai, Bao'er is too eye-catching."

Then, Qi Baoer was ruthlessly taken aside by Mrs. Tian, ​​her clothes were covered with mud, her hair was messed up, and even her face was dusted with dust.

But we can't hide here all the time. Fortunately, everyone keeps their knives with them. The strong wind blows away everything, but everyone keeps their knives with them, and they are still there.

What about sticks, where there are trees, can there be no sticks?

A group of people who were no different from me came, and the refugees outside the city looked at them curiously, and they were only curious, and then no one paid any attention to them.

I can only think in my heart: Good guy, many of these people have guys in their hands, look at the one hanging on their waist, that is a knife, what a guy.

"Pray for Xiaolian~ Brother Xiaolian~." Suddenly a middle-aged man in a long gown ran towards them.

Xiaolian, isn't it just an elegant name for Juren, this is Uncle Wenfang?
Qi Kang'an looked in the direction of Qi Wen Fang, sure enough, Qi Wen Fang immediately raised his hand and raised his hand after seeing the person coming, "Tang Xiaolian."

Good guy, this is also a Juren.

Everyone was stopped outside the town?

Qi Kang'an had a bad feeling.

The two Xiaolian first met each other, and then Qi Wenfang asked about the situation here.

Tang Juren pulled Qiwen Fang aside, and said indignantly: "Common people enter the city for five taels, and scholars can enter for free, but there are conditions, and only those who are willing to be officials here can enter.

I have been studying hard for ten years but I want to serve the court. How can I follow that rebellious minister and thief like King Xuan? "

So, if you don't want to give money, and you don't want to stay here as an official, you'd rather stay outside the city?
Praying for the text, I really want to ask: Brother Xiaolian, are you pure and noble, or are you picky?
But along the way, he was poisoned by the old man Qi and Baoer's tea, so what he thinks in his heart is the same thing, and he is already quite proficient in the superficial nonsense skills.

I saw that he also seemed to have suffered a great humiliation, "Tang Xiaolian's words are deeply rooted in my heart, how can we allow them to be so humiliated?"

The two men at the head are as strong as you are, and he is serving the court, while the old man Qi and Kang'an at the other end are also whispering.

"Father, Juren was also blocked outside the city gate. It seems that it is really difficult to enter here."

"No wonder the county magistrate in Beiyang Town said that we have to turn back. If the city gate is kept closed, we really can only turn back."

Qi Kang'an felt that something was wrong, glanced left and right, looked at the piles of refugees around him, pondered for a while, Qi Kang'an finally understood what was wrong.

"Father, when we left Sanhe Town, there must have been a group of soldiers passing by Sanhe Town behind us."

"Damn, and...,, wait, did those soldiers not come to Hefeng Town, or did they not,,, outside here?"

"Father, we may have really guessed. It is really possible that there will be no slaughter of people in this city."

The three at the end of the line were also whispering at the moment.

The three of them were able to get off the cart early in the morning and walk on their own, but they walked slower than others, so they gradually fell to the end of the line.

Not to mention the fact that there are still anesthetics in the body, just praying for the blood that Bao'er detoxified them, the average person can stand up at this time is already amazing.

"Master, the city gate is closed, isn't it just to guard against us?"

Chen Yi retorted: "Probably not, I heard that after the accident in Canaan City, the city gate here has never been opened again."

"Wait, the gate over there is open."

It was opened, but it was only a slit that only allowed one person to pass through, and a few government servants with knives on the side of their waists and handles in their hands came out.

After walking out of the city gate, several people went straight to the city wall on the right, and then posted notices on them.

Several yamen servants did not retreat, but stood guard at the gate of the city on the left and right.

Qi Kang'an raised his head and glanced at the sky, but no one came out in front of him, and he only came out at three or four in the afternoon, what do you mean?
Could it be that they were so lucky that the city gate opened as soon as they arrived?
Qi Wenfang came back and told him that you were thinking about PC.

"The city gates here open at this time every day, and they close after only two hours. Ordinary people just pass by and are not allowed to stay in the town. The entrance fee is five taels of silver per person.

This time, you can't use a scholar to raise a person to raise a family. This is not recognized here, only money is used. A scholar who raises a person is not required to enter the city, but he has to stay. "

As Qi Wenfang spoke, he was already thinking about the money he had left at home, and he didn't even think about saving money and keeping it.

In recent years, he has kept some family property, and when he left the village, he still hid a hundred taels of bank notes in his arms.

Thinking of my old friend's house, I hurriedly grabbed the old man Qi who wanted to go back after hearing his words, "How much money does your family have, hurry up and give it up."

He glanced at the large group of old Qi's family with some embarrassment, pulled the old man away again and whispered: "I really don't have any more, I can take out 50 taels."

The old man Qi was a little confused by him at first, but this will move him, old guy, your friend and brother are not in vain.

However, how can you save so much all these years?
"Do you have to live on money?" Old man Qi turned to look at the villagers.

"One person, five taels, they can't get through. And there's still a long way to go, why don't we need money, we can't just get here and pay the bottom."

(End of this chapter)

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