Chapter 162 Chapter 161
After walking forward for another two days, the people who used the reed flowers as cotton all regretted it. The wind blew over and scratched the skin, which was biting pain.

Everyone is not happy to stop and rest, and it can be warmer while walking, and it is a pain to stop and be exposed to the cold wind for nothing.

Lao Qi's family vacated an ox cart and set up a stove on it. The fire kept boiling the soup and medicine, and when the pot was out, people would come over and pretend to drink it to drive away the cold and warm up.

No way, I didn't encounter caves or anything to hide on the road, so I could only move forward against the increasingly cold wind.

You can't watch the villagers walking shivering with the cold, and the children always have two rivers falling from their noses.

It happened that Qi Bao'er was 'picking up' an iron plate in the Wu Mansion, cut off a piece of wood from the bullock cart, put it on the iron plate, and then built a stove on the iron plate. There is no shortage of dry firewood on the left and right sides of the mountain , People who gather firewood,,, they have a lot of people now.

The person who boiled hot water and boiled soup and medicine was exchanged by several women from Qi’s family. This job was no exception. Although the person standing in front of the pot was doing something, it was warm.

Get up early this morning, good guy,,,
A man curled up helplessly looking at the sky, "It's snowing."

It was snowing, it should have snowed in the middle of the night, and the ground was already covered with a thin layer.

As one of the guards last night, Liba stomped to Qi Kang'an, "Brother An, are you coming to Yuan'an County soon?"

It's snowing, and there will be no villages or towns in the future. They can only sleep in the wild like this. If they don't wake up, they will find that they are completely cold.

They have all been prepared like that rabbit for the winter, the scooters are surrounded by a circle to keep out the cold wind, and the women are huddled together, and the men are huddled together, but this is not a problem.

Not to mention that everyone has nothing to eat now. It's cold, and the more you don't eat, the colder you feel.

Qi Kang'an was also worrying while chewing a piece of hay.

"Let everyone persevere. We are almost in Yuan'an County. You can pass by a village today." With a village, you can rest your feet and warm up your body.

But the reality tells them that it’s impossible to have a village, and people don’t let them stay overnight, and they treat them as refugees.

A long distance away, at the entrance of the village, a group of men were already holding things up and yelling and threatening them to get out of here. Some even held up stones as if they would throw them at them if they approached.

Qi Kangan waved his hand to let everyone go on, not only does this village not welcome us, but if we get closer, there will be conflicts, which is not worth it.

Li Qin crossed her hands and hid her sleeves, muttering dissatisfiedly: "Why are these people like this?"

Ye Sanni didn't say anything, but thought to herself: If it were them, they would have to do the same.

How many of the refugees who fled here are already at the end of their ropes?
Once a person is at the end of his life, what can't he do?
What's more, people don't know how the refugees came all the way here. If it's like the few groups they encountered, they would grab it as soon as they saw it.

The couple connected with each other, and Qi Kang'an was saying the same thing as the old man Qi, "Father, you can't blame others. Look at our group. If it's our own village, we have to do the same."

You can't blame others, if you want to blame, just blame the world, blame those people who really caused them to be like this.

The old man Qi let out a long sigh, hugged Qi Baoer tightly in his arms, and said: "You can't blame others, let's go further, we will see the village, it should not be far from the county town."

It is estimated that even if they meet the village again on the road, they will do the same to them.

Don't bother looking for the surrounding villages, just go straight to the county town with all your strength, isn't it because King Xuan wants to show it in front of the imperial concubine, Yuan'an County has designated a place that can temporarily accommodate their refugees.

Qi Bao'er has also been very silent these two days, her mother wrapped her up, she struggled to move her legs, and she was so aggrieved that she didn't even bother to speak.

Although she doesn't know how to farm in the space, it seems useless, but in fact it is very useful in this way. Not to mention the water in the space saved the lives of 400 people, but Qi Baoer is now in this body, and it is only given by the Wu Mansion. It turned out that it was not blown away.

Inside were the pink winter clothes worn by Miss Wu Fu, which Granny Tian dismantled and remade, one set was made into two sets that Qi Baoer could wear.

There were several strips of silver fox fur, and Ye Sanni sewed a small cloak with a hood for Jianjian.

Don't tell me, once the little cloak is wrapped, and the straps are tied again, Qi Baoer's delicate little face is supported on the silver fox fur, it looks like a New Year's picture doll is not as good as her.

But it's too thick, it's too warm to be warm, and it's too inconvenient to move, and it's hard to climb up Yinzai's back.

The team walked forward along the official road in silence, cold, tired and hungry, their feet had long since lost feeling, and they had no energy to talk nonsense.

I feel aggrieved in my heart, they used to have a land and a family, but now they are like dogs who lost their homes.

The nearby villages are quite dense, and it seems that no one has fled. After walking for less than two minutes, they saw another village under the official road. It looked like two to three hundred people. That looked down on them.

Qi Fugui couldn't help being angry, and shouted over there: "Don't guard against us, we have no plans to enter your village, no village, we don't want anything from you."

It's useless, people don't believe it, it's just that you want to lower their defenses, but look at them more fiercely.

Qi Er Niu pushed it and wanted to yell for wealth and honor, "What's the matter, it's useless, let's just go there and get it."

Young people are easy to get angry, and besides, how have they ever encountered this? People hate dogs, as if they have an infectious disease.

Qi Erniu understands, but he is already the father of three children, he has already sublimated, and his ideological self-consciousness and wealth are not on the same level as a bachelor.

It's not worth it, no, with that yelling energy, it's better to push the car more firmly, so that the children of Lao Qi's family in the car can feel more comfortable.

His daughter-in-law has taken someone else's carriage, and he can't let the children who can only ride in the wind-proof carriage, and now they can only enjoy the air-conditioning, suffer from the bumps.

Those of the same generation are just children.

After walking for another quarter of an hour, the village was on the hillside this time, and the village could not be seen from the official road. We could only judge from the group of men holding sticks on an upward mountain road that there was also a village above.

This time, the shouting people were gone, and many people didn't even look up, just walked their own way silently.

I was suffocating in my heart, and I understood the reason, but who would like to be treated like this?
A woman murmured softly to the man next to her, "When we get to the county seat, we'll pick up the cows too. They're decent. If you want cattle at a real price, we'll buy them too."

The man replied in a muffled voice, "Yeah."

The old lady Tian in the carriage was looking up the hillside with the curtain of the carriage behind her, and she was also very upset: I thought she was someone who pretended to be a rich old lady and was greeted and bowed by others. They still lead the two carriages?

Besides, if you want to be naha, it must be like the Wu Mansion in Sanhe Town. As long as they are not refugees, their clothes are the same as they are refugees, and they are rare.

Oops, no, I can't watch it, the more I watch it, the more irritable I get.

Then she worried about Qi Baoer.

(End of this chapter)

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