Doomsday bosses conferred gods in escape games

Chapter 182 "Happy House" 30

Chapter 182 "Happy House" 30
"Why should I trust you? You are all despicable adults, full of lies, we just believed in you so much that we ended up like this, do you think you are smart? There were many outsiders before you, and there were also people who treated us like this I said it, but they rebelled in the end, do you think I will still believe in your so-called well water does not violate the river water? There has never been a single outsider who has been able to leave here." Among the ghost dolls, the leader with the thickest black air The ghost doll said with a cold voice.

He didn't know how long he had stayed in this dirty and disgusting place, and he was used to the darkness and sinisterness of people's hearts.

In a word, he didn't believe them.

Xiao Chongshan: "Apart from us, you have no choice. We help you take revenge, and you send us away."

Ah Luo: "Xiao Chongshan, I'm hungry."

A Luo said so, but looked at the ghost doll and the others, and even Xiaoshan and the others in front of Xiao Chongshan felt stabbed in their eyes.

The scene was silent for a moment, all the ghost dolls stood aside, and the passengers also stood together.

a long time.

The voice of the ghost doll is immature: "How are you going to help us? Sincerity?"

Xiao Chongshan: "I'll help you find the dean, is that enough?"

Ghost doll: "Deal."

Xiaoshan: "We searched the entire orphanage, but we couldn't find them, and we don't know where they hid."

Xiao Chongshan: "There is a tunnel in the dean's office, you probably haven't looked for it, the most dangerous place is the safest place."

There is a tunnel for the ghost dolls to die, so the resentment is the heaviest there, and because it is a place of in vain death, the ghost dolls have never dug three feet into the road to their burial, and Dean Lin also It is precisely by using this point to hide here that the ghost dolls have not been discovered for so many years, and the passengers who keep entering the instance are also constantly consuming the strength of the ghost dolls, thus achieving a strange balance.

Xiao Chongshan believed that Dean Lin was neither human nor ghost, and was trapped here by the resentment generated by the ghost dolls in the copy. Xiao Chongshan at night saved the reporter's statement.

The time of the ghost domain is disordered. At that time, when the ghost doll has not yet come out, the orphanage once experienced such a segment. The reporter reported that he had unannounced an unannounced visit to the happy home orphanage, and the result was almost discovered. At that time, he I think the reporter's statement and the dean's situation are weird, but today he was in the Happy Home Welfare Institute as nonsense, and when he got married, he found an adult body. It is normal to find a body in the responsible person, but this is actually But there was a press card on it, and he went to the dean's office to verify it. Although the heir was so rotten that he couldn't see the original photo clearly, he had to check the two photos to know that it was not the same person.

So, the statement from the reporter he met that night was actually a ghost, no, it shouldn’t be said that way, to be precise, he was still human at that time.During the daytime, the orphanage is still the same orphanage where nothing happened, and at night, the orphanage is the orphanage where ghost dolls run rampant. Wang Ke, a social worker who is secretive but turns a blind eye, is all... a ghost.

The eerily pale face of the ghost doll suddenly seemed to be infused with a soul, splitting into countless large and small shadows, all of which swarmed and moved in a certain direction.

Half a quarter of an hour later, there was a scream from the direction of the dean's office, and then there were incessant screams. It was obvious that these ghost dolls had found the culprit—Dean Lin.But this is far from enough, Dean Lin is only one of the persecutors, and many others escaped, avoiding talking about what happened to the children of the Happy Home Welfare Institute, and erasing the traces of what he did to the children It was clean, but the traces were erased, but the victim still remembered it firmly, so, at that moment...

The grievances in the Happy Home Welfare Institute seemed to be empty, and there were grievances and debtors, and they went to find trouble for making them into such people.And among the crowd of dark souls, there are two muddy souls, ignorantly following the group of ghost dolls. It is the two reporters who were also killed by Dean Lin, and they are also ghosts seeking revenge. a member.

Ghosts exist because of their obsessions, so now they choose to release their obsessions, the orphanage is clean, and those ghost dolls tore Dean Lin's soul into pieces, making his soul a guide, Find those who have participated in the sale and purchase of children from the Happy Home Welfare Institute and the actual beneficiaries, and start your own revenge to get rid of obsessions.

For a long time, about two hours, the Happy Home Welfare Institute became brighter and brighter. Finally, a ray of dawn broke through the sky, and then the sun rose from the east...


[Task branch: Fulfill the wishes of the ghost dolls (accomplished)]

[Task: Survive until the end of the dungeon (completed)]

[Whether to choose the return train. 】

【whether. 】



[It is detected that the passengers are still connected to the copy, and are in a state of non-returnable train.Please solve the remaining problems of the copy, otherwise the rights will not be returned. The S-397 train will arrive in 36 hours. Passengers are asked to solve the remaining problems of the copy and end the remaining problems of the copy before the arrival of the S-397 train. 】

Everyone's tickets received a notification from the train, and Song Yuan was at a loss for a moment, "What is the problem left over from the copy?"

At this moment, many people came out of the house where the newcomer lived. It seemed that with the departure of the ghosts, the aftereffects left by the ghosts on them were all healed. Noticing the movement outside and the information of the ticket, they came out happily, Because they can go back to the train!

And hearing Song Yuan's words, a newcomer suddenly raised his hand weakly, "My ticket here shows that I can return to the train with the ticket."

"mine too."

"Me too."

"Mine is the same as yours." The only abrupt voice came from Ning Ning, and so far the tickets are divided into two categories. The obvious difference is that the identities of the two types of tickets in the copy are different, one is the adopter, and the other Is a social worker and other identities.

Song Yuan frowned: "So, we still have contracts with those ghost dolls."

Xiao Chongshan's thoughts moved.

A figure of a ghost doll appeared in front of him. Looking carefully, it was indeed Xiaoshan.

Xiaoshan, who was happy to take revenge with the big army: "..."

Xiao Chongshan: "I didn't leave, so the contract between me and you is about to be undone. The transaction between us, you should honor your promise."

(End of this chapter)

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