Chapter 27 Morse Castle 26
Then why not just pick a strong one that suits you.

and so--

"You are the best choice." The beauty girl said meaningfully.

Xiao Chongshan's tone was light; "You think highly of me."

The glamorous girl didn't answer, her eyebrows and eyes were full of arrogance, she had the same vision for men, except——

Thinking of something, the glamorous girl's eyes flashed a cold look, but it disappeared quickly. If Xiao Chongshan was not sensitive to emotional changes and kept paying attention to her, he would not have noticed it. However, Xiao Chongshan is not interested in other people's stories.

He weighed the pros and cons.

Just like those analyzed by the beautiful girl, it is not only applicable to her, but also applicable to him.

He and Song Yuan are only two people. If they really match up, no matter if they are against other old passengers or against the ghosts in the old castle, they will naturally be outnumbered.

Right from the start, he was ready to find someone to work with.

Xiao Chongshan nodded and asked people to come in, but before that he whispered something concisely to Song Yuan, the glamorous girl could probably guess what Xiao Chongshan said to his little brother, but it was just words to be on guard against himself.

"Have you agreed to cooperate?"

Xiao Chongshan didn't agree or disagree, and the glamorous girl didn't force him to make a decision, she walked directly into the cabin, and the four or five newcomers behind followed her step by step, her face pale and anxious, fearing that she would lose her life in the next moment.

They had just suffered a big loss under Xiao Chongshan and Song Yuan's hands, and now they are even more afraid of them.

When they entered the wooden house, they didn't dare to compete with the glamorous girls. It's a pity that several big men squeezed into a corner.

Seeing the glamorous girl is even more disgusting.

Especially under the comparison of Song Yuan.

She sighed, she thought about quality rather than quantity, and she thought that she had also achieved this, unlike Xue Wen's fake holy father who made a big wholesale, but in the end——

You still have to throw it away after shopping around.

Song Yuan was taken aback by the glamorous girl's look, and silently moved closer to Xiao Chongshan. He is not brother Xiao, but he cannot withstand the glamorous girl's schemes and attacks.

The glamorous girl made no secret of her dislike, the newcomers flinched again, and the unlucky guy who was knocked unconscious at the beginning also faintly woke up, thinking about yelling something loudly, and then was quickly covered by the people around him mouth.

"Umm—" What are you doing.

The man glared at the unlucky guy, trying to kill us.

It was already enough to be disliked. If they caused unnecessary trouble because of being noisy, they had no doubt that the beautiful girl would directly abandon them because they disliked their troubles.

"Do you have any ideas?"

"Things have been completely torn apart until now, and now when we meet those people, they will not be polite to us."

The beautiful girl raised her eyebrows, raised her chin, and faced the direction of the castle.

Xiao Chongshan looked at his watch.

BJ time: 16:30.

Judging from yesterday, the sun will soon set, and when night comes, it will be a carnival night of ghost slaughter.

He closed his eyes and rested his mind, ignoring the beautiful girl.

Neither agree nor deny.

The glamorous girl is not angry, if the other party agrees immediately, she will not dare to cooperate with him, don't worry, don't worry, the glamorous girl is very sure, Xiao Chongshan will cooperate with her.

She also closed her eyes and rested her mind. She is now a strong outsider, because she was cheated by Xue Wen last night. She suffered a lot and was injured. Quite a lot, there is still a fierce battle tonight, and she needs to recover her energy.

When the others saw this, no matter what they did or not until they calmed down, they followed suit.

During this period, the movement in the castle gradually subsided.

When he was completely quiet, Xiao Chongshan opened his eyes and looked at his watch.

BJ time: 17:26.

Through the small wooden window, he saw the sun outside hanging in the west.

The sun is going down.

He stood up, startling everyone at once.

In fact, everyone is closing their eyes and resting their minds. No one dares to sleep in this dangerous environment.

Xiao Chongshan walked out of the wooden house, and simply stretched his numb body, followed closely by Song Yuan.

"Go back together?"

The voice of the glamorous girl sounded from behind, and the newcomer she brought followed her obediently like a quail.

Xiao Chongshan nodded.

I don't know what's going on inside the castle now, so it's better to be together.

Always go back to see what happened in the castle, they can't stay here forever, and this safe house can't be safe forever.

As soon as I entered the castle, I saw two opposing forces.

Both sides looked over together, it was the butler Aibut and Xue Wenlin Jie and other old passengers.

Whoops, people gathered all at once.

The glamorous girl thought to herself that she had made a mistake, she should have waited until they finished fighting.

When Xiao Chongshan and the others arrived, the situation was instantly reversed.

There were corpses lying all over the ground, most of them were newcomers and there were quite a few male guards of the castle, especially the old, weak, sick and disabled around Xue Wen.

Now there are only a dozen newcomers left.

The old passengers were quite embarrassed, the man with the flower arm was injured on his hand, and the little loli was a little pale, holding her doll tightly in her hand.

Butler Abbott had a gloomy expression.

To Xiao Chongshan's surprise, among the remaining newcomers, the arm of the one named Li Xin was all cut off.

Butler Aibut stared at Xiao Chongshan firmly, and the pressure suddenly became tense.

The two sides froze, but after a while, the butler Abbott led the people away without saying a word. Everyone was relieved and at the same time raised their hearts.

Butler Abbott's last look did not mean to let them go.

When the sun goes down completely, it will be another tough battle.Not only do they have to face existences like the butler Abt, but they also have to deal with ghosts that only appear after the sun goes down.

Everyone didn't want to exchange pleasantries. After a fierce battle, they just wanted to recuperate and recharge their energy for tonight, so they went back to their respective homes and went to their respective mothers.

Xiao Chongshan refused the invitation of the glamorous girl, and he and Song Yuan went back to room number 4 to exchange information.

Before that, the two briefly checked other places in the castle. Many newcomers had died, and Song Yuan felt a little heavy. He told what he had gained this afternoon.

The two of them seized the time to eat, and the warm military self-heating rice entered their stomachs, which was a little more soothing, and Song Yuan felt that he hugged the right thigh.Don't you see that the newcomers who chose other old passengers were killed and injured.

What's more, the whole army was wiped out.

For example, the flower-armed man.

"Boom boom boom——"

There was a knock on the door, interrupting the communication between the two.

Xiao Chongshan and Song Yuan looked at each other, again?

"Who is it?" Song Yuanyang asked loudly, and he stood up.

As soon as the door opened, it was a man. Song Yuan was no stranger. They had stayed together in the safe house just now. Yuan envy, they are all newcomers, how did he get so miserable?

  This book is recommended for test water today, which is equivalent to a PK, which will last for three days. I hope the treasures can check in with tickets. Promise me, leave the tickets to "Big Brother", okay?
  Every new book has a 30-day new book period, and you can climb the new book list. It is really a good list. Xing Xingzi has the cheek to hope that everyone can take care of the growth of "Big Brother" and support "Big Brother" during these 30 days , thank you guys.

  There are thousands of good books.

  Everyone remembers that the rain and dew are all wet.


(End of this chapter)

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