Chapter 29 Morse Castle 28
Wait for a few more dungeons, if every dungeon is like this dungeon, Song Yuan feels that he will become abnormal sooner or later, so what's the point of being cold-hearted?Not a newspaper is good.

So, Song Yuan broke the can and broke it.

After cursing, Song Yuan felt refreshed.

"Li Xin": "..."

Xiao Chongshan: "..."

The "Li Xin" outside is completely dumbfounded, suspicious of the series of ghosts.

He was also a passenger in the past, and after he died, he was trapped here as a ghost.

After being a ghost for so many years, he was the only one who scared the rookie into screaming. This was the first time he had been scolded by the rookie.

No, are all newcomers this crazy now?
Song Yuan just felt extremely happy, and after the happy ending, he emo'd and went to the corner to shut himself up, he—does he still have an image?His senior elite image has collapsed.

Song Yuan didn't even dare to face Xiao Chongshan, for fear of seeing the other's surprised eyes.After all—the way he looked just now, it seemed that he was particularly unreliable.

Xiao Chongshan glanced at Song Yuan, "I thought you would hold back forever." To be honest, he was very satisfied with Song Yuan's performance.If it were him, he wouldn't do better.

He was able to stabilize because of his military service in the past, he had seen existences a hundred times more terrifying than this, and he had experienced even more terrifying things.

Especially their special arms, after each mission, they must receive counseling from a psychiatrist, but even so, many of his comrades are suffering from mental illness.

Even if cured, there are serious psychological trauma sequelae.

In this case, they have to retire because they can't control themselves and think calmly and rationally.

Companion sacrifice, betrayal, hostage death...

Forced to shoot his comrades, caught and tortured...

Xiao Chongshan once watched a comrade in arms drive him crazy, and the last bullet killed him. He will never forget the expression of relief on the other side's face at the end.

Obviously...they did nothing wrong.

There is also a recruit he brought out, a natural sharpshooter, the opponent always has a hippie smile on his face, but he is a very good soldier.

Quickly trained to do the task.

But after going through several missions, when Xiao Chongshan saw him again, he changed his appearance, no longer the sunshine and arrogance of the past.

His voice trembled: Sir, I can no longer aim at my target.

A sharpshooter, no longer on his target.

That is equivalent to - the swordsman has no knife, and the chef loses his sense of taste.

Xiao Chongshan was silent for a moment, he knew that this outstanding seedling brought out by himself had embarked on the same path as his predecessors - mental illness.

He remembered that at that time, he patted the other person on the shoulder, "Cooperate well with the treatment."

What else can he comfort?

He has mental illness himself.

It's just that the symptoms on the outside are not obvious, otherwise he would not be able to retire successfully.

Yes, in this group of them, every one of them is a master of hundreds of people, and they are proficient in various skills. When they are normal, they will be the sharpest knife and the strongest shield to protect the country and the people.

But when they are out of control, they become the greatest danger.

Therefore, those who are sick will be well taken care of, but their freedom will be restricted. On the one hand, they are for their sake, and on the other hand, they are for the sake of social stability and peace.

Sad and helpless.

Now, Xiao Chongshan looked at Song Yuan, as if he saw a second sharpshooter.

It's a good thing for him to vent his eyes, but it's easy to go crazy if he keeps it in his heart.

Xiao Chongshan's eyes were comforting.

Song Yuan was originally closed, but when he met Xiao Chongshan's eyes, his eyes suddenly turned red, the grievance suddenly flowed out, he was always afraid that he would be left behind.

He doesn't want to die.

Not at all.

But in this dungeon world, life is the most contemptible, if one doesn't pay attention, life will be gone.

So Song Yuan forced himself to hold on, not daring to show his fragility, for fear that he would be rejected and left behind. The death rate of the newcomers who were left behind was as high as 99.9%. How dare Song Yuan bet on the 0.01% probability? ?
He can appear in this damn dungeon world, can't he prove anything?

The more Song Yuan thought about it, the more wronged he became.

One couldn't hold it back—so a picture of a big man crying sputtered appeared.

Song Yuan: "Brother Xiao, you are my reborn parents."

He wiped his face: "I will definitely obey in the future, you must not abandon me."

Xiao Chongshan, whose legs were hugged, was expressionless: "..."

I don't really want such an unfilial son.

Xiao Chongshan was thinking, whether to kick Song Yuan or kick Song Yuan?
Heavy footsteps came from outside, interrupting the communication between Song Yuan and Xiao Chongshan. The other party had a clear purpose—room number four.

"Bang bang bang—" There was a slash at room No. [-]. The door of the room was made of wood. I don't know how many years it has been used. The tendency to strike.


Encountered this situation again.

Xiao Chongshan quickly made a decision, "Let's go."

Song Yuan was at a loss, and saw Xiao Chongshan nimbly took out the hemp rope and jumped down from the window nimbly.

Song Yuan: "!"

The pounding on the door outside became more and more violent, and the wooden door was crumbling.

"Why don't the guests open the door?"

"I agree to your credit transaction."

With a gloomy tone, it was Chef Bull.

"Bang bang bang-"

Song Yuan swallowed, Chef Boole was really the first one to come to settle accounts with him, how could he be the opponent of Chef Boole with his small stature?
He could already imagine the appearance of Chef Bull, who was wearing a white chef's clothes outside, knocking on the door with that heavy meat cleaver.

Song Yuan gritted his teeth, followed Xiao Chongshan's example, painted a ladle on a gourd, and jumped down with his eyes closed. After landing perfectly, the door finally couldn't support it, fell to the ground with a "boom," and left its working position .

Chef Bull held a large meat cleaver and found that the room was empty, with a thick hemp rope hanging by the window. It was obvious that the person had escaped not long ago. Chef Bull’s face was gloomy, and he searched around. With a heavy face, he cut off the thick rope and turned to go to other rooms.


There were screams from the next room.

There were hurried and frantic footsteps, accompanied by the sound of "bang bang bang" meat cleavers and cold weapons colliding, and screams.

After a while, the next room became quiet again.

The heavy footsteps continued to sound, and they walked to the next room.

Xiao Chongshan looked at his watch.

BJ time: 19:00.

The carnival night of ghosts—the massacre feast kicked off completely.The castle has completely changed its appearance, with murderous intentions hidden everywhere.

The door is destroyed, which means that the room is no longer a safe room. To be precise, there is no safe room in the castle, except——

Xiao Chongshan and Song Yuan thought of the cabin in the rose garden at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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