Doomsday bosses conferred gods in escape games

Chapter 57 The Lin family's old house 9

Chapter 57 The Lin family's old house 9
Song Yuan thought of the news he found, those people were dead, crazy, missing.Song Yuan looked calm on the surface, but there was a chill down his back.

If there are ghosts, there must be ghosts, and there are still a lot of ghosts. There are so many ghosts that there may be several square dances.

Song Yuan thought numbly.

"Here, here, let's take a closer look." Xiao Chongshan sorted out the complete geographical layout of the old Lin family's house, among which there were several highlighted places, and he focused on those places.The sealed attic where the woman lived.

The garden and pond between the east and west districts.

Dry well in the backyard servants' quarters.

The scholar's courtyard in the front yard.

And the blocked courtyard in the East District...

Song Yuan noticed that these are very dangerous places marked in red.

"These places need to be focused on. The risk factor is very high. You must pay attention to safety. Summon your companion spirit when searching. The abilities of those things in the early stage are limited, and your companion spirit is enough to deal with it. And that Abt I remember that it can also cause certain damage to evil spirits, in short, don't be brave, your own safety comes first." Xiao Chongshan explained.

He can't do many things by himself, after all, he is only one person, and Song Yuan also needs to grow up.

Song Yuan calmly responded.

He also knew that Brother Xiao was training himself to grow. He was not a person who didn't know what was good and what was bad, and he knew what was best for him.

As for the companion spirit, Song Yuan thought of the companion spirit that he was "unlucky enough to explode" and picked up after Brother Xiao, and sighed faintly. It's just the one in his family. It's not stupid enough for others to tear it back and forth.

If you encounter a horizontal one, you may be able to slip faster than the other.Think about your strongest skill - escape.

Song Yuan's heart became heavier.

He can only hope that his own one can hold it up and hold back those things.

Song Yuan comforted himself, the spirit follows the master, and he is such a three-legged cat, he has no right to despise his family's companion spirit, many people wonder if there is one, he should be content.

Thinking of this, Song Yuan couldn't help but quietly looked at the delicate little red umbrella in Xiao Chongshan's arms, which was motionless as if it was a dead thing, his eyes were full of envy, when it would be great if his family was as powerful as Brother Xiao.

Song Yuan thought of something, and said very seriously, "By the way, Brother Xiao, I went to look for Mr. Lin in the afternoon, but I couldn't find him. I think I can get more information from him, but it's a little bit hard to find someone now. tricky."

Xiao Chongshan nodded, and marked down two characters in the notebook, Lin's second son, and the old mayor—Lin Guoquan.

"Mayor?" Song Yuan was puzzled.

But in an instant, Xiao Chongshan's thoughts came back to him. As the mayor of Ping'an Town, he must be very familiar with the affairs of the town.

What's more, the old mayor is a native of Ping'an Town, and he is the longest-lived person in Ping'an Town. He may know more than Lin Laoer, but the problem is how to get the information they want from the old mayor.

Xiao Chongshan reviewed everything and began to think about it.

First of all, the dungeon task is to eliminate grievances.

So whose fault is it?Who is to blame?Servants and guests who died for no reason must have grudges.Who is the bride?Who is the groom?how did they dieWhy can't even the bones be found?How did the guests and servants die?

Song Yuan listened carefully, asking questions and adding details from time to time.

According to the news that the Lin family married a daughter, the bride must be the daughter of the Lin family, who is also the owner of the attic. The owner of the sugar shop told me a detail. At that time, the Lin family's daughter was the only child of the Lin family's generation, and she was very favored. .

But why did the Lin family hold a wedding banquet at the Lin family when they married their daughter?Isn't it usually done by the man?unless--"

Xiao Chongshan said the answer lightly: "It's recruiting a son-in-law." This is also related to the scholar's courtyard in the front yard, which is obviously a young man. After all, there were no young male masters in the Lin family's generation.

"That should be the groom's original residence." Song Yuan suddenly realized, yes, only such an explanation is logical.

In ancient times, when a large family had no male heir to carry on the family line, it was also a normal thing to recruit a daughter-in-law to inherit the family business.


Why did it cause such a tragedy that almost all of the Lin family was wiped out?

Or at the wedding banquet, what kind of enmity is this?
Xiao Chongshan tapped the table with his slender fingers, "As the groom's identity, he is a scholar. The ancients pursued a family and a career. The head of the Lin family can't recruit a son-in-law casually, at least—"

Song Yuan calculated the date.

Combine the information he got.

He discovered a reality, "That year happened to take the Juren examination."

But... What's next.

If things don't go up or down, they get stuck here.

Song Yuan felt a little guilty, the amount of information he collected was too little.Xiao Chongshan didn't say anything, Song Yuan is a novice on the road, it's not bad to be able to collect these.

"Dong dong dong."

The door was knocked.

The person who came was the last of the old passengers next door, with an honest and honest face, and introduced himself as Lao Hu, "I think you will need these."

What Lao Hu sent was a copy of the information they got from the old mayor. Song Yuan was very surprised at the speed at which they obtained the information. From him, I got news about the old house of the Lin family, which is almost taboo in Ping'an Town.

Xiao Chongshan noticed an important point.

The old mayor is also surnamed Lin. The old house of the Lin family has been abandoned and haunted for so many years and has not been demolished.

"They are really good."

Song Yuan was dumbfounded.

He subconsciously asked the other party how he did it, but the other party just smiled and said nothing.

Looking at the expression of the other party, Xiao Chongshan knew that the method used by the other party would not be too "gentle". He has been engaged in those jobs in the dark for so many years, and he has experienced many interrogation methods. As long as the methods are in place, almost no one can escape those methods. Inquiry.

Oh, those who can escape those interrogations are dead.

The same is true of death—by suicide.

Apparently, the old mayor had a strong desire to survive, and in the face of death threats and the safety of his life, any taboos and rules naturally had to be put in the back row.

Moreover, the old passengers will get more dungeons, and their hearts will only become more cold-hearted. In addition to their rich experience, they will also have more good things in their hands.So Xiao Chongshan was not surprised that they could get this piece of information from the old mayor.

Song Yuanshu is inexperienced, and his three views are very righteous, his heart is not cold enough, and he has not been beaten by enough people in a society with bad hearts, so he has not changed his bloody thinking.

The intrigue, social beatings that Song Yuan encountered before, and what he would encounter when he entered the dungeon would definitely not be of the same nature.

The latter is fatal.

(End of this chapter)

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