Doomsday bosses conferred gods in escape games

Chapter 83 The Lin family's old house 35

Chapter 83 The Lin family's old house 35
Song Yuan understands the truth.

It is difficult to implement.

Song Yuan resisted the urge to tremble, glanced at the "scarred face" next to him, hold on, hold on, or he will become the prey of this evil ghost!
As Xiao Chongshan walked, he felt that the surroundings suddenly became quiet. It was still the old Lin family house, but everyone around him disappeared.

He frowned and thought about how to break the situation.

This is the haunted realm of the ghost bride Lin Ronger. To break the game, she must find the ghost bride Lin Ronger and her bones. They must be hidden somewhere here, but where?
"Xiao Chongshan." A voice interrupted Xiao Chongshan's thinking.

He looked forward, and "A Luo" stood not far away holding a small red umbrella, with a dissatisfied tone.

"Xiao Chongshan, why are you in a daze? Come here soon?"

Xiao Chongshan hesitated for a moment, then stepped closer, and the girl walked over dissatisfied at the same time, "What's going on? Where have you been? Why can't I find you anywhere——"

The girl accused Xiao Chongshan.

Xiao Chongshan looked at her fixedly.

A Luo walked in front of Xiao Chongshan, stretched out her hand to pull Xiao Chongshan, "Why do you—"

Then the sound stopped abruptly.

I saw a dagger stuck in the heart of the girl's chest, and it was inserted very deep. A Luo looked at Xiao Chongshan in disbelief, "Xiao Chongshan, why?"

Xiao Chongshan withdrew the dagger without any intention of sympathizing with her, and said in a cold voice with undisguised killing intent, "Don't look at me like that in her face."

As soon as the voice fell, the girl "A Luo" turned into green smoke with a "wow", and "A Luo" didn't know how she was exposed until she died.

Xiao Chongshan retracted the dagger.

How could he not recognize her?

That was the throbbing engraved in the soul, he would not mistake everyone but Ah Luo.

Xiao Chongshan knew that he had fallen into the illusion of the ghost bride, she peeped into his memory, so countless "A Luo" appeared in the illusion, Xiao Chongshan killed them one by one without blinking, without any hesitation because of that face half point.

This kind of invulnerability made the ghost bride who was watching in the shadows look gloomy, this Xiao Chongshan was too tricky.

On the other side, Song Yuan led "Scarface" to find Xiao Chongshan.After walking for a long time, "Scarface" got a little impatient, "You must have misread it, right? Brother Xiao isn't here, right?"

Song Yuan was stalling for time, his mind spinning rapidly thinking about countermeasures, he froze for a moment when he heard this, and said calmly, "How could it be?"

"My eyesight is 5.0."

He dealt with the "scarred face", observed the surrounding situation, judged the escape route and success rate, and then Song Yuan found out in despair that he had no way to escape, even if he ran away, he couldn't find a place to hide without being discovered. What's more, he couldn't sneak under the nose of "Scarface", and he couldn't escape him at all.

"Scarface" looked unhappy.Looking at Song Yuan's eyes began to change, if he can't find Xiao Chongshan, then eat him first.

The greedy appetite was about to be overwhelmed, Song Yuan could feel the strong gaze of the "scarred face" behind him, and countless cold sweats broke out on his back, knowing that the other party's patience was gradually exhausted, and he might turn his face at any moment and reveal his true colors, Then ate him.

Song Yuan was a little desperate, facing "Scarface", he had no ability to resist at all, even if he took out his crutches to fight him desperately, it was just a meaningless struggle before death.

How to do?
How to do?
How to do?
Song Yuan quickly thought about the countermeasures, and suddenly saw a person standing not far in front, his eyes lit up, "Brother Xiao, I'm here."

The eyes of "Xiao Chongshan", who felt the breath of a living person, were full of greed, and seeing Song Yuan running towards him, his eyes were even more excited.

Song Yuan quickly rushed to "Xiao Chongshan", gasping for breath, "I'm exhausted, Brother Xiao, I finally found you."

Song Yuan stopped, thinking that he had really found Xiao Chongshan, but the next moment he keenly noticed that something was wrong with "Brother Xiao", the "Brother Xiao" in front of him gave him a feeling of "scarred face" just now.

Song Yuan probed calmly: "Is the wind blowing and the water cold?"

"Xiao Chongshan": "..."

It's not easy to be a ghost these days, you have to get full marks in Chinese, right?

"Xiao Chongshan" knew that among these living people, they knew that this place was a ghost domain, so each of them had secret codes to confirm each other's identity.

But this can't help him, "Xiao Chongshan" got stuck for a moment, "The strong man will never return once he is gone."

"Xiao Chongshan" is complacent in his heart, I am the most educated ghost in a radius of two miles, this can't help me. "Xiao Chongshan"

I just feel that I have successfully deceived Song Yuan.

Song Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, with a look of surprise on his face, "The password is correct, Brother Xiao, I finally found you."

In fact, Song Yuan is not well at all, the secret code is the correct answer, but——

He and Brother Xiao didn't set any password at all, they separated too quickly, there was no time to set a password!So the "Brother Xiao" in front of him is also an evil ghost.

Song Yuan's body was stiff, and he felt that he could hardly control himself, and his sweaty clothes were drenched with sweat.

"Xiao Chongshan": "What's wrong with you?"

"Xiao Chongshan" clamped Song Yuan's hand, so that there was no possibility for him to escape. Song Yuan's heart was broken. He had just left the wolf's mouth and entered the tiger's gate again. How could he be so unlucky.

"Song Yuan, what are you doing so fast?"

A voice sounded, and Song Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up. It was "scarred face". He pretended to be excited, and opened his mouth, "Brother Peng, I found Brother Xiao!".

"Scarface" rushed over dissatisfied.

When he saw "Xiao Chongshan", he was stunned for a moment, coupled with Song Yuan's words, what else did he not understand, the "Xiao Chongshan" in front of him was also a fake, but just like him, he had deceived Song Yuan. "Scarface"'s eyes instantly turned bad, Song Yuan was his prey! "Xiao Chongshan" also realized something, and looked at "Scarface" with murderous eyes.

The two were on one side, their eyes were facing each other and fighting, their anger was getting heavier and heavier, and there was a sense of tension that the two of them would fight to the death in the next moment.

This guess is correct.

Evil ghosts don't pay attention to sharing food, they are domineering and selfish, and the evil ghosts are also each other's food. Evil ghosts can strengthen themselves by devouring their own kind.So now that "Scarface" and "Xiao Chongshan" collided, it actually gave Song Yuan some room to breathe.

Naturally, the two evil spirits would not let anyone else, coveting each other's soul and body.

"Scarface" looked gloomy, and warned concisely: "I came first."

"Xiao Chongshan" sneered, and mocked: "Are you out of your mind? You've become a ghost, so why do you pay attention to the rule of first come first come first? Isn't it all about whoever has the biggest fist is in charge?"

(End of this chapter)

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