The farmer has a mall

Chapter 1021 Why bother

Wuchen was arrested, Sun Cheng was also brought back and imprisoned, Wuming Temple was also implicated, and many monks were interrogated and questioned.

Fortunately, except for a few leading monks who were close to Wuchen on weekdays, no one else was suspected. After their identities were found to be unsuspicious, they were all released.

Li Mi recovered quickly from his illness, and the next day he could put on his coat and lean on the bedside to review memorials.

He looked at the thick basket of memorials and felt worried.

These excerpts were all about Wuchen and others. What troubled him the most was that most of them were about the treatment of Concubine Yan.

It's not that he still couldn't bear to let Concubine Yan go, and he didn't want to punish her, but the child in Concubine Yan's belly was the problem.

Many courtiers believed that the child should be demoted to a commoner and sent out of the palace to avoid causing trouble.

Li Mi couldn't bear it.

A child is innocent, let alone an unborn fetus. It seems unfair to be convicted while still in the mother's body.

However, he could not ignore the opinions of the ministers.

Li Mi rubbed his brows and saw his cheap brother sitting across from him, drinking tea leisurely, looking carefree and carefree, and he suddenly became unbalanced.

"Why does the palace lack your cup of tea? Why can't you help me with some advice?"

Li Mi was furious, blowing his beard and staring at Li Yi with the memorial in his hand.

Li Yi looked at him sideways, "Brother Huang has grown up. He should learn to do his own thing, fill the holes he dug by himself, and deal with the troubles he caused. There is nothing I can do for you."

Li Mi: "..."

Li Mi's eyes widened in disbelief.

"When did I get into trouble? I don't know how honest I have been during this period...and what you said is what a younger brother should say!"

What do you mean he has grown up? He has grown up a long time ago, okay? In a few years his gray hair will grow out!

"Isn't Concubine Yan caused this by the emperor's brother?"

Li Yicai was not afraid of him and would destroy him mercilessly.

"I told you to deal with Concubine Yan as soon as possible. If you insist on keeping her around to cause trouble, Yan'er will run to the palace again and again. She is not your wife, so don't feel bad for her."

He is reluctant to take care of his wife, but he has too many things to do.

Li Yi looked unhappy and made up his mind to ignore his brother.

Li Mi fell back angrily.

So the last sentence is the key point. Sure enough, as the old saying goes, this guy forgot about his mother when he got a wife... No, he forgot about his brother!

"You know you care about your wife, but you don't care about your imperial brother and me?"

Li Mi deliberately coughed a few times, intending to ignite the brotherhood between his brothers.

"You didn't realize that I'm still sick. Can you help me give me ideas and share the pressure? Can you save some meat?"

"Yes." Li Yi replied without hesitation.

"Yan'er said that it's easy to lose weight if you use too much effort on your brain, and everything you eat will be in vain. It's not easy for Yan'er to support his family, so he can't mess with it like this."

Therefore, Yaner never uses his brain to solve things that can be solved with fists.

His wife is really a good woman who is diligent and thrifty in running the house!

Li Yi grinned smugly, smiling like an idiot.

Li Mi felt dizzy for a while, feeling that his younger brother was dead in Gu Nanyan's hands.

Seeing that his brother was about to be angered, Li Yi finally found a little bit of conscience.

"If you ask me, this matter is not difficult to handle. When Concubine Yan gives birth to the child, just give it to a lower-ranking concubine to raise him. When he grows up and knows about his mother, if he is sensible, forget it. , if you are ignorant and insist on seeking justice for his mother, just find a remote place and send him away far away. Even if he imitates King Jing and supports his troops with self-respect and has evil intentions, it is not your responsibility to take care of him."

By then, their generation will be old, and with his royal brother's temperament, he may have already passed the throne to the prince.There is no emperor in the past dynasties who has never experienced brotherly feuding. This should be Xu'er's experience.

Li Mi thought it made sense, frowned and thought for a moment, then asked uncertainly: "This is a good idea, but Nan Yatou made harsh words before leaving the palace and said she would never let Concubine Yan go. Can she agree?"

"Yan'er is not a narrow-minded person, how could she not even let go of a child? What she hates is Concubine Yan doing something to Xu'er."

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, Xu'er has been implicated, and this is what Yan'er can't bear.


Following the imperial decree, Wu Chen, Sun Cheng and others were sentenced to death, and the Prime Minister's Mansion was also implicated. After all, both Sun Cheng and Yan Fei were members of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Sun Shuyu was demoted three levels in a row and was placed in the Ministry of Rites as a small minister, which could be said to have returned to his original shape.

Concubine Yan was also dealt with, and Li Mi decreed that she would die after she gave birth to the child.

After Gu Nanyan heard about it, she originally wanted to go to the palace to add insult to injury. Unexpectedly, before she could enter the palace, Concubine Yan was frightened after hearing the decree and gave birth prematurely.

When Gu Nanyan rushed into the palace, Concubine Yan had only one breath left and her body was covered in blood.

When he saw Gu Nanyan, Hui Bai's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had seen a savior.

Aunt Jin cried and knelt in front of Gu Nanyan, desperately begging her to save her master.

Gu Nanyan looked at the hatred mixed with Yan Fei's expectant eyes, and she would be foolish to save someone who hated her so much.

She glanced around the room and didn't see Dou Bi, who was supposed to be guarding here, so she asked the guard guarding the door.

"Doctor Dou fell down on the way here and fainted. He had already been carried back home and was unable to come." The guard said respectfully.

The corner of Gu Nan's cigarette mouth twitched.

Why didn't she know when Dou Bi was so fragile that he could faint even if he fell?

She knew in her heart that Dou Bi didn't want to save anyone. Otherwise, if he had been there, it would have just been a premature birth with heavy bleeding, and it would not have killed Concubine Yan.

Gu Nanyan didn't intend to save her and was about to leave, but was stopped by Concubine Yan with a hoarse voice.

"Gu Nanyan...are you going to die without saving me?"

She took a few quick breaths, her eyes fixed on Gu Nanyan.

"Sooner or later, you're going to die, so why bother with it again? You won't have to suffer more."

Gu Nan didn't even return the cigarette butt, and his face showed neither sadness nor joy.

Even if she rescued her now, she would be drunk with poisoned wine by the guards at the door in less than a quarter of an hour, and she would be carried to a mass grave with her intestines and stomach broken.

The kind of pain that is worse than life is not comparable to what it is now.

"You...can't...let me go?" Yan Fei's voice became weaker and weaker, as if she might die at any time.

"I...can't help it, I can't help but live under someone else's roof..."

She gasped a few more times, which seemed particularly clear in the quiet palace.

"If I don't listen to him, I won't even be able to enter the palace."

The person she was talking about was Sun Cheng.

Sun Cheng was very ambitious and knew how to be patient, so he had already set his sights on Concubine Yan.

Even the matter of letting her enter the palace as a concubine was his instigation, and the purpose was obvious.

But everyone has helpless times, and you don’t necessarily have to commit crimes and harm others to get over this hurdle.

Concubine Yan was just as ambitious as Sun Cheng. One wanted power, the other wanted glory and wealth. The two hit it off. In Gu Nanyan's opinion, there was no one who looked up to the other.

"The death decree has nothing to do with me, so why should I let you go?"

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