The farmer has a mall

Chapter 1023 1 Family

Considering the relationship between Dou Bi and herself, and considering the behavior of her second brother Gu Yunze at the Yushitai, Gu Nanyan felt that Dou Bi was completely confident!

It's good. She feels relieved knowing that he is using his power to bully others.

At least when she wasn't here, no one would dare to cause trouble with him in the pharmacy.

"Tomorrow I want to go back to Shangshan Village to visit grandma."

It's been a long time since she last saw Mrs. Liu. Although Mrs. Liu is now literate and her grandfather and grandson often communicate with each other, there are very few opportunities to meet.

Li Yi nodded: "I'll go back with you. I happened to buy some seeds of exotic flowers and herbs from a traveling merchant a few days ago, and I sent them to grandma by the way."

Mr. Liu now has no shortage of food and drink, and his only hobby is growing flowers and farming, so Li Yi can be considered suitable.

He was able to think so thoughtfully, even taking care of Mrs. Liu, whom he rarely met, which made people feel warm.

Gu Nanyan looked at him with a smile, and the two looked at each other speechlessly.

The atmosphere is warm and quiet, like an old couple living in seclusion. Even the Huhu family who are having fun in the distance are infected by this atmosphere and are quietly nurturing each other.


When the two returned to Shangshan Village, the village chief and the whole village came to greet them with a respectful attitude.

Gu Nanyan knew that these villagers were afraid of Li Yi's identity and couldn't let go, so just like the last time he came back, he had people bring the gifts to the village chief's house, and the village chief distributed them, then dismissed everyone , went straight to home.

"Gu Yatou is really thoughtful. She has become a princess and still thinks about the big guy. She brings so many things every time she comes back." Tian Shi, the village chief's daughter-in-law, sighed.

"Why are you still calling me Gu Yatou? You should be called Princess." The village chief scolded her with a straight face, but his eyes were full of joy.

"I told you last time, and I can't change it. Be careful of the prince blaming you."

"My prince is not as narrow-minded as you. I can see it. He is very obedient to our girl Gu. He never goes west when he says he wants to go east. He makes the dog dare not chase the chicken. He is a completely good man."

After Tian said this, she gave the village chief a disgusted look: "It's not like you, who fights against me all day long."

"It's not that bad. Our family is quite obedient, but compared to other princes... tsk tsk."

Ma Dazhuang's wife, who was pulling a cart at the entrance of the village, glanced at her man with a meaningful expression.

Ma Dazhuang made a big fuss.

He is tall and strong, and he is not a soft persimmon outside, but he is unexpectedly afraid of his wife. People in the village always make fun of him about this.

The onlookers burst into laughter as they watched Gu Nanyan leave, chatting and laughing as if they were celebrating the New Year.

Gu Nanyan and Li Yi walked side by side on the country road, sighing at the changes in Shangshan Village.

The houses in the village have all been renovated, and every household is a brick house with a single-door courtyard. The road under your feet is no longer a dirt road that makes holes every step of the rain and snow, but a smooth and smooth cement road.

Because Gu Nanyan opened an academy in the village, the environment of the village has also improved. Green plants are spread all over the bamboo forest, which is very artistic.

Maybe it's because when school is over, scholars wearing cloth robes and holding books can be seen everywhere, walking together in twos and threes, reciting poems, talking and laughing, which adds a lot of literati style to this village.

At first glance, it looks clean and peaceful, and it really feels like a paradise.

"Yan'er is a great talent." Li Yi sighed.

Shangshan Village alone is no worse than the capital, let alone the entire Mingshan City, which is changing rapidly.

"It's just based on the experience of predecessors. People's livelihood and well-being are good, everyone has food to eat and books to read, and prosperity will naturally arise." Gu Nanyan said modestly.

Li Yi smiled and said nothing.Having said that, this is indeed the case, but whether it can be implemented depends on the ability of the people in power.

His Yan'er is the real talent for governing the country!

It's a pity that she doesn't want to be the emperor, otherwise his brother would be willing to give up the throne to her.


Mrs. Liu seemed to be overjoyed when she heard the news that her precious granddaughter was coming back. She stood waiting at the door early in the morning, pacing back and forth like an ant on a hot pot, looking at the village entrance from time to time, stretching her neck.

In the end, the nun beside him couldn't stand it any longer, so she dragged Gu Nanyan back to the main room to wait on the grounds that the elder personally welcomed the junior Yu Gu Nanyan, who had a bad reputation.

"You and the prince are both very busy, what are you doing here?" Mrs. Liu scolded, holding Gu Nanyan's hand tightly and not letting go.

"I'm going to sea in a few days. I don't know how long it will take before I can come back. I'm here to see if Grandma is lacking anything. If there is anything, I'll ask someone to arrange it."

Gu Nanyan's voice was soft, like a soft and pretty little girl. She pulled Mrs. Liu to sit down, and she moved a low stool to sit at Mrs. Liu's feet.

Mrs. Liu glanced at Li Yi uneasily, and thought about giving Li Yi a gift, but he stopped her with quick eyes and hands.

"Grandma, just call me Yi'er as before. We don't have that many rules in our family."

"How can that happen? I, a country woman, didn't understand the rules before, but if I do that now, I'm knowingly breaking the rules." Mrs. Liu refused and insisted on getting up to greet her.

She now knows how to read, and has read a lot of books. She knows that wealthy families have many rules, especially the royal family, and they must be cautious in everything they say and do.

She didn't want to lose her etiquette and embarrass her granddaughter, who would be looked down upon in her husband's family.

Well... although so far she has never seen anyone give a hard time to her sweet grandson.

Ms. Liu has a stubborn temper, otherwise she would not have abandoned her family and career and insisted on taking her out to live alone because Xiao Nanyan was bullied at Lao Gu's house.

Seeing that he couldn't defeat her, Li Yi had no choice but to give Gu Nanyan a look asking for help.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows in a leisurely manner, gave him a look that said you had to figure it out, and then let go of Mrs. Liu's hand to watch the show.

"Does grandma not regard Yi'er as a family member?"

Seeing that asking for help failed, Li Yi resorted to his trump card and started to pretend to be pitiful.

He stepped forward to support Mrs. Liu, and said with hurt eyes: "You didn't have so many rules when you were in the Gu family in the capital. I heard that you and Mrs. Gu were called sisters. How come you have so many rules here at Yi'er?" ”

He sighed, his tone was quite low, and his expression changed as quickly as turning the pages of a book.

"It seems that I haven't done well enough, so grandma dislikes me."

Liu: "..."

Mr. Liu was at a loss for a moment.

She does get along very well with Mrs. Gu. The Gu family has few rules and the juniors also respect her, but that's different!

"How often has Grandma ever disliked you? Grandma loves you as much as her own grandson, so how can she dislike you?"

"Then don't have so many rules. Yi'er has no elders around him since he was a child, and he loves his grandma as his own grandmother. How can a grandmother give gifts to her grandson?"

"Aren't you sincere in making your grandson sad..."

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