The farmer has a mall

Chapter 1025: Kneel down and worship

It was halfway through the palace banquet, and the ministers were in a state of drunkenness, gathering money and chatting with each other.

Everyone had relaxed and comfortable smiles on their faces, as if today was not a celebration of Zhuang Xing Wine, but a celebration of Gu Nanyan's return after victory.

Gu Nanyan dismissed the ministers who came to wish her a triumphant return, picked up the wine glass, and strolled to General Gu's table.

"Grandpa, my granddaughter will be setting off on an expedition in the near future. I apologize that I cannot be filial to my grandparents. I hope that my grandparents will take care of themselves."

"I only hope that my granddaughter can live up to the honor of the Gu family, live up to the expectations of my grandfather, live up to the trust of the soldiers, and do my best to bring every soldier back to his homeland, even if the other soldier has died."

Having said this, Gu Nanyan paused, held the wine glass with both hands, and pushed it forward.

"On the day when he returns from victory, Gu Nanyan will once again fulfill his filial piety in front of his elders and father!"

After she finished speaking, she raised her head and drank the wine in the glass. After drinking, she wiped the remaining wine stains from the corner of her mouth with her sleeve.

Her movements were as clean and neat as flowing clouds, and her eyes were bright and resolute.

It's as if you are already on the battlefield, and the next moment you will cut off the enemy's heads to pay homage to the fallen heroes!
Her every move was watched, and the moment she opened her mouth, people could already hear it in the palace.

Seeing her like this, the ministers and family members who laughed at Yan Yan fell silent.

It's not that they didn't take the expedition to heart, but Gu Nanyan was too powerful. They took it for granted that she would win the battle, so they relaxed and just treated it as an ordinary palace banquet. .

Now that they saw Gu Nanyan's solemn expression, they remembered that every war is cruel and kills people. Even if Gu Nanyan won the battle, those soldiers who died in a foreign country were still alive. It can never come back.

The atmosphere of the banquet suddenly dropped. Even Li Mi, who was still dragging Li Yi to talk, quietly returned to his seat.
Gu Yao looked around and was satisfied with the impact on his granddaughter.

It has to be said that his granddaughter is really a little expert at destroying the atmosphere, so that these so-called important ministers who sit high in the court and have no experience of the hardships of the people and the suffering of the soldiers can understand.

Even if his granddaughter is invincible on the battlefield, a war is by no means something they can easily talk about and laugh off!

"Grandpa believes in you."

Gu Yao stood up and walked around the table to Gu Nanyan and patted her shoulder.

He was wearing silver armor today. Although he was old, he was still tall and tall, like an unshakable mountain in front of the petite Gu Nanyan.

However, his movements were extremely gentle, and his eyes looking at his granddaughter were full of love.

"Don't worry, your grandmother's body has been well restored by you, and your grandfather is still in good health. When you return, he will be in good health to welcome you in triumph at the city gate."

Although he was reluctant to give up, Gu Yao still endured and said these words.

His mother was worried when his son traveled thousands of miles away. As an elder, how could he, a grandfather, rest assured that his son was traveling thousands of miles away to fight.

Mrs. Gu beside her was already in tears.

She endured it all the time, not wanting her granddaughter to see her worry, and never said a word from the beginning to the end.

As soon as her husband's words came out, she finally couldn't help but her eyes turned red.

The eldest aunt Guo was busy comforting her mother-in-law, but she herself was not much better, frequently wiping the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief.

As a biological father, Gu Shen is relatively silent.

He sat there in silence, drinking glass after glass of strong wine.

I don't know if he drank too much, but Gu Nanyan faintly noticed that the corners of his mouth were trembling.Gu Nanyan pursed her lips.

The matter of going on an ocean expedition was actually not a big deal at all for someone who had once torn apart mechas and dared to confront battleships.

Therefore, she never paid much attention to it and treated it with a normal attitude.

But she suddenly realized that she seemed to have ignored the Gu family's feelings.

Perhaps because the distance between the palace and the Gu family is so close, you can go back anytime and anywhere, so looking back at home has become a dispensable thing.

She did not fulfill her promise when she got married that she would go home frequently to visit her family.

In addition, every time she saw the Gu family, they were all smiling and happy, which made her ignore the worries hidden behind these smiles.

Facing the aunt who kept wiping her tears, the grandmother and father who tried hard to hide their emotions, and the grandfather and uncle Gu Qing who were restrained and forbearing.

Gu Nanyan's throat was sore, as if something hot and fiery was stuck in his chest, and it would spurt out in the next moment.

She moved her fingers, lifted up her robe, bent her knees, and knelt down for the first time in her life.

"Nan Yan is unfilial, please take comfort in me, elders. I will definitely return victoriously from this trip, without any injuries, and come back to see my grandparents unscathed."

"As you know, Nan Yan never talks big. If he promises, he will definitely do it!"

She solemnly promised, with convincing power in her voice. It seemed that as long as she promised, she would really be able to get back every hair.

"Grandpa and grandma believe in you, good boy, get up quickly."

Madam Gu finally spoke up, and with a trembling tone, she took her eldest aunt to help Gu Nanyan.

This child has always been reserved, and this is the first time she has seen such an emotional side of her granddaughter.

Gu Shen wiped his face and joined the support team. The family gathered together, and the atmosphere was so warm that people couldn't bear to break it.

Gu Nanyan simply did not return to his seat, and had another chair moved to sit between Mrs. Gu and Mr. Guo. He carefully ate the dishes brought by the two of them, turning this grand banquet into a family joy. family dinner.

Seeing the harmonious family atmosphere of the Gu family, everyone present was inexplicably envious.

Sun Shuyu, who was demoted from his official position and sat alone at the end of the banquet, was in a trance for a while.

It's no wonder that all the children of the Gu family are promising. Such a harmonious family cares for their children no less than anyone else. How could a child who grew up in such an environment do anything wrong?

Sun Shuyu drank a glass of wine, hoping to wash away the grief over the death of his eldest son.

His wife was distraught and did not go to the banquet. Originally, he should not have come, but today was the Zhenbei Army Naval Camp's grand departure banquet. As a father, he should come to see his son off.

He looked at his depressed second son who was sitting in front of him and behind Gu Yunge, and couldn't help but feel lucky in his heart.

After all, there is one son who has not gone astray and has become a deputy general in the Zhenbei Naval Battalion. I only hope that while taking care of himself during this trip, he can make military exploits to make up for the sins his brother committed.

As for the eldest son who has committed suicide...

Sun Shuyu closed his eyes amid the interplay of lights, and two lines of clear tears slowly fell down his cheeks, which had become as pale as an old man in just a few days.

I just hope that he can be a healthy and upright person in the next life. He does not seek wealth and wealth, but has a clear conscience... that is enough.

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