Chapter 207
Ning Zongqing squinted his eyes, only glanced at the bronze medal, and then refocused his gaze on the person opposite.

He looked at the woman in common clothes, turned his eyes around her chest, and grinned evilly.

Then he stretched out his big hand, grabbed the woman's arm and pulled her over from the opposite side.

The melon, fruit and wine on the table were scattered all over the floor, and the sound of the broken porcelain just covered her exclamation.

Ning Zongqing put his head on her neck and took a deep breath, his eyes fixed on her face.

"As expected of my good sister, Qu Zifeng was so confused in a short period of time that she didn't even know that the token she carried was gone."

He laughed twice, his voice piercingly cold, and approached her with his head lowered.

Ning Zhen turned her head to avoid his approaching lips, her eyes were full of disgust.

"The things have been given to you, I can go."

When Ning Zongqing heard the words, his evil smile instantly sank.

He stared at her gloomyly for a while, then suddenly reached out and grabbed her hair.

"Why, are you really attracted to that kid?"

His tone was very dangerous, as if she dared to say yes, and he dared to cut her neck.

Ning Zhen felt a sharp pain in his scalp, and couldn't help but hum softly.

"I'm just a little unwell, and I just want to go back and rest for a while."

Ning Zongqing stared at her, as if to make sure what she said was true.

After a while, he slowly let go of his hand and let go of the restraint.

"Since you're not feeling well, go back early and remember to ask the doctor."

He looked at Ning Zhen with a playful expression, as if he had seen through her thoughts.

"Also, don't go out today. After this matter is over, I'll send someone to pick you up."

Ning Zhen lowered his head and hummed softly, then left the private room without saying a word.

She stood at the door of the restaurant, looking up at the sky in a daze.

His expression was blank and numb.


In the Weiyang army camp, Ning Zongyuan was sitting at the head with a gloomy face.

The generals below looked at each other, but no one made a sound.

"Before I left Beijing, I promised that I would take Mingshan City within a month, but now it's more than half a month away, but I haven't even taken a single county seat."

He looked at several people with heavy eyes: "Do you have anything to say?"

Several generals were silent.

Seeing this, Ning Zongyuan became even more angry, picked up the teacup on the table and smashed it to pieces.

"Are you all deaf!"

His chest heaved violently, and the expression on his face was a little ferocious because of anger.

"My Weiyang Army has 30 troops, but we can't even break through a small county town. What's the use of you trash!"

Not to mention the siege of the city, they suffered losses in the two consecutive raids. Although the Zhenbei Army also suffered casualties, their losses were far less than theirs.

He transported all the siege equipment of the entire Weiyang Army. His original intention was to take down Wuyin County in the shortest time to demonstrate his strength and hit the hearts of the Zhenbei Army.

But who knows, the Zhenbei army failed to attack, but his siege equipment turned into a pile of waste!
If this matter was reported back to the capital, wouldn't Ning Zongyuan become the biggest joke in Anyang Kingdom!

Thinking of this, the veins on his forehead twitched, and he felt a tight breath in his chest.

Seeing his angry face turning blue, a fair-faced teenager in his 20s below hesitated for a moment, stood up and saluted Ning Zongyuan.

"The general calm down, but the subordinates have some ideas." Ning Tianlu said calmly.

Ning Zong glanced at him from a distance, and took a deep breath to suppress the depression in his heart.


His tone eased a lot.

"The subordinates have analyzed the two battles in private, and the Weiyang Army did not lose unjustly."

Ning Tianlu smiled lightly, his thin red lips hooked slightly.

Everyone who had just breathed a sigh of relief heard the words, and their hearts were raised again in an instant.

Sure enough, the next moment Ning Zongyuan's somewhat relaxed face darkened again, squinting his eyes and staring at Ning Tianlu closely.

"Oh?" His tone was inexplicable.

"You're talking about how it's not wrong."

Ning Tianlu was not afraid of him, but stepped forward two steps and said loudly:

"After returning to China, Marquis Yongle wrote a letter to the emperor about what he saw in Jianan, and he mentioned something called Tianlei."

He walked to Ning Zongyuan's desk, picked up a brush, dipped it in ink, and drew a few strokes with the brush, and a pattern of thunder from heaven appeared vividly on the paper.

He put down the brush, dried the ink and handed it to Ning Zongyuan.

"This is drawn by my subordinates from memory, and it roughly looks like this."

Then he took out a half-knuckle-sized piece of iron from his sleeve and handed it over.

"I picked it up during the battle with Gu Shen."

Ning Zongyuan frowned and took the iron sheet, comparing it with the iron can drawn on the blueprint.

"You mean, the weapon Gu Shen used in these two battles that can tear people apart is the sky thunder mentioned by Marquis Yongle?"

"Not bad!" Ning Tianlu said.

"Back then, Marquis Yongle warned repeatedly, and even went straight to the emperor's bedroom after hearing that the Fourth Highness agreed to the general's expedition, intending to stop him, but the general didn't listen to him, and only regarded him as nonsense."

"But now the facts are in front of our eyes, our army suffered heavy losses from this thing, which is no different from what Yong Le Hou said in the palace that day."

He looked directly at Ning Zongyuan, with a faint smile on his face.

"This is because the general underestimated the enemy, that's why the subordinates said that Wei Yang's army did not deserve to lose."

As soon as Ning Tianlu said this, there was a gasp in the military tent, and everyone was sweating for him daring to accuse Ning Zongyuan of such a bold behavior.

However, he himself looked openly at Ning Zongyuan, who had a storm brewing in his eyes.

"It's a serious crime to question the general before the battle. If you say these words, aren't you afraid that I will drag you out and kill you?!" Ning Zongyuan asked him with a straight face.

"Not afraid." He shook his head.

"The general is the most powerful general my subordinates have ever seen. You will never blame me for telling the truth, because..."

He looked at Ning Zongyuan with admiration in his eyes, and his fair face became brighter and brighter.

"The general will become a generation of famous generals passed down through the ages, and he must understand the meaning of the words "loyal words are harsh to the ear and good to do" better than others!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the tent fell silent, and everyone looked at Ning Zongyuan who was sitting at the head.

Ning Zongyuan's face was gloomy, he stared at him for half a cup of tea, and when everyone thought he was going to get angry, he suddenly laughed lowly.

His laugh was low and cheerful, and it grew louder.

"Well said!" Ning Zongyuan patted the table and said.

"As expected, you are a descendant of my Ning family. I will... appreciate your courage!"

He glanced around at the others, as if examining them, and finally turned his gaze back to Ning Tianlu.

"This matter is indeed the general's mistake, but it is useless to mention it now."

He briefly mentioned the matter, and asked: "These outrageous things you said today are not just to stimulate this general, right?"

"Well, what do you think?"

Ning Tianlu pursed his lips and smiled, with a little star in his eyes.

"The general is indeed wise, and his subordinates do have some ideas."

Ning Zongyuan heheed twice, looked at him with a smile and waited for the next sentence.

"Everyone, have you noticed that the Zhenbei Army has such powerful weapons, but they didn't take the initiative to attack, but just defended. Isn't that strange?" He looked at the soldiers below and said.

"As far as I know, Gu Yao always likes to confront the enemy head-on and rarely uses tricks."

"But this time, for the first time, Gu Shen staged an empty city scene, and asked Gu Shen to lead everyone to attack from the rear. This is a dangerous move!"

Ning Zongyuan frowned, and nodded in agreement.

"It's really weird."

Before he came, he ordered someone to collect information on all the wars that Gu Yao had participated in in recent years, and he still had a certain understanding of this person's behavior style.

Although Gu Yao is also resourceful, he prefers to use force and morale to defeat the enemy. He can be called an out-and-out warrior.

He looked at Ning Tianlu and asked, "What do you mean?"

Ning Tianlu sneered and narrowed his eyes.

"The subordinates feel that all these phenomena are connected together, which makes people have to doubt..."

"The Zhenbei Army is probably just bluffing!"

(End of this chapter)

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