Chapter 213
Gu Nanyan tilted his head and looked at him for a while, Ning Zongyuan's nervous palms were sweating as he looked straight at him.

After a while, Gu Nanyan suddenly grinned, revealing a row of thick white teeth.

"Courage," she admired.

Then he untied the gun from his waist and threw it at his feet, with a leisurely tone.

"Today, I will play with you well!"

Since she came to this world, for some reason, her strength has become stronger and stronger, and she often can't hold back her strength when she makes a move, causing serious injuries, so now she can basically do it without making a move.

And the gun on her waist was just for self-defense.

In addition, she was really tired, and she would never move a fist if she could move a finger, so she hadn't exercised for a long time.

She stretched her limbs, and there was a clicking sound at the joints.

"Xu Shun, cover the sun!"

She extended one hand to the side, opening it in the direction of the kamikaze team.

Xu Shun quickly approached with the carriage, and opened a two-meter-long box on the carriage.

The green dragon knife that had seen the light of day refracted dazzling light in the sun, and the hot wind blew through the sharp blade and let out a soft howl.

Ning Zongyuan's face turned pale instantly.

As the number one expert in Anyang country, he naturally has research on weapons.

When he fought against Gu Yao before, he could see that the knife was a bit unusual.

When Gu Yao hit his long spear, he was able to cut a large gap in the handle of the spear made of refined iron!
That's why he picked up Gu Yao's big sword later, in order to prevent the successive counterattacks from causing damage to his weapon again.

Although Gu Nanyan's knife has a strange shape, the material is clearly the same as the one Gu Yao used before!

And judging by its sharpness, it is probably even stronger than Gu Yao's.

Gu Nanyan took Zheri, her white fingers were held in the middle of the handle of the knife, and the tip of the knife pointed at Ning Zongyuan.

"Come to fight!"

Her voice was clear and loud, echoing on the battlefield.

Ning Zongyuan snorted coldly.

Although this weapon is not bad, but with his strength, he can't be defeated by a little girl, which is ridiculous when he thinks about it.

So he didn't hesitate any longer, and with a flick of the spear in his hand, he went straight to attack Gu Nanyan.

His figure was extremely fast, and his feet kept changing, as if an afterimage was approaching him instantly.

Gu Yao watched from the sidelines in shock, and before he could say "be careful", he saw Gu Nan raise his arm calmly.

She blocked the attack with the blade, and pushed Ning Zongyuan away with only ten percent of her strength, and then lightly stroked his arm with the blade.

Before Ning Zongyuan could react, he felt a flash in front of his eyes, and a line of blood slipped from his eyes accompanied by something as thin as a cicada's wing.

He let out a scream, covered his arms and quickly backed away, gritted his teeth and looked at Gu Nanyan.

Since learning martial arts, he has never been injured again, even on the battlefield, no one has hurt him.

Unexpectedly, a piece of flesh was cut off by a little girl today!

And it only took one move!
Gu Nan's face was calm, and he retracted to cover the sun.

"Come again!" she said.

Ning Zongyuan's eyes seemed to be eating people, and he rushed towards her again with a roar.

This time, he was faster, his feet soared into the air, flew over Gu Nanyan's head and landed behind her.

He wielded the spear as if he had come alive, piercing Gu Nanyan's back heart like a swimming dragon roaring.

"Miss Nan, be careful!"

Gu Yao was really shocked now, he knew that Gu Nanyan didn't know light work at all, and he had to use a ladder to climb a roof on weekdays.

How could she react to Ning Zongyuan's jump now!

Gu Yao's eyes were tearing and he wanted to step forward to help, but the distance was too far, and the point of the gun was less than an inch away from Gu Nanyan as soon as he stood up.

Ning Zongyuan grinned with a cruel smile, and his subordinates exerted force instantly, trying to penetrate Gu Nanyan.

Just when he was complacent and thought he was going to succeed, Zhe Ri was suddenly blocked by Gu Nanyan's shoulder, and the gun head hit him with a clang.

His bump didn't make Gu Nanyan move a bit, but his arm went numb as if he had hit a wall.

Then Gu Nanyan took the shade as the axis, turned around and turned to face Ning Zongyuan, and swung the saber again in a coherent movement.

This knife cut on his thigh, and the flesh twice as big as before was cut off.

She still had the same unmoved expression, as if she was feeding someone, she looked at Ning Zongyuan who was howling on the opposite side with a serious expression, and the corners of her mouth slightly opened.


Gu Yao: "..."

He looked at the granddaughter with the cold light in his eyes, his eyelids twitched, lowered his head and slowly sat back to his original position, and helped Gu Yunge who had lost his support and almost fell down.

The grandson is relatively weak, so he should concentrate on taking care of him. As for Gu Nanyan...

I just beg her not to beat people to death so hard!
After all, Ning Zongyuan's status in Anyang Kingdom is still very high, and it is estimated that he can exchange a lot of cities.

After more than a quarter of an hour, Ning Zongyuan's clothes were completely stained with blood, and his armor was also in tatters.

At this time, the surrounding soldiers had already stopped, and they all stared blankly at Ning Zongyuan, who was covered in blood, and Gu Nanyan, who was standing straight.

"The number one expert in Anyang is nothing but a false name." She mocked and returned the words to him.

Ning Zongyuan was already unconscious from the pain, but he was still very angry when he heard this, and his blood flowed even more under the excitement.

"The general refuses to accept it!" He stabilized his shaking body with a spear, weakly.

"If there hadn't been the three-hour battle before, I might not have lost to you."

"I don't care if you accept it or not." Gu Nanyan said leisurely.

"Continue to fight if you have the ability, I will accompany you!"

Ning Zongyuan almost vomited blood, and wanted to say something, but Gu Nanyan plunged into the tent.

She asked Ashlan to carry Gu Yunge in, ready the things for the operation, and then there was no movement.

Gu Yao, who was waiting outside, simply wiped the blood from his body, Xu Shun hurriedly took out the medicine from the carriage and bandaged him.

Ning Zongyuan was tied up and thrown to the ground, and the wound on his body was oozing blood again when the rope was strangled, but no one helped him heal the wound.

The main general was arrested, and Wei Yang's army was instantly sluggish, standing in place in a daze, not knowing whether to continue the fight.

At this time, an old man with gray hair but only wearing ordinary wooden armor walked up to Gu Yao and bowed deeply.

"I, Murong Qing, pay my respects to General Gu." His back was hunched, and his figure looked rather thin.

Gu Yao was stunned when he heard the words Murong Qing, carefully sizing up the old man in front of him, and then his eyes widened in shock.

"You are... Weiyuan General Murong Qing?!"

Gu Yao quickly helped him up and looked at him in disbelief.

"Why is the old general here?"

Back then, the Weiyang army was famous, and he was lucky enough to meet old general Wei once, and got a lot of advice from him. It can be said that Gu Yao's current fighting style was taught to him by old general Wei.

And Murong Qing was the No.1 subordinate of General Wei back then!
But now...

Gu Yao looked at his gray hair and his face, which was about the same age as him, but shriveled like tree bark, with sour eyes.

"Old man, after hearing that General Wei passed away, you resigned and returned to your hometown. Why did you appear on the battlefield again?"

Murong Qing stood up, smiled wryly and shook his head.

"The old man has always been in the Weiyang army and never left."

He is personally carried by General Wei and is one of his hardcore supporters.

After the death of the general, he was completely disillusioned and disappointed with the court and the emperor, so he handed in his resignation.

But how could the narrow-minded emperor let him go!
On the surface, he agreed with a pleasant face, but in private, he let the Ning family's dog thief throw him into the Weiyang army. When there was no war, he would clean the toilet for the lieutenant soldiers, and when there was a war, he would be the vanguard to charge into the battle.

If it weren't for his own extraordinary martial arts and good at the art of war, this old life would have been gone long ago.

He is not afraid of death, he just feels worthless for the general.

After the death of the former prince, various forces competed for power. The current emperor is just a prince with a humble birth mother and no power, and has never been looked down upon.

But by chance, a girl from the Wei family met him, and the two fell in love, and General Wei noticed him.

(End of this chapter)

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