The farmer has a mall

Chapter 239 Filial Piety

Chapter 239 Filial piety (plus four)


Gu Nanyan let go of her hands and stood up, took the wet handkerchief Liu Zhenzhen handed over and wiped her fingers.

"It will take three hours to please An?"

Seeing her movements out of the corner of Xu Yingying's eyes, she felt humiliated. The perennial pampering made her reflexively want to lose her temper, but Gu Chengguang, who knew her very well, grabbed her by the sleeve.

Xu Yingying's eyes were red, she bit her lower lip aggrievedly and explained:
"Yingying is just acting on behalf of her parents-in-law to show her filial piety to her grandmother."

Gu Nanyan nodded thoughtfully: "You are worthy of being a scholarly family, and you know how to be filial."

"Since that's the case, it's not easy for me to stop you, so let's do it."

Gu Nanyan said coolly: "From tomorrow onwards, you will live with me every day. You will serve grandma at night and wash up in the morning. Let me take a good look at it, how did you do it for your unfilial His parents-in-law are filial."

Gu Nanyan's words were like thunder, and Xu Yingying was stunned.

She lost her mother since she was a child, and Mr. Xu felt that he owed her a lot, so he never let her do rough work.

After marrying into the Gu family, because of her aunt who was found by the servant, even if Gu Laifu and his wife were dissatisfied, they never forced her to work.

How can a person who doesn't touch the sun with his ten fingers serve others!
She wanted to refuse, but seeing Gu Nanyan looking at her quietly, she dared not say the words that came to her lips.

After leaving Gu Nanyan's house, Xu Yingying couldn't help but burst into tears.

Gu Chengguang walked ahead without saying a word, and didn't talk to his heartbroken wife who was crying.

He had warned her a long time ago that the relationship between Gu Nanyan and their family was not harmonious, including Liu Shi, who had already broken off their relationship with their Gu family.

But as if she couldn't hear him, she ignored his words and leaned closer to Mrs. Liu.

Now that it was in Gu Nanyan's hands, apart from being helpless, Gu Chengguang felt dissatisfied with this wife who had worked so hard for him for the first time.

Seeing that Gu Chengguang ignored her, Xu Yingying felt even more aggrieved, and began to wonder if it was wrong for her to marry the Gu family.

The two returned to Gu's house with different thoughts, and saw Gu Mancang sitting at the door, smoking a pipe.

Gu Laifu leaned on a cane and his daughter-in-law Sun also stood inside the door and waited anxiously.

Seeing the two of them coming back, Mrs. Sun rushed to meet them.

"Well, did she make things difficult for you?"

Mrs. Sun looked her son up and down, and was relieved to see that he didn't seem to have been beaten.

Gu Nanyan's character of attacking at the slightest disagreement left a shadow in her heart, and she reflexively felt that her son might be beaten.

Seeing that both of them are fine at this time, the hanging heart finally let go.

"Mother-in-law, younger sister... the princess asked me to live with her from tomorrow, and serve grandma as a filial piety for you."

Xu Yingying was so wronged that her eyes were red with tears.

Mrs. Sun was startled when she heard the words, and then she said angrily: "Go, just go, who told you to go there."

When they knew that Gu Nanyan was the concubine of the General's Mansion, they were still a little cautious, thinking of getting some benefits.

Later, she was beaten several times by the village chief, and the news came that she was named a princess. Even the county magistrate often came to help take care of her planting base.

Only then did the family understand what a princess of a country means, and they became honest.

When Gu Chengguang got married a while ago, they sent letters to Mrs. Liu, but it was just for fun. They never expected Mrs. Liu to come back so far.

However, when she came, the Gu family was naturally very happy.

Although Mrs. Liu only attended the wedding banquet as a guest, the Gu family didn't dare to say anything.

After the wedding banquet, Mrs. Liu left without saying hello to them, and even when she met an enemy, she ignored them.

The Gu family thinks that this is actually quite good, at least they didn't settle accounts because of the past.

Otherwise, with Gu Nanyan's current status, who would dare to care if they were all killed?

But this new daughter-in-law, for some unknown reason, insisted on rushing to get in front of people.

Gu Chengguang persuaded her several times to no avail, and she didn't listen to her in-laws, and they didn't bother to care about her anymore.

After all, she just went to talk to Mrs. Liu, although she didn't know what they said, but she couldn't talk for a day and nothing would happen.

The Gu family thought well, but they didn't know how stupid Xu Yingying was!

They didn't realize something was wrong until Gu Nanyan returned to the village yesterday and the servant next to Liu came to pass the message.

But no matter how they asked, Xu Yingying insisted that she was just gossiping with Mrs. Liu.

Naturally, this couldn't appease their hearts, but now that Xu Yingying didn't tell the truth, there was nothing they could do.

So after the two passed by today, the family waited anxiously at the door until they came back.

Xu Yingying originally thought that her mother-in-law would share the same hatred with herself and sue Gu Nanyan for her behavior. Although it had no practical effect, it could make her feel better.

But who would have thought that Mrs. Sun actually showed a tone that she deserved it!

Looking at her grandfather who was smoking a pipe without saying a word, and her father-in-law who was also silent, Xu Yingying broke down and burst into tears again, pushed away a few people and ran back to the house.

Mrs. Sun rolled her eyes at her back, and gave her son a hand: "You have to tell your daughter-in-law not to make that ancestor angry, otherwise our family will not have a good life."

Not to mention anything else, if the villagers' protection of Gu Nanyan really offends her, why don't the whole village wear small shoes for them?
Gu Chengguang naturally understood this, he reassured Sun, and went back to his new house to comfort his wife.

Gu Laifu, who had been taciturn all this time, looked at his father and said hesitantly: "You said that girl...I mean the princess, what does she mean by this, she probably wants to deal with us."

Ever since his leg became lame, he has become a lot less timid. Ever since Gu Nanyan came back yesterday, he was even more frightened and didn't sleep all night.

Gu Mancang tapped the smoke pot on the wall, and stood up while leaning on the wall.

Ever since Mrs. Liu reconciled with him, his body has rapidly deteriorated. At this moment, he looks like an old man bent over, stumbling over the threshold, and walking towards his own room.

"Princess let her go, just do your filial piety for you, when she returns to the capital..."

Gu Mancang's footsteps paused, his voice a little hoarse.

"I'll never see you again in this lifetime."


At the urging of Mrs. Sun on the second day, Xu Yingying packed her luggage and went to Gu Nanyan's place.

At the beginning, she still took chances, feeling that her intentions had not completely failed, at least she lived under the same roof with the princess every day, and had many more opportunities to get along with each other.

Thinking of this, the grievance in Xu Yingying's heart instantly turned into motivation, and she became more attentive when serving Mrs. Liu, especially when she was in front of Gu Nanyan.

But within a few days, she was no longer in the mood to play tricks.

Because Gu Nanyan not only asked her to serve Liu Shi up at night, but also asked her to clean Liu Shi's toilet!
That's not all, when Mrs. Liu was eating, she had to stand and help her prepare vegetables, and when she was taking a nap, she had to fan her and repel mosquitoes.

Even when she was taking a walk, she had to hold an umbrella for Mrs. Liu to shade her from the sun!
It was the first time that Xu Yingying felt what it meant to be tired. She tossed and tossed behind Mrs. Liu every day, with blisters on the soles of her feet, but she still had to endure her filial piety.

She wanted to escape back home all the time, or go directly to her mother's house to hide.


She dare not!
Because Gu Nanyan not only asked Nanny Qu to monitor her every day, but also gave her a small horsewhip. Whenever Xu Yingying dared to get impatient or lose her temper with Liu Shi, she would whip her on her legs.

Although Nanny Qu's hands were light, it was enough to leave a light red mark on her delicate skin.

Not only that, Gu Nanyan also threatened her.

If she dared to run home, she would immediately write a letter to the emperor, announcing her unfilial deeds to the world, not to mention that she lost her reputation, even her uncle's family would be cast aside!

Of course, this was just what Gu Nanyan said on purpose to scare Xu Yingying, but Xu Yingying took it seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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