Chapter 246 It's You Who Is Tricking (Add Eleven)

Gu Nanyan arrived three days later.

Since she didn't bring many people with her, the city guards let them all into the city and arranged for them to live in a post house in the capital.

She was arranged in a separate courtyard, only one door away from Ning Zongqing's room. The kamikaze team patrolled alternately for twelve hours, protecting the two's residence tightly.

Li Yi did not enter the city with them, and he separated from Gu Nanyan outside the city.

Although he didn't know what he was going to do, Gu Nanyan didn't stop him.

A group of people stayed in the post house, and Emperor Anyang didn't call them into the palace for several days.

Gu Nanyan was not in a hurry, so she went out for a walk to buy some local specialties as snacks.

Liu Zhenzhen became even more uneasy since entering the gate of the capital.

Originally, he wanted her to sleep in a room alone, but she insisted on being squeezed into the same room with her and sleeping on a small couch outside.

Gu Nanyan just let her go.

But she often woke up in the middle of the night, and went to see her before she even had time to put on her coat.

For Gu Nanyan, whose five senses are stronger than others, Liu Zhenzhen's movement naturally cannot be hidden from her.

Seeing that her mood was becoming more and more tense day by day, Gu Nanyan had no choice but to give her some tranquilizing medicine, which made her more stable.

Five days later, Emperor Anyang finally summoned her into the palace.

The fourth prince Fu Lang came to greet her.

The moment he saw Gu Nanyan, Fu Lang was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help frowning.

"The princess looks familiar."

After the crown prince was lifted, he often met with her, and when he saw her, he immediately noticed the similarities between the two.

Gu Nanyan originally didn't want to talk to him, but he stared at her unceremoniously, which made her very unhappy.

But before she could say anything, Liu Zhenzhen stepped forward and stood in front of her.

"The princess is a golden branch and a jade leaf, please respect the fourth prince."

Her voice trembled when she spoke, obviously very frightened.

Fu Lang glanced at her displeasedly, and snorted coldly at her.

"A little maid dares to teach me a lesson. This is the first time I've seen such an unruly girl."

As a prince, it was the first time for Fu Lang to be taught a lesson by a servant, so he was naturally unhappy.

But I remembered that before leaving the palace, my father repeatedly asked him to treat the princess with courtesy and leave a good impression on her.

Although Gu Nanyan hurt his uncle and caused chaos in the Ning family, but thinking of his father's meaningful expression, he felt as if he had realized something, and he couldn't help being excited.

He pulled out a self-styled smile at Gu Nanyan.

"If the princess doesn't have any suitable servants, why don't you ask me to arrange a few for you, so that you can serve such unruly things by your side, so you don't have to lower your status as a princess."

Gu Nanyan pulled the trembling Liu Zhenzhen behind her, and looked back at him expressionlessly.

"The fourth prince is really considerate. Since you say so, I can't help but accept your favor."

Although her voice was cool and not sharp, she seemed to be easy to speak.

Fu Lang smiled with satisfaction. Although the princess's face displeased him very much, she represented the entire Jianan Kingdom, and she was also the leader of the kamikaze team.

If she can be included in the bag, it will undoubtedly be a powerful boost, not much worse than his uncle.

Seeing that her character is not as weird as in the legend now, and she does not reject him, Fu Lang was pleasantly surprised, but at the same time, there was a little bit of disdain in his heart, but he didn't show it.

"I don't know how many people the princess needs, I'll let someone arrange it." He asked softly, looking at Gu Nanyan with tenderness.

Gu Nanyan grinned as he watched, and managed to avoid hitting him in the face with a fist.

"Fourth Prince, you are welcome. I don't have much to do here, as long as there is one person."

Fu Lang was surprised, and just about to ask if there were too few people alone, he heard Gu Nanyan speak quietly.

"I heard that General Ning Xianfu has nothing to do at home. I have always been kind-hearted, and I don't dislike his lack of arms and legs. Let him come over."

After all, when Fu Lang was still in a daze, he added: "Fourth Prince, don't worry, I will definitely ask someone to arrange some jobs for him that can be done with one hand, and will not make things difficult for him."

Her expression was very serious, and she made a promise swearingly, but it provoked the fourth prince to be furious in an instant!
"You dare to play tricks on me!" Fu Lang gritted his teeth, and took a step forward to stare at Gu Nanyan.

If it wasn't for her identity, she might have done it long ago.

"It's you who is playing tricks." Gu Nanyan didn't think it was a pestilence, but took a step forward in a very leisurely manner.

"I'm someone you can teach me a lesson. Didn't your stupid father tell you before leaving the palace, don't make me angry?"

She squinted her eyes and said in a serious tone. She reached out and grabbed his arm, and threw him to the ground with a backhand throw over her shoulder.

With a bang, the ground was full of dust.

Fu Lang was still in shock at Gu Nanyan's audacity, that he dared to scold his father for being a fool in front of so many people, and the next moment he felt dizzy, and his back hurt.

Seeing this, the guards who followed him drew out their knives and surrounded him.

The leader was a member of the Ning family, and he directly ordered Gu Nanyan to be taken down.

"The princess is so arrogant in my Anyang country, she dares to hurt our prince, it's really bold!"

Gu Nanyan didn't even look at the person who spoke, and looked down at Fu Lang lying on the ground with lowered eyelids.

The kamikaze team behind her stepped forward a few steps, separated on both sides, and aimed their guns forward in full readiness.

"I thought that the stupid gentleman called me to come here to give money, but I didn't expect that I misunderstood."

She grinned, hid behind the kamikaze team unceremoniously, and gestured to Ashlan.

After receiving the order, Ashlan led his men and quickly surrounded the crowd, raising the gun in his hand as if ready to shoot at any time.

Seeing this, Fu Lang instantly turned pale.

He knew that these black boxes were a very powerful weapon, and they played a big role in his uncle's defeat in her hands.

Before Gu Nanyan arrived, Fu Lang suggested to the emperor to unload their weapons before letting them enter the city.

But the emperor looked at him like a fool, and did not agree to his proposal.

Now being pointed at by a bunch of black muzzles, Fu Lang remembered his father's instructions before leaving the palace.

"This girl is eccentric and irritable. The emperor must treat her with courtesy and not underestimate her. Otherwise, the emperor may not be able to save you in time."

He was surprised at the time that his father, who had always been aloof, would be so cautious, but he didn't take his words to heart.
After all, this is Anyang country, and he didn't believe that the princess of a mere country would be so arrogant that she would act recklessly in other people's territory.

But he forgot that the woman in front of him is not only a princess, but also the leader of the Kamikaze Battalion!

The scene was quiet, and a man standing in the middle of the imperial guards, with a white face and about 50 years old, stood up with a dry smile.

"Princess, calm down, the fourth prince is just joking with you, don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously."

Gu Nanyan squinted at him, and at a glance he saw that the man in casual clothes was an eunuch.

"I don't think it's funny." She said blankly.

Eunuch Xu wiped the cold sweat off his forehead in embarrassment, and said with a smile: "The miscellaneous family is the emperor's personal eunuch, the princess can call me Eunuch Xu."

Gu Nanyan didn't speak, and Eunuch Xu complained endlessly, lamenting that he had received such a hard job.

At the same time, he secretly scolded the fourth prince for being stupid and unaware.

"Your Majesty the Fourth Highness will report to the emperor truthfully what happened to the princess, and he will definitely give you an explanation, but..."

He carefully glanced at Gu Nanyan, seeing that she didn't respond, he thought for a moment and said:
"It's just that the emperor is still waiting in the palace now, princess, do you think you should come to the palace with the miscellaneous family to have an audience first?"

(End of this chapter)

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