Chapter 254
Ning Zongyuan pondered for a moment, then set his eyes on Ning Tianlu who had been silent all this time.

"How does Lu'er think about this?" He asked softly.

Ning Tianlu stood up and saluted him respectfully.

"Nephew does have some ideas."

He looked at Ning Zongyuan with a smile in his eyes.

"I know the general is afraid that the Ning family will be tricked by others, but no matter what, the most important thing now is to save my uncle. Even if the price is higher, as long as the military power is still in the hands of the Ning family, these things will always come back .”

Ning Zongyuan nodded, agreeing with his words very much.

"What you said makes sense, but many of my Ning family's properties were built by my grandfather's generation. If I send them away, I'm afraid it will not be so easy to get them back intact." This is his The most important thing.

Ning Tianlu smiled, and said very indifferently: "Then the general will not touch those properties."

"My nephew heard that when the Wei family collapsed, they left a lot of things behind. Some shops looked glamorous, but in fact they not only didn't make any money, but also put money into them every year."

"The general might as well take this opportunity to throw out these difficult things."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ning Guifei, who was sitting opposite, sneered.

"I think you have any good ideas, those bad shops are so poor that everyone knows, who would foolishly pay for some money-losing goods?"

If it weren't for the fear that they would be eaten by insects and ants after a long time, and the loss would be more worthwhile, she would have wanted her elder brother to close them down!
Ning Tianlu didn't care about her sarcastic tone, instead he curled the corners of his mouth, and Ning Zongyuan's eyes warmed up when he saw that young and evil expression.

"Lu'er, don't be so secretive. If you have anything to say, just say it. Have you forgotten that you and I still have important things to do?"

He emphasized the last word, implying something.

Ning Tianlu, who understood what he said, couldn't help but blush.

"What my nephew means is that although many people know the situation of those shops, it is really not easy to sell them, but Gu Nanyan, who is the princess of Jianan Kingdom, doesn't know about it."

"We can use the price of a shop with a better business on the same street to offset it to Gu Nanyan."

Ning Zongyuan agreed very much when he heard the words, he turned his eyes away from Ning Tianlu and looked at his sister.

"What does the imperial concubine think of Lu'er's proposal?"

Although Ning Guifei still looked down on Ning Tianlu, she did not object to his words.

"A woman in this palace doesn't understand these things, and everything is up to the eldest brother." She laughed.

Ning Zongyuan nodded. According to Ning Tianlu, the Wei family's property, which was originally less than one million yuan, can be worth two million taels of silver.

In addition to the original 400 million taels of cash in his hand, it is enough to add another 100 million taels.

After receiving the answer, Concubine Ning put down a big stone in her heart, and gave Ning Tianlu a good look in a rare mood, and then walked away.

Only Ning Zongyuan and Ning Tianlu were left in the study.

"Second sister is spoiled, Lu'er, don't be as knowledgeable as her."

Seeing Ning Tianlu staring out the window with rapt eyes, Ning Zongyuan only thought that he was dissatisfied with Concubine Ning's attitude.

He sighed, put down the booklet in his hand that recorded all the properties of the Ning family, and pulled Ning Tianlu, who was standing behind him, into his arms.

Ning Tianlu came back to his senses, and laughed lowly: "My nephew doesn't dare, the imperial concubine is the emperor's woman and the general's younger sister. Tianlu knows that his status is low, so how dare he care about it."

After saying that, he broke away from Ning Zongyuan's embrace, sat a little further away from him, poured a cup of tea and drank it himself.

"You said you weren't angry. You wouldn't call me General when you and I were alone on weekdays." Ning Zongyuan rubbed his temples, as if he had a headache.

"Although you are the eldest son of the concubine, you are also from my Ning family, so why is your status so low!"

When Ning Tianlu heard this, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The general knows better than anyone how I, the eldest son of the concubine, got here." He said sadly.

"It's just that you were kind enough to pick me up from the street."

Ning Zongyuan had a headache even more when he heard the words, and hurriedly stood up and walked in front of him, taking Ning Tianlu who was still sitting on the chair into his arms.

"I knew you were thinking about this again. When did this general despise your background? Who in the Ning Mansion dares to look down on you!"

He paused when he said that, thinking of his sister's disgusted eyes, he frowned slightly.

"Next time she comes over, you just hide away, after all, she doesn't come back often in the palace."

Ning Tianlu buried his head in his arms, still not speaking.

It was only then that Ning Zongyuan noticed his abnormality, only kept letting go of his left hand, and held his chin with his hand, seeing two lines of tears streaming from his usually smiling eyes, he couldn't help being startled.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked with some distress, and took out a veil from his arms to wipe his tears.

"If you're really angry, I'll tell Second Sister when you turn around and tell her, why are you crying?"

Seeing that Ning Zongyuan, who always likes to put on a straight face, was in a hurry, Ning Tianlu couldn't help laughing.

The way he was crying and laughing made Ning Zongyuan very helpless.

"Can you promise me one thing, general?" He looked at him with clear eyes that were still full of tears, begging in his tone.

"Lu'er wants to see that foreign princess again."

His words successfully made Ning Zongyuan frown.

"What did you see her doing?"

He squinted his eyes, looking suspiciously into his eyes.

"Could it be that you fell in love with that bitch?"

When Gu Nanyan was mentioned, his expression was a little distorted, and there was a dull pain in the broken arm that had already healed, and the fingers pinching Ning Tianlu's chin unconsciously exerted force.

Ning Tianlu grunted in pain, but didn't push him away.

"What nonsense did the general say? Tianlu said that he will belong to the general in this life."

After he finished speaking, he spread his arms around the strong waist of the man in front of him.

"It's just that I don't know why, but I always feel that this princess is a bit evil. In order to avoid making troubles about my uncle and worrying you, I have to test her words myself to be at ease."

Hearing that the meaning in his words was all for his own sake, Ning Zongyuan's brows slowly relaxed.

"You're still sensible." He hugged him again and sighed.

"In that case, I will arrange for you to meet her tomorrow, but this woman is very cunning, you must pay attention to safety."

Seeing that he agreed, Ning Tianlu hugged his arm tightly and responded in a low voice, a cold light flashed in his lowered eyes.

Gu Nanyan, who waited in the post house for half a month and visited almost the entire capital, finally received a summon from the emperor, inviting her to enter the palace for business talks in three days.

Gu Nanyan thought of the 1000 million taels of silver that he was about to get, so he went to Ning Zongqing's place in a rare mood in a good mood.

Ning Zongqing, who hadn't seen him for a few days, gained a lot of weight due to his long-term surge in appetite, even without the catalytic effect of hormones, and he smacked his tongue at Gu Nanyan.

But the other party seemed to have had their edges and corners smoothed, and he didn't react when he saw Gu Nanyan coming over, and he still looked at the roof with blank eyes.

Liu Zhenzhen looked at Ning Zongqing who was like a pool of mud in surprise, her expression kept changing.

Seeing that although he was a little fatter, he was healthy and healthy, Gu Nanyan was very satisfied and took Liu Zhenzhen out, planning to buy some delicious food to celebrate.

On the way, Liu Zhenzhen hesitated to speak several times, until the two of them returned to the posthouse, she gritted her teeth and asked, "Princess really want to change him back?"

"Otherwise, let him spend the money for me?" Gu Nanyan rolled his eyes.

This fellow eats as much as she does in a day, if it wasn't for the 1000 million taels, she would have kicked him out long ago with a stick!
"But I heard that this man was from the Ning family. Old General Wei died at the hands of his own brother."

"So what." Gu Nanyan pouted.

"I don't know General Wei, so what does the grudge between them have to do with me?"

Liu Zhenzhen was stunned when she heard the words, and looked at Gu Nanyan in disbelief, and hurriedly lowered her head when she looked over suspiciously.

"What the princess said was that the servants were overstepping the rules."

That night, after Gu Nanyan fell asleep, a black shadow flashed into Ning Zongqing's room, and the sharp blade in his hand shone coldly under the moonlight.

(End of this chapter)

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