The farmer has a mall

Chapter 256 You are the one who deserves it

Chapter 256 You are the one who deserves it
According to Liu Zhenzhen, Mrs. Wei gave birth to twins back then, and the two siblings grew up together since they were young, and their relationship is very deep.

It's just that because the old lady is getting old, Wei Hong has some congenital deficiencies since he was born, and he often falls ill.

Even a gust of cold wind can blow him down, and he lives with the medicine jar all year round.

Even the imperial physician once asserted that he would die young.

Even so, under the love of his family and sister, Wei Hong lived strong until he was 15 years old, and his body gradually improved with age.

It is not impossible to continue to recuperate and live like a normal person.

Mrs. Wei even thought about choosing a virtuous wife for him in a few years, when he was in better health, in case no one would take care of him in a hundred years.

But that year, the former prince who would have been his brother-in-law died suddenly, and the Wei family suddenly fell into a haze.

Wei Hong, who learned that his sister could not marry the prince, was relieved.

Although he doesn't go out often, he also knows that the palace is not a good place, so he naturally doesn't want his beloved sister to live in such a place where people eat people and don't spit out their bones for the rest of their lives.

But what happened next caught him off guard.

Old General Wei found out that there was something wrong with the prince's death, so he locked himself in the study with his eldest son Wei Chi all day long.

At first, Wei Hong didn't know what they were discussing, until General Wei called him and Queen Wei to him and told them to send one of them away.

Only then did Wei Hong realize that things were not as simple as he thought.

The Wei family wanted to send them away in order to preserve a trace of the Wei family's blood, but they had trouble choosing candidates.

Wei Huang Wei Lan is the only daughter in the family, and it stands to reason that she should be sent away.

But Wei Lan, the older sister, always felt that she robbed her younger brother of his nutrition in the womb, which made him so weak, and always felt indebted to him.

Therefore, regardless of Wei Hong's strong opposition, he secretly drugged his meals, and resolutely asked the Wei family to send him out while he was unconscious.

Afterwards, the Wei family claimed that Wei Hong suddenly became seriously ill and was in a critical condition, and even held a funeral for him half a month later.

Mrs. Wei, who didn't know about it at the funeral, fainted several times, and her health deteriorated day by day, and finally passed away three months later.

Wei's family held two funerals in just three months. Old General Wei seemed to be ten years old, and his hair turned white overnight.

Since then, Wei Hong has become a taboo, and no one dares to mention him in front of the Wei family, let alone the Wei family.

And his congenital deficiency is well known, and no one doubts whether he is really dead.

People die like a lamp going out, and Wei Hong's name is gradually forgotten.

When Liu Zhenzhen said this, her clothes were already soaked with tears.

"My father always felt that he owed his aunt. He was depressed all day long and his health was getting worse and worse. Later, after hearing that my aunt had passed away, he locked himself in the house for three days. When he came out, he was haggard and inhuman."

She touched the tears on her face with her cuff, and said with a sob: "At that time, my mother was already pregnant with me and my brother, father didn't say anything at that time, but my mother knew that father made a choice between us and the Wei family. "

"After giving birth to us, Dad left all the remaining 200 taels of silver and left home alone."

"My mother didn't blame him. Instead, she told him that she would take good care of our siblings. She smiled and watched him leave. He hasn't appeared since then."

Liu Zhenzhen sniffed, her eyes were red.

"My mother told me these things before she died. I know you don't believe it, but these are all facts."

Gu Nanyan lowered her eyes and didn't speak for a long time.

"What is your purpose of entering the princess mansion." She asked in a flat voice.

She didn't know anything about the Wei family's affairs, and she couldn't believe it or not, but she tried every means to come to her side without a purpose.

Liu Zhenzhen pursed her lips and mumbled, "I just want to see you."

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows: "In other words, you know who I am?"

Liu Zhenzhen nodded: "Uncle Murong told me about you, and said that he would bring me to see you when he has a chance. I can't wait..."

Gu Nanyan is the only remaining relative of hers, so she is naturally very curious about the daughter of the aunt whose mother often talks about it.

"Uncle Murong?" Gu Nanyan pondered for a moment, and an old man with white beard and messy hair appeared in his mind.

"But Murong Qing?"

Liu Zhenzhen nodded again: "He is the only person who knows the whereabouts of our family. He often helped us after my mother passed away. If it wasn't for him, our siblings would have starved to death long ago."

After her father left, her mother didn't say anything, but she was very sad in her heart, and gradually became depressed and sick.

The 200 taels of silver were used by her to see a doctor and take medicine for her mother.

Gu Nanyan understood, the last time Murong Qing saw her as if she had seen a ghost, he thought she had recognized her a long time ago, but he was just pretending to recognize the wrong person.

"What is your relationship with Ning Zongqing, and why did he call you Ning Zhen?"

Liu Zhenzhen's face turned pale when she heard the question, and the corners of her mouth trembled for a long time before she said: "Before my mother passed away, she told me to find my father. If there is a chance to help him avenge the Wei family together, it would be worthwhile for the Wei family that is flowing in our body." family blood."

"At that time, I didn't know where my father was at all. I only knew that he left to take revenge on the Ning family. So I wandered around outside the gate of the Ning family all day long, hoping to see my father there."

Thinking of this, she laughed at herself.

At that time, she was young and had no plans. Although this method was clumsy, it was the only way she could think of.

Who knew that she had been around for a few days, but instead of finding her own father, she picked up a cheap adoptive father instead.

Her adoptive father is a side branch of the Ning family, the concubine brother of the deceased Mrs. Ning, and has been living in the side courtyard of the Ning Mansion.

When he was young, he injured his vitals in a fight and has never had any children.

When he saw her in rags that day, when he learned that she was an orphan, he left her in the mansion and adopted her as an adopted daughter. Only then did he get to know that beast Ning Zongqing.

Liu Zhenzhen clenched her fist, resentment flashed in her eyes.

Gu Nanyan heard that she didn't want to talk about her own affairs, nor did she intend to pry into other people's privacy.

She looked up at Liu Zhenzhen for a while, and suddenly asked, "Do you know Qu Zifeng?"

Hearing this name, Liu Zhenzhen's body froze, and her little face became increasingly pale.

"I...recognize it." She said with difficulty.

"So, you are the culprit who stole the token and caused the army to enter the city, almost killing my grandfather?!"

Gu Nanyan's tone was suddenly severe, and there was a cold light in his eyes, staring at her coldly.

Liu Zhenzhen suddenly raised her head when she heard the words, and hurriedly shook her head: "I didn't know you existed at the time, and I didn't even know that General Gu was your grandfather."

"I just heard that General Gu is brave and good at fighting, and I want to use his hands to kill Ning Zongyuan..."

She was sweating profusely, and wanted to explain clearly to Gu Nanyan, but when she saw her cold eyes, she was completely stunned.

"If you want to kill Ning Zongyuan, can you sacrifice innocent people? Do you know how many people died in that battle!"

Gu Nanyan's voice was suddenly cold and stern, and she looked at her for a moment, with an unprecedented seriousness.

Hearing the accusation and disgust in her words, Liu Zhenzhen staggered two steps, her legs gave way and fell to the ground.

However, Gu Nanyan did not feel sorry for her, but said in a colder voice: "If I didn't arrive in time that day, Gu Yao and Gu Yunge would die on the battlefield, and all the [-] troops from the northern town would die there. ,just you……"

"Also worthy of claiming to be the heir of the Wei family!"

It's no wonder that Gu Nanyan was angry, the ancient science and technology were underdeveloped, and all wars cost human lives.

Even if it's her, she won't hurt one more life unless it is absolutely necessary.

Just like the battle with Ning Zongyuan, although she was very angry, she didn't let Xu Shun attack Wei Yang's army with mortars.

In the beginning, an arsenal was built to produce city defense artillery, but it was only for defense, or to deter the enemy.
And Liu Zhenzhen's behavior really touched her bottom line.

(End of this chapter)

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