Chapter 267

Fu Tuo raised his eyebrows and looked behind him.

Except for Concubine Ning, almost all the people who came with him were from the Fourth Prince's faction.

"Fourth brother said that the father was imprisoned alone?" He hooked the corners of his mouth and couldn't reach his eyes.

"What evidence is there?"

"Of course someone saw it with their own eyes." Ning Guifei said coldly.

Wei Chong, who had been standing behind her all this time, waved his hand behind her after hearing the words, and a young eunuch was brought up.

"This person is Xiaoluzi who is in charge of cleaning in the courtyard of His Highness. You should recognize him, Prince." Wei Chong smiled sinisterly, kicked his knee, and Xiaoluzi couldn't control his body leaning forward.

Fu Tuo looked down at him, and saw him kneeling on the ground trembling all over.

He looked up, and seeing Fu Tuo looking at him, he quickly lowered his head again.

"Tell me, what did you see in this yard?" Wei Chong asked condescendingly.

"The servant saw... the princess of Jianan Kingdom." He replied.

"Since the emperor came to the East Palace for dinner a few days ago, he has never left His Highness's bedroom. The princess was there at that time, and she never left the bedroom."

"And the servant often hears the emperor yelling at Nizi, as if he is very angry."

"The servant was suspicious. He took a sneak peek when someone was coming in and out, but found..."

He glanced at Fu Tuo again, his eyes dodging, faltering like he was afraid of something.

Seeing this, Fu Lang comforted in a low voice: "You don't have to be afraid, this matter has nothing to do with you at all, as long as you tell everything you see, I will definitely protect you with my mother and concubine!"

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Fu Tuo, his eyes were dark and inexplicable.

Seeing that Fu Tuo's face was pale, as if someone told him something, he was overjoyed.

As if inspired, the little eunuch suddenly raised his head.

"The slave saw with his own eyes that the emperor was tied up on the bed, struggling desperately with a piece of cloth stuffed in his mouth, while His Highness and the foreign princess stood by the bed and watched!"

After finishing speaking, he knelt and climbed to Fu Lang's body and kowtowed vigorously a few times.

"Fourth Highness, the crown prince ignores Gang and often does such rebellious things. The servant really couldn't stand it, so he secretly went to look for His Highness. You must save the Emperor, Your Highness!"

He shouted heart-piercingly, and as soon as he finished speaking, Concubine Ning sneered.

"What else can the prince say!"

Fu Tuo's face became paler, looking down at the little eunuch, he seemed very disappointed.

"This man is just a lowly slave who cleans the house. Is it a bit of a joke for the fourth brother and the imperial concubine to conclude that the father is imprisoned alone after hearing only a few words from him?"

Seeing him trying to maintain his composure, Fu Lang felt ecstasy in his heart.

The little eunuch only saw the shadow of a woman illuminated by the candlelight outside the door. The matter about Gu Nanyan and the imprisonment was all guesswork. Originally, he wanted to make things bigger so that they had a reason to break into the dormitory to find out. .

But looking at Fu Tuo's face now, it seems that he really did this!
He suppressed his excitement, looked at Concubine Ning Gui, and also saw the joy in her eyes.

Fu Lang hid the joy and pain in his heart and said: "My concubine and I have been here many times but failed to see the father, not even a single word. I have long suspected that something is wrong, but I didn't expect that the elder brother actually..."

"That's our father!"

With a sob, Fu Lang looked at him disappointed.

"Now you don't need to quibble anymore, let me find out if it's true or not."

A thin man in a purple official uniform stood up with his head held high.

He was about 40 years old with a short beard and a mole the size of a soybean on his face. He looked at Fu Tuo with a haughty expression.

"Father is still recuperating, so Lu Taishi is not afraid of father's blame if he wants to search Gu's bedroom?" Fu Tuo asked.

Lu Taishi hesitated when he heard this, he glanced at Concubine Ning Gui.

"This matter is of great importance. The ministers are also thinking about the safety of the emperor. I think the emperor will understand."

Fu Tuo lowered his eyes and sneered at the corner of his mouth: "What if I don't want to?"

As soon as his words fell, more than a dozen hidden dragon guards fell down one after another.

Lu Taishi was originally standing at the forefront, but when he suddenly saw a few people holding long swords with fierce eyes falling in front of him, he hurriedly took a few steps back in fright.

"What is the prince doing!" He scolded.

"I'm just waiting to make sure the emperor is safe at this time. His Royal Highness is so fanatical that even the hidden guards are called out. Is it because of a guilty conscience?"

Fu Tuo didn't look at him, but turned to Concubine Ning Gui and Fu Lang.

"This is the East Palace. No one can go in and search it without Gu's consent, except Father."

He squinted his eyes and said quietly: "Don't forget about your identity. Concubine Ning Gui is just a concubine of the father, and the fourth brother is just a concubine who gave birth to a child. What right do you have to search the East Palace!"

After these words were finished, the eyes of all the people present widened in shock, and they doubted whether the person in front of them was still the doormat who swallowed his anger all day long and did not argue with others!

Hearing the words "a concubine gives birth to a son", Fu Lang's face was very ugly.

Anyang Kingdom has always adhered to the principle of establishing a heir and an elder, and the crown prince must come from the daughter of the Wei family.

This is the rule set down by the ancestors.

And he has neither the blood of the Wei family nor the identity of the eldest son!

Therefore, even though the crown prince has been imprisoned for so many years, he still has not won the support of all the courtiers, only relying on the Ning family to persist until today.

Fu Lang clenched his fists tightly and stared at Fu Tuo bitterly.

Concubine Ning's eyes were red with anger, she gritted her teeth and said: "Okay, what a prince, not only dares to commit crimes, but also dares to insult the Palace, if this is the case..."

She winked at Wei Chong.

Wei Chong took out a little-finger-length, snow-white cylinder from the lapel, and blew it behind him.

A sharp whistle came out, and dense footsteps came from a distance.

A group of soldiers wearing the uniforms of the Weiyang Army appeared and surrounded the East Palace. Standing in front of them was Zhou Boyun, who was temporarily acting as the chief general.

"I would be very grateful to General Zhou for your help." Concubine Ning Gui nodded to him with a calm expression.

"The imperial concubine is very polite. General Ning took good care of his subordinates in the army. Since he has an order, it is his duty." Zhou Boyun cupped his hands and said.

Concubine Ning nodded in satisfaction when she heard the words, she suppressed the smile in her eyes and turned her eyes back to Fu Tuo.

After seeing Gu Nanyan, she felt that things were gradually getting out of control, and she was already uneasy.

Unexpectedly, after the emperor came to the East Palace that night, he handed over the government affairs to Fu Tuo again the next day!

As if to confirm the thoughts in her heart, she asked to see the emperor many times but still failed to meet the emperor. Later, she discovered that there was a woman very similar to Gu Nanyan in the East Palace.

Concubine Ning Gui couldn't hold back any longer, she immediately told Ning Zongyuan about the matter, and wanted him to help her with ideas.

Ning Zongyuan thought for a while with a gloomy face, then left the palace and found Zhou Boyun who happened to be on duty in the capital.

The two of them didn't know what they said, Zhou Boyun readily agreed to Ning Zongyuan's request, and led the Weiyang army into the city to help Concubine Ning.

So today's scene appeared.

The ministers who came with him were a little surprised when they saw this.

Although the Weiyang Army has [-] troops stationed outside the capital all year round, they cannot enter the city without the emperor's will, otherwise they will be accused of treason!

What's more, these people are densely packed, at least 2 people, how did they get in through the inspection at the gate of the palace?
Several people looked at each other and lowered their heads tacitly.

Fu Tuo's eyes darkened: "The garrison in the capital is not allowed to enter the city without a call. Is General Zhou planning to rebel!"

Zhou Boyun's eyes flashed and he didn't answer, but Wei Chong stepped forward and said with a sneer, "His Royal Highness really knows how to call out for a thief. It's obvious that you imprisoned His Majesty's deceitful king. With the testimony of all ministers, do you still want to beat him up?"

He grinned, eyes mocking.

"The miscellaneous family has long discovered that you have an ambiguous relationship with that princess. During the peace talks, they sneaked into the princess' account and had a tryst with her until the next day."

"I'm afraid the two of you colluded together early in the morning, trying to mess with my Anyang Datong!"

His words fell like a thunderbolt, and everyone was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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