The farmer has a mall

Chapter 270 The Cruel Emperor

Chapter 270 The Cruel Emperor

A stone stirred up thousands of waves, and Emperor Anyang's words instantly stunned everyone.

Only Gu Nanyan rolled his eyes, but Fu Tuo grabbed his sleeve when he wanted to say something.

"This is impossible!" Concubine Ning roared emotionally after recovering.

Although she had doubts about Gu Nanyan's life experience, but at this time Emperor Anyang admitted it himself, but it made her feel unbelievable.

"Gu Nanyan just passed away this year, but the queen died 16 years ago!"

Although she never saw the woman's body from the beginning to the end, the emperor had seen it with his own eyes.

Not only that, even the coffin collection and burial were all arranged by his people. She watched the coffin being sent to the imperial mausoleum with her own eyes, so how could...

A thought flashed through her mind, Ning Guifei suddenly looked at Emperor Anyang.

"Could it be you..."

"That's right, it was I who arranged the empress's suspended animation." Emperor Anyang did not deny it, with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

"More than that, I even had someone secretly send her out of the palace. Originally, I planned to arrange her to raise her baby in a mansion outside the city, but unexpectedly something happened in the middle..." Emperor Anyang closed his eyes.

Back then when the Wei family was punished, Empress Wei did try to commit suicide, but was rescued in time by the palace servants.

He rushed there with Imperial Physician Sun, but when he took the pulse, he found that she was pregnant.

At that time, Ning Zongyuan had just taken over the Weiyang army, and the situation in the court was unstable. He held different opinions on how to deal with Empress Wei who was born in the Wei family.

Emperor Anyang knew very well that the Ning family would definitely not allow this child to be born. After several days of inner struggle, he finally decided to send her out of the palace.

Originally, he wanted to slowly find a way to bring her back after she gave birth to a child, but he underestimated Wei Lan's hatred for him.

On the way to the outskirts of Beijing, Wei Lan stunned the guards with a drug she got from no one knows where, and then fled alone.

Emperor Anyang was so angry that he ordered people to search secretly, and finally found her on the border between Anyang and Jianan.

Although there were still doubts about how Wei Lan, who had always been pampered, could reach the border town safely by herself, but Emperor Anyang at that time couldn't care less, and just wanted to arrest her.

His men chased all the way to the gate of Wuyin County, and they were about to arrest him, but they were caught off guard by Gu Shen who was passing by.

Emperor Anyang looked at Fu Tuo with a complicated expression, and then turned to Gu Nanyan with an expressionless face.

"I have never regretted what I did to the Wei family back then. The only thing I regret is sending your mother out of the palace."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't let you live outside, and your mother wouldn't die in a foreign land in her early twenties, it's that damned Gu Shen!" Emperor Anyang gritted his teeth, with an extremely gloomy expression.

Gu Nanyan sneered, and was very disdainful of his behavior of shirking responsibility. In her opinion, if Queen Wei stayed in the palace, the result might be even worse.

Gu Shen once told her that Wei Lan seemed calm but often tossed and turned in the middle of the night.

Although his speech and behavior are no different from ordinary people, his spirit is getting worse day by day.

Presumably, the incident of the Wei family had hit her too hard. She tried her best to live like a normal person, but she just wanted to give birth to the flesh and blood in her stomach safely.

That's why after Gu Nanyan was born, she lost her will to survive when she knew that Gu Shen would help her take care of her daughter, but she lost her breath in just a quarter of an hour.

Her ending was already doomed when all the Wei family were beheaded.

Fu Tuo obviously thought so too.

"What does this have to do with Uncle Gu? Is it possible that if the queen mother stays in this harem that eats people and doesn't spit out bones, can she live a long life?"

Thinking of his mother, Fu Tuo looked at Emperor Anyang with hatred.

"If you hadn't disregarded the rules set by your ancestors, joined forces with the Ning family to frame your ancestors as collaborators, and ransacked hundreds of members of the Wei family, how could the empress be depressed all day long and have no intention of living!"

"How can Gu be trapped in the East Palace without seeing the sun, and be bullied by others all day long!"

"How could Yanyan lose her mother's love since she was born!"

The more Fu Tuo spoke, the more excited he became, his hands trembling uncontrollably, and he glared at Emperor Anyang fiercely.


Emperor Anyang let out a roar, and a crisp slap sounded.

"What do you know!" He gasped a few times, clenching his teeth tightly as if to calm his mind.

"Since I have become the emperor, I have to think about the country and the people!"

"In the past hundred years, Anyang Kingdom has seemed to be prosperous, but in fact it has been declining every year. The existence of the Wei family is equivalent to dividing the imperial power into two. Countries cannibalize it."

"At that time, let alone the rules set by the ancestors, even the imperial tombs of the ancestors will be demolished!"

His excited nostrils kept blowing, and his face was flushed red.

The strength of Emperor Anyang's attack was not light, and Fu Tuo's face soon became red and swollen, but he didn't care at all, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Even so, why are they so exterminated!"

"Although I was still young at the time, I still clearly remember that my mother mentioned to you many times that my grandfather wanted to hand over the military power and return to the field."

"But what did you say at the time, you said 'the world is not safe, I still need the support of the old general'!"

"It was you who forcibly left the grandfather who wanted to retire, but turned around and killed the whole family of the Wei family!"

Fu Tuo's expression was distraught, and his eyes were bloodshot when he thought of the mother who cried day and night after the accident in the Wei family.

Gu Nanyan was very surprised when he heard the words, and Gu Yao had also told him about Old General Wei.

In his impression, Old General Wei was open-minded and kind, a man with good experience who treated power like dirt.

She was still thinking at the time, since this person is so powerful, how could he not know the truth that a master with great achievements will definitely be feared by those in power, and if he withdraws in time, maybe the family can be kept safe.

Gu Nanyan frowned and looked at Emperor Anyang.

If it was true what Fu Tuo said, this emperor could indeed be considered ruthless.

The son's hatred, coupled with Gu Nanyan's disapproving gaze, seemed to pull all the strength out of Emperor Anyang.

His feet wobbled, and Eunuch Xu almost couldn't support him with an exclamation.

"His Royal Highness, you have misunderstood the emperor." Eunuch Xu has served Emperor Anyang for more than 30 years, and he couldn't bear to see him like this.

"The miscellaneous family can testify that the emperor didn't intend to kill any member of the Wei family at that time!"

He looked in the direction of Concubine Ning with a complicated expression.

Concubine Ning's expression at this time was not as flustered as before, with a cold arc hanging from the corner of her mouth, she took off a piece of armor on her finger and played with it in her hand.

"I can also testify that the emperor really didn't want to kill the Wei family at that time. After all, the empress loves so much that he would have the heart to hurt that bitch's relatives."

She glanced lightly at Emperor Anyang with gloomy eyes, and curled the corners of her mouth mockingly.

"The concubine has been conscientiously managing the harem all these years. She has been loyal to the emperor and worked hard to raise the fourth prince. I thought you had already forgotten about that bitch." Concubine Ning suddenly darkened her face when she said this.

"But more than ten years have passed in the blink of an eye, but you still have the blood of that bitch. Not only that, but when my concubine slept with you, the one I couldn't forget was still Wei Lan!"

She threw the armor she took off on the ground, and the gems inlaid on it burst all over the ground.

"Since then, the concubine has known that it is impossible to expect your conscience to find out that it is impossible to pass the throne to the fourth prince."

"So you poisoned me?" Emperor Anyang said in a serious tone.

Concubine Ning pursed her lips and smiled lowly: "You refuse to give what my concubine wants, so what's wrong with me getting it myself?"

At this time, she was very different from the lovely and pitiful appearance just now, with a little madness in her expression.

As if a broken pot was smashed, after seeing the emotion in Emperor Anyang's eyes when he looked at Gu Nanyan, he completely removed the disguise.

She turned to Fu Lang who was at the side, smiled and stretched out her hands to tighten the skirt of his clothes.

"Your Majesty, you don't need to try your best to provoke Lang'er."

Facing the panic in Fu Lang's eyes, she calmly patted his chest.

"Since the concubine dared to bring the garrison into the palace, I was naturally prepared to be blamed by you. After all, my son will inherit the throne tomorrow, and the concubine doesn't mind if you scold me a little more!"

 I sent a leave note yesterday, I don’t know why you didn’t see it, and it will be updated normally today, if there is no accident, I won’t ask for leave before it ends o>_<o
(End of this chapter)

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