Chapter 272
"Father, isn't he afraid that staying alone will cause disaster?" Fu Tuo pursed his lips, staring at him and asked.

Emperor Anyang rolled his eyes and sneered: "That's your business, I just need to be worthy of my conscience."

"Then the matter of the Wei family is worthy of my conscience?" Fu Tuo's eyes were full of unwillingness.

Emperor Anyang looked into his stubborn eyes, his expression unchanged.

"I said, I don't regret anything about the Wei family." It was only a mistake in the middle that led to today's situation.

"I know you hate me, but actually I don't like you that much either." He glanced at him in disgust.

Fu Tuo sneered: "Since that's the case, why did you give birth to Gu in the first place?"

He was born, but he was locked up and ignored.

Fu Tuo gritted his teeth and looked gloomy.

"When your mother was pregnant with you, she liked spicy food. I always thought you were a daughter, but I didn't know you were a son until you were born." Emperor Anyang shook his head and sighed.

"You don't know how disappointed I was at that time. A good girl turned into a boy. It's like picking up a piece of gold, only to find it's a lump when I go back..." He paused, seeing that Fu Tuo's face had turned blue, Busy shut up.

"You will understand this feeling when you become a father. As for now..."

He reached out and patted Fu Tuo's shoulder: "Take it easy."

Fu Tuo: "..."

What do you want me to worry about, worry alone is a lump in your heart?
Fu Tuo was sullen and wanted to say something more, but Emperor Anyang stopped looking at him.

"Fortunately, this second child is a girl. I have been looking forward to it for a long time. There will be a gentle and demure princess like your mother, Cheng Huan, who surrounds me and calls me daddy all day long..."

Gu Nanyan looked at him coolly and clenched his fists.

Emperor Anyang: "..."

I am troubled.

Sighing sadly, Emperor Anyang, who felt that he was ten years older in an instant, turned his head and looked straight ahead decisively.

Seeing the two "father is loving and daughter is filial", Concubine Ning gnashed her teeth angrily.

She and Wei Lan didn't fight each other when they were in the boudoir, and they were called the second plant in the capital. Except for being a few years older than her, the other party was better than her in everything.

Later, Wei Lan became the queen, and she couldn't compare with her.

At the beginning when her brother killed Old General Wei, Wei Lan also hanged herself to death, and shortly after she entered the palace, she became pregnant with a boy in one fell swoop, so she finally let out a bad breath.

In particular, the emperor's love for her son was in stark contrast to the prince in the East Palace, and it was only then that she completely calmed down her unwillingness.

But seeing his attitude towards Gu Nanyan today is totally different from his seriousness when facing Fu Lang.

Like an ordinary father, he was kind and submissive, for fear that Gu Nanyan would be unhappy.

This scene completely made her eyes red with anger.

Originally for the sake of her son's reputation, as long as Emperor Anyang was obedient and obedient, she wouldn't mind keeping him alive, but the sudden jealousy in her heart made her no longer care about these things.

"What a picture of a loving father and filial son, it's really touching."

Ning Guifei sneered.

"In this case, I will send you on the road together, and let you have a family reunion underground!" She said with a cruel face.

"General Zhou, what are you waiting for, take them down for me, if anyone resists Kill Wushe!"

The veterans who followed her looked at each other anxiously, but no one dared to step forward to stop her.

Although they didn't know that Concubine Ning Gui led troops into the palace at first, this group of people belonged to the faction of the Fourth Prince.

Now if they retreat at this point, they will definitely not be able to please them when the matter fails, they might as well listen to Concubine Ning's arrangement honestly, and at least they can make a contribution to the dragon after the matter is completed.

Moreover, most of them are civil servants, and they are helpless in the face of so many soldiers.

So several people lowered their heads tacitly, pretending that they didn't see anything.

Gu Nanyan squinted her eyes, and seeing Emperor Anyang's composed look, she took her hand from the gun pinned to her waist and clenched her fists to prepare for a hard fight.

Unexpectedly, before she could make a move, there was a sound of swords and swords clashing, and Li Yi led the people into the yard first.

"Is it okay?" He turned over Wei Yangjun who was standing in front, grabbed Gu Nanyan's arm and looked at her with a frown.

Seeing that there were no injuries on her body, she was relieved.

"Why are you here?" Gu Nanyan looked at him in surprise and asked back.

She hadn't seen him since they parted at the gate of the city, and she thought he had returned to Jianan after finishing his business.

Unexpectedly, he sneaked into the palace with someone!

Gu Nanyan was even more surprised when he saw those soldiers who wore ordinary clothes but had firm eyes.

"The Zhenbei Army is here too?"

Gu Yao has long applied the training methods of the Kamikaze Squad to the Zhenbei Army, so they are all using modern fighting techniques, and it is not difficult to distinguish them.

"Only fifty thousand came."

These people dispersed before Gu Nanyan set off, and rushed to Anyang country one after another. At the beginning, he would separate from her outside the city just to arrange their whereabouts.

Li Yi looked at her steadily, his eyes were full of smiles.

Facing his fiery gaze, Gu Nanyan rarely touched his nose in embarrassment.

She turned sideways uncomfortably, just in time to meet the eyes of Emperor Anyang and Fu Tuo.

The expressions of the two were exactly the same. The moment they saw Li Yi, they both narrowed their eyes, and their eyes were full of hostility.

Fu Tuo frowned and pulled Gu Nanyan's other arm to pull her in front of him.

"I don't know who this son is, don't you know whether a man and a woman can kiss each other?"

He grabbed his sister's arm as soon as he came up, what did he just do? !
Emperor Anyang was not to be outdone, and stood between Gu Nanyan and Li Yi in a few steps, regardless of the two sides who were still fighting.

"Presumptuous, this is my princess, how can you, an unknown person, offend you at will?" He curled his lips in disgust, and did not forget to turn his head to push Gu Nanyan.

"Stand back, squeeze a piece, is it hot?"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

... If I am not dazzled, it seems that you squeezed in by yourself!
Seeing Emperor Anyang staring at him, Li Yi was not afraid at all, and still had a smiling face.

"This king is King Sheng of the Jianan Kingdom, the younger brother of Brother Yanyan."

"What is the younger brother of the righteous brother, isn't that also the righteous brother?" Emperor Anyang sneered.

Li Yi nodded, and said in a very good-tempered manner: "Currently it is true, in the future...unknown."

Emperor Anyang raised his eyebrows when he heard the words: "What future, you two have no future!"

He turned his head and glared at Gu Nanyan: "Nanyan is my daughter, the princess of Anyang Kingdom, and will not go back to Jianan Kingdom with you, please come back and leave!"

Seeing that he was a majestic emperor with his neck stuck up, Li Yi's mouth twitched.

"Yan'er is also the princess of my country of Jianan, and the granddaughter of General Gu who has raised her for more than ten years. No matter what, she should..."

"I don't care!" Before Li Yi could finish speaking, Emperor Anyang interrupted him loudly.

"That thief Gu Shen first abducted my queen, and now I'm going to take my daughter too, right? Why, the young general of the Northern Army of Tangtang Town is also a part-time human trafficker?!"

Fu Tuo pulled Gu Nanyan behind him, who was twitching at the corner of his mouth, and was rarely in the same camp as Emperor Anyang.

He investigated the matter of Gu Nanyan in detail, so he naturally knew that this person had proposed to marry him in the hall.

Similarly, he believed that his father must also know.

"Whether to return to Jianan Country or not depends on Yanyan, but even though you are her stepbrother, you should pay attention to it. Don't ruin Yanyan's reputation and affect her future marriage."

Whether to marry or not will be discussed later, the most important thing right now is to drive this person away first!

Li Yi forced himself to laugh, then looked at Gu Nanyan pitifully.

"If Yan'er agrees, I am willing to marry you..."

"She doesn't want to!" Emperor Anyang immediately refused.

He had heard of King Sheng's name a long time ago, and he also knew what this brat was thinking.

But Jia Nanguo is thousands of miles away, so it would be like a meat bun beating a dog if his daughter were to marry him!
Emperor Anyang and Fu Tuo stood side by side with serious faces, tightly blocking Gu Nan's smoke.

Meat bun Gu Nanyan: "..."

 I heard that the small tickets in our hands are about to expire, so I beg you _(:з」∠)_
(End of this chapter)

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