Chapter 274
Ning Zongyuan did have some ideas.

Ever since the news of his defeat by Gu Nanyan came back to the court, the courtiers had never ceased to question him.

At first, he suspected that his title as the number one expert in Anyang was false, otherwise he would not have been defeated so easily by a little girl.

Later, some people suspected that he pretended to lose the enemy and was captured on purpose. In fact, he didn't know what benefits the Jianan Kingdom had received in private, and he had colluded with Gu Yao, so he was arrested without even taking down the first city.

Ning Zongyuan was naturally extremely indignant, but no matter how angry he was, he couldn't stop everyone from talking.

Even the lieutenant soldiers looked at him suspiciously.

After a long time, even he himself wondered if it was a ghost who was on his body at that time, and he was powerless in front of a little girl!

Ning Zongyuan knew that this humiliation would accompany him for the rest of his life, even bringing the Ning family along would be secretly despised by others.

He raised his head and looked at Gu Nanyan who was opposite him.

"Gu Nanyan, how about a bet with you by Ning?" He said loudly.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows and looked at him without speaking.

Ning Zongyuan saw that she didn't reply and was not angry, so he squinted his eyes and said: "You and I will fight alone, if Ning loses, how about letting you live?"

He felt that she must have used some means to lose to Gu Nanyan last time, or she had drugged him from the very beginning, letting him be slaughtered like a caged tiger.

He gritted his back molars, remembering how powerless he was at that time, no matter how he tried to hide, he couldn't avoid the knife in the opponent's hand, which made him even more sure of this idea.

Although he only has one arm now, Gu Nanyan doesn't look like he is sick.

He saw with his own eyes that she couldn't even stand upright, plus she was blocked by him without any defense, so he definitely didn't have time to prepare those insidious things.

"Oh." Gu Nanyan replied, not looking very interested.

"Then what if I lose?" She asked lazily.

"If you lose..." Ning Zongyuan narrowed his eyes.

"Naturally keep my life!"

Gu Nanyan sneered, and looked at him like he was looking at an idiot: "Don't do it!"

Ning Zongyuan was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect her to refuse so simply.

"Aren't you scared?" He said mockingly.

"I didn't expect that the leader of the dignified kamikaze team would be afraid of Ning. It seems that you also know that I won last time because of a certain physical discomfort."

Seemingly in a good mood, Ning Zongyuan raised his head and laughed twice.

Gu Nanyan spread his hands indifferently: "Whatever you want to comfort yourself, I don't care."

She curled her lips and looked him up and down: "I'm almost turned into a skinny duck by Lao Tzu, and I'm still looking for compensation here. Shameless, this strength is inherited from the family!"

"You!" Ning Zongyuan's face was flushed red by her words. Although he didn't know what a skinny duck was, he understood the literal meaning.

"Stinky girl, don't play tricks like that. If you have the ability to come out and fight with me with real swords and guns, I will respect you..."

Ning Zongyuan paused, feeling that this was a bit inappropriate.

"I respect you as the leader of Kamikaze, you don't want to insult the word Kamikaze!"

Hearing him mention kamikaze, Gu Nanyan's face became serious.

Glancing at the other party faintly, she grinned and said, "Don't say I won't give you a chance, it's easy for me to make a move."

She stretched out five fingers and hooked the corners of her mouth: "Bet five million taels of silver, and I promise you."

Ning Zongyuan frowned when he heard the words, and nodded after hesitating for a moment: "Okay, then we will each take out 500 million taels as a bet."

"Brother!" Ning Guifei's eyes widened in disbelief.

"What nonsense are you talking to her? Wouldn't it be easy for someone to kill her directly?"

After listening to it for a long time, she really didn't understand what her elder brother was thinking.

These people are already the turtles in the urn, as long as they close the net, they can kill each other in one go.

But at such a critical time, he actually wants to bet with that bitch?

"I don't agree." Ning Guifei said angrily.

"You can't do this. You lost most of your property in order to redeem Zong Qing last time. Are you trying to ruin the Ning family!"

After Lang'er ascended the throne, there will be a place to use money, and she must not watch him squander all the family property.

"Ning Guifei, don't forget who the head of the Ning family is." Seeing her blocking him, Ning Zongyuan was very displeased.

"Besides, why do you think that I will definitely lose? I told you, last time I just fell into this little girl's trick!"


"No need, I know what's going on."

Ning Guifei was still waiting to refute, but was interrupted by him waving.

Anyway, regardless of whether he wins or loses in the end, Gu Nanyan doesn't even think about running away, he just wants to find a chance to save some face, so why not agree to her first?

"Let's start." He said solemnly to Gu Nanyan.

"Yanyan!" Fu Tuo disapproved and stopped his younger sister who was about to go forward.

"Your body..."

Gu Nanyan patted his arm comfortingly.

"It's almost good, more than enough to deal with him."

Fu Tuo raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

When he came back from court this morning, he saw her sickly lying on the bed, looking listless. Will it be all right after half a day?
"I don't agree with you either."

Emperor Anyang paused, and said softly: "I have already arranged for this matter, you don't need to worry about it, and Nanyan, you don't have to take this risk."

With a smile, his eyes full of emotion, he stretched out his hand and touched the top of her head: "I know you want to save me, and I understand that you are a pure and filial boy, but I am just as worried about you and don't want you to get hurt... ..."

Gu Nanyan rolled his eyes, and slapped his paw away: "Get up, don't delay my earning money by whining!"

After she finished speaking, she curled her lips in disgust, and said while walking while Emperor Anyang was in a daze: "You can eat less in the future."

"Your face has grown so big that you've grown so much that Anyang Kingdom can't hold you anymore!"

Emperor Anyang: "..."

Gu Nanyan and Ning Zongyuan stood face to face, and the distance between them was no more than five meters.

Seeing her empty handed, Ning Zongyuan hesitated, "Do you want to choose a weapon?"

"No need." Gu Nanyan flatly refused.

She doesn't like to use other cold weapons except Zheri, and Zheri is lying in her space at this time, obviously it is not suitable to use it under the eyes of everyone.

Ning Zongyuan heaved a sigh of relief.

In fact, he didn't want Gu Nanyan to have a weapon in his hand, but with so many people around him, he could only ask a symbolic question.

It's not that he wants to take advantage of it, but that the experience of being abruptly peeled last time was too horrible.

He really wasn't sure if he could still stabilize his mind in the face of Gu Nanyan who was holding a weapon.

Seeing her unarmed and holding a spear in his hand now, he felt more relaxed.

Ning Zongyuan pretended to be hearty and chuckled: "Ning is a marksman since elementary school, and he is not good at punching and kicking. Now I am taking advantage of it."

The implication is to fight her with a spear.

The people present looked at each other when they heard the words, and felt that Ning Zongyuan was a bit shameless in doing this matter.

Emperor Anyang poked Fu Tuo's arm, and asked in a low voice, "How is your sister's boxing skills?"

Although this stinky girl is quite strong, she still suffers too much in the face of Ning Zongyuan who is good at long-distance combat.

Fu Tuo thought the same as him: "The long spear is a weapon for long-distance attack, plus Ning Zongyuan's lightness skill..."

He frowned a little worried, and turned his head to wink at the shopkeeper Jin.

Shopkeeper Jin nodded slightly, knowing that the master asked him to save the princess when she was in danger, and quietly leaned forward.

Both father and son stared at Gu Nanyan nervously. Although Li Yi was also worried, he was much better than them, but his body moved closer unconsciously.

"Your Highness, please!"

Ning Zongyuan in the arena didn't care what other people thought. He watched Gu Nanyan's every move cautiously. When he announced the start, his eyes shot fiercely, and he raised his spear and stabbed at Gu Nanyan.

At the same time, the index finger holding the gun barrel touched a small bump, and smiled viciously.

But Gu Nanyan stood there like a wooden stake without moving.

 Happy Children's Day, babies ╭(╯ε╰)╮

(End of this chapter)

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