The farmer has a mall

Chapter 277 The Concubine Can't Do It

Chapter 277 The Concubine Can't Do It
With the last punch, Gu Nanyan's dryness dissipated a little.

Looking at Ning Zongyuan lying on the ground with his face twisted in pain, he grabbed his skirt with one hand and lifted his upper body up.

"Do you admit defeat?" She asked with a dark face.

Ning Zongyuan let her hold him limply, blood flowed from his mouth and nose, obviously suffering from internal injuries.

"Admit defeat..." He was dying and struggled without struggling, as if he had lost all fighting spirit.

Cursing her lips in dissatisfaction, Gu Nanyan let go of her hand contemptuously, and Ning Zongyuan's upper body hit the ground with a bang.

"Just admit defeat, don't forget to send the 500 million taels to me."

Thinking of the money she was about to get, the irritability in her heart suddenly dissipated a lot, and she didn't even look at the person lying on the ground pretending to be dead, she turned and walked towards the Zhenbei Army.

Passing by the place where Ning Zongyuan dropped the weapon, she stopped and kicked it to the side and back in disgust.

"It's a shame to take out this kind of broken copper and iron, and return it to the general." Gu Nanyan mocked.

The sword was kicked far away, and happened to land in Ning Zongyuan's hand.

Seeing her unsuspectingly turning her back to him, swaying slowly step by step, Ning Zongyuan narrowed his eyes.

Immediately, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he grasped the hilt of the sword, and stabbed at Gu Nanyan with gritted teeth.

Different from the dying appearance just now, he moved very quickly at this time, not at all like a person who was beaten to vomit blood, but he came behind Gu Nanyan in the blink of an eye.

"Bitch, go die!" His eyes were full of hatred, as if he wished to tear the corpse of the person in front of him into pieces.

Li Yi's face was darker than Gu Nanyan's, and he was about to move forward, but Gu Nanyan's mouth curled up viciously.

Seeing that it was about to be stabbed in the back of the heart, she stretched out her hand on the side of her body and grabbed the tip of the sword, turning her head and grinning maliciously.

Ning Zongyuan was startled by her laughter, and panic rose in his heart.

"I gave you a chance." Gu Nanyan suddenly stepped forward and whispered an elbow away from him.

After saying that, she instantly sank her face and broke the long sword in two with her hands.

Afterwards, he kept moving, and the small black hand that was a little black due to the poison held the tip of the broken sword, and sent it to his heart forcefully.

With the sound of the sword piercing the flesh, Ning Zongyuan's eyes widened in disbelief, and he looked down.

There was a hole in the skirt of his heart, and blood gushed out, but the cutting sword could not be seen.

Ning Zongyuan's eyes blurred, and his body unconsciously fell backwards. With the sound of falling to the ground, the broken sword protruded from his chest, but he lost his breath in a few breaths.

"Big brother!"


Concubine Ning Gui and Fu Lang exclaimed at the same time, wanting to check his situation but Gu Nanyan dared not go forward.

Seeing that there was more and more blood under his body, and he was lying on the ground without moving, Concubine Ning staggered a few steps.

"Gu Nanyan!" She stared at Gu Nanyan with red eyes, with a sad expression.

Although she and the Ning family are more of a mutual use and support relationship, but their siblings lost their parents since they were young, and she can be regarded as being raised by Ning Zongyuan.

After entering the palace, various interest entanglements made the relationship between them weak, but Ning Zongyuan's fall aroused her few family ties.

"Gu Nanyan, my elder brother was just competing with you in martial arts, and you actually killed him by killing him!" She stared at the back of Gu Nanyan who was dressed in black with red eyes, and her eyes were tearing apart.

Gu Nanyan didn't bother to argue with her, so she walked up to the frowning Li Yi, turned sideways and said, "Remember to inform the Ning family to send 500 million taels to the post house, don't wait for me to pick it up by myself."

If she really waited for her to come to the door, it would not be enough for 500 million to send her away.

"Dream!" Concubine Ning Guifei's voice sounded like she was gnashing her teeth.

"Since you dare to kill my elder brother, none of you can leave the East Palace today!"

Ning Zongyuan is her and her son's greatest reliance, now that he is lying in a pool of blood without moving, it is obvious that he has passed away. After that, the life of their mother and son will be difficult, how can Concubine Ning be reconciled.

"General Zhou obeys the order to kill everyone in the world except King Sheng!" She yelled sharply, looking at Emperor Anyang with faint eyes.

Ever since Gu Nanyan was hit by the poisonous needle, Emperor Anyang stood still and did not move, his face was calm but dangerous as before the storm.

"Don't blame the emperor, my concubine has been favored by you for more than ten years, and I personally sent you on the road today, which can be regarded as repaying the emperor's kindness."

Knowing that there is no way out today, Concubine Ning Gui completely lost her mind.

Emperor Anyang was silent for a while, and looked at her straight: "Since you know that I have always loved you, why did you do such a treasonous thing? How can you be worthy of me?"

Concubine Ning laughed when she heard the words: "Beloved?"

She hooked the corner of her mouth sarcastically.

"Back then, you loved Empress Wei much more than your concubines. Everyone knew that she was the one on your heart, but what happened?"

"It didn't mean that you ended up killing everyone, even the prince, the existence you used to be very happy with, was forgotten in the East Palace!"

She stroked the broken hair on her temples, and her expression gradually became cold.

He stretched out his hand to grab Fu Lang, who had been stunned by his uncle's death, and patted the back of his hand comfortingly.

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid that one day the Ning family will follow in the footsteps of the Wei family. What good will our mother and son end up in the harem?"

"Do you want to be locked up in the palace and suffer all kinds of bullying like a prince, waiting for your ruthless father to think of my son!"

She twitched the corners of her mouth, her expression becoming more and more indifferent.

"The concubine can't do it, you know, Shu'er has never been able to stand a little bit of grievance."

Shu'er is the name of Concubine Ning, that's what Emperor Anyang called her when she first entered the palace.

When the pain was mentioned, Emperor Anyang's face turned ashen.

In normal times, Concubine Ning Gui would definitely do everything possible to coax him, but at this time she just wanted to solve the troubles in front of her.

She ignored Emperor Anyang's sinister face and looked at Zhou Baiyun with a determined expression.

"What are you waiting for, General Zhou? Kill them all!"

Hearing this, Fu Tuo and the others raised their eyebrows, ready to face a tough battle, while the Zhenbei Army was vigilantly holding a knife in front of their chests and waiting.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, there was no movement from Wei Yang's army. Everyone's eyes could not help but focus on Zhou Baiyun, but they saw him standing there in a daze with his armor on, looking at Emperor Anyang with a solemn expression.

"Take them all to me!" Emperor Anyang said suddenly, successfully drawing everyone's attention to him.

Concubine Ning froze when she heard the words, and suddenly looked at Zhou Baiyun.

"The last general takes orders!" Zhou Baiyun knelt on one knee and cupped his fists, then got up and gave orders to Wei Yangjun.

"Take down Ning Guifei and others!"

"Zhou Baiyun, do you dare betray the Lord?" Fu Lang stared at him in disbelief with his mouth trembling.

Zhou Baiyun lowered his eyes, and said neither arrogant nor humble: "Your Highness is joking, this general has always had only one master."

He used to be just an inconspicuous little bodyguard by the emperor's side. Since the Weiyang army was taken over by the Ning family, he was placed in the army by the emperor.

Starting from the bottom soldier, climbing up little by little, deliberately approaching Ning Zongyuan and making friends with him is just his task.

A few days ago, he told Emperor Anyang about Ning Zongyuan looking for him, and Emperor Anyang asked him to pretend to agree to play by ear, and this was the scene where he led troops into the palace.

Regardless of the shock in Fu Lang's heart, the Wei Yang army surrounded them tightly, including those few ministers who had already softened their legs from fright.

"So you pretended to be trapped in the East Palace, and it was all calculated?" Ning Guifei trembled all over, staring at the man who had been with him for more than ten years without blinking.

Emperor Anyang really wanted to say yes against his conscience.

After all, he really couldn't say that they were lured out by accident because they ate too much food.

Seeing Concubine Ning's crumbling appearance, he finally just sighed, and was supported by Eunuch Xu back to the palace.

When passing by Gu Nanyan, he saw that not only was her face dark, but she also seemed to be in a bad mood.

Emperor Anyang paused, and said to Zhou Baiyun: "When you are done here, you will personally bring a team to Ning's house to help the princess get back the bet."

 It’s so hard not to be funny, it’s even harder to write a serious essay, the concubine can’t do it, the concubine really can’t do it~

(End of this chapter)

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