The farmer has a mall

Chapter 279 Views on the throne

Chapter 279 Views on the throne
Fu Tuo's words made Emperor Anyang silent and helpless. He looked at Gu Nanyan, who had been keeping a straight face, as if someone owed her money, and thought for a while.

"With Nanyan here, maybe you..."

He looked at Li Yi who was at the side and narrowed his eyes: "How did King Cheng know Nanyan's identity?"

Gu Nanyan, who was an Anyang royal family, lived in a foreign country, and was conferred the title of princess by accident. This has never happened before.

Li Yi smiled slightly at Gu Nanyan who was also looking at him curiously.

"A few months ago, Gu Shen was ordered to go back to Beijing and told Brother Huang about Yan'er. This king also heard from Brother Huang."

When he was dealing with military affairs in the northwest, he received a letter from the emperor's brother, so he rushed to Mingshan City in a hurry.

"So the emperor of your country also knows Nanyan's identity?"

Emperor Anyang was very dissatisfied with the word "father" he said, his face darkened and he hummed.

"What kind of father, he just happened to meet my queen and raised my daughter for a few years."

Seeing that Li Yi smiled lightly and said nothing, he disliked this kid even more.

"My sister was exiled in a foreign country because of my father. Uncle Gu, as the second son of the Zhenbei General's Mansion, took her in regardless of the differences between the two countries and took her in. He raised Yan Yan so well, my father should have thought about it. Gratitude is what it is." Fu Tuo interjected calmly.

Emperor Anyang raised his beard when he heard the words, and glared at him angrily: "What kind of favor did that guy Gu Shen give you, and you still speak for him!"

Thinking of Gu Shen, he just felt his chest was tight.

"If it wasn't for his obstruction, I would have brought your mother back back then, and your sister wouldn't have been separated from us for more than ten years!"

Emperor Anyang patted the table, and the teacup on it clanged loudly.

"The empress mother's body has been riddled with holes for a long time, and she died of a difficult childbirth due to depression caused by her grandfather. No wonder Uncle Gu."

His mother was already at a loss when she was pregnant with him, and she was poisoned several times, which not only made him pregnant with many kinds of toxins when he was born, but also emptied her body after giving birth to his younger sister.

So no matter where he was, his mother's death was doomed early on.

Fu Tuo's eyes were sad: "If my younger sister stays in this palace, I'm afraid she has already been plotted against by others like a mother's queen!"

Emperor Anyang opened his mouth, stared and wanted to refute, but couldn't find a reason.

After a long silence, his eyes flashed and he asked Li Yi, "How did your emperor punish Gu Shen?"

Not to mention anything else, just for adopting a princess from a foreign country, he must be convicted of collaborating with the enemy no matter what!
Emperor Anyang was a little excited, and looked at Li Yi without blinking.

Li Yi didn't seem to understand what he meant, and asked in confusion: "Yan'er is the Princess Protector who was appointed by the emperor's brother, and Gu Shen is her father, why should he be punished?"

He smiled lightly, and looked at Gu Nanyan tenderly: "Besides, Yan'er is dedicated to the sake of the people of Jianan. He first invented the iron plow cart, which is a farming artifact that is beneficial to people's livelihood, and then planted [-] yuan of wheat per mu. After solving the problem of food and clothing for the common people, after that, steel was smelted, and the city defense artillery was cast, which greatly enhanced our military strength. For such extraordinary achievements, the emperor does not know how to reward the Gu family."

He counted Gu Nanyan's achievements in detail, as if he didn't notice that Emperor Anyang's face was getting darker and darker.

"Hmph!" Emperor Anyang's jealousy changed beyond recognition.

"So what, after all, Gu Nanyan is also my daughter, Fu Jingqi!"

His eyes looked back and forth between Gu Nanyan, who was reclining on the back of the chair, and Li Yi, and his heart to keep her in Anyang became more determined.

If he could really keep her, why would he be afraid of the country's power declining?
With his daughter's brains, it's hard for Anyang country not to prosper!
He secretly made a small calculation in his heart and stared at Gu Nanyan for a while.

I don't know what to think of, but Emperor Anyang's eyes suddenly changed, and he called out with a smile: "Good girl..."

"What do you think about being emperor?"

Hearing this, Eunuch Xu who was standing behind him quickly lowered his head, motionless like a piece of wood, and even his breathing slowed down.

Gu Nanyan inexplicably looked at Emperor Anyang's benevolent gaze like an old grandmother, and the hairs all over his body stood up.

"What do you want?" She moved her butt back vigilantly, with a defensive look on her face.

"Don't be afraid." Emperor Anyang heheed twice.

"I just want to ask your opinion." He lowered his volume, as if afraid of scaring her.

Fu Tuo twitched his lips when he saw the virtue of coaxing children, and instantly understood what he meant, but he didn't say anything to stop him, and even looked forward to it.

Unlike Emperor Anyang's idea, aside from Gu Nanyan's ability, he actually doesn't have much interest in that position, and it would be a good thing if he could use it to keep his sister.

Li Yi picked up the teacup and sipped it lightly, he naturally understood and also didn't speak.

First of all, this is a matter of Anyang Kingdom, and he, a foreign prince, has no right to interfere.

What's more, it is up to Gu Nanyan to decide how to choose. He will not express his opinion, as long as he supports her without hesitation after she makes a decision.

Without even thinking about it, Gu Nanyan blurted out: "Wake up earlier than a chicken, go to bed later than a more work than a donkey?"

Emperor Anyang: "..."

Isn't that right, I have to get up every day in order to get up early before dawn, and the hills of daily papers are as dark as the sky, and I can't finish it.

This doesn't count, in order to have more excellent heirs, I have to go to the harem to work in the harem at night after finishing the court affairs...

Emperor Anyang covered his chest, suddenly having a heart attack.

"That's not enough..." He said ignorantly.

"In fact, some things should be handed over to the ministers directly. As for the early court time..."

He laughed dryly: "Maybe we can change it."

"anything else?"

Seeing that Gu Nanyan opened his mouth, he was afraid that she would say something on this topic that would upset him, so Emperor Anyang hurriedly interrupted her.

Sensing his sincere gaze, Gu Nanyan became more serious and began to think seriously.

"Everything else is okay... It's just that it's unacceptable to always eat leftovers."

Emperor Anyang was startled, then slapped the table vigorously and said angrily: "Who are you listening to nonsense, how can a majestic emperor eat leftovers!"

What bastard is talking nonsense, isn't this a blow to his daughter's enthusiasm!

"No one told me."

"Seeing you have a meal these days, Eunuch Xu has to test the poison. You have to wait for him to taste everything. You can eat it after two quarters of an hour when you are free. How is this different from eating leftovers?"

After that, she looked sympathetically at the dazed Emperor Anyang: "I only recently realized that being an emperor is so annoying. I have to guard against being poisoned all day long, and I can't live in peace even if I eat a meal."

"Every day at three o'clock and one line, either going to court or staying in the imperial study, even going out of the palace to go shopping in a sneaky way, not afraid of being known, and calling it a private visit in micro-service."

Gu Nanyan curled her lips and clicked twice, the disdain in her tone was self-evident.

Emperor Anyang: "..."

Suddenly I want to hug myself...

He pondered for a while but couldn't find a reason to refute, and finally looked at Fu Tuo quietly.

Emperor Anyang: "It is considered appropriate for the crown prince to help me handle government affairs. From today onwards, you go to the imperial study to review papers with me."

After all, he is almost forty, and he should enjoy the blessings. This throne...

Whoever likes to sit sits!
Fu Tuo: "..."

To be honest, after hearing my sister's analysis, Gu suddenly wanted to ask for an order to abolish the crown prince...

Li Yi looked at the dispirited two who were hit by Gu Nanyan's few words, and suddenly wanted to laugh.

"Since the matter is over, I will leave first." Li Yi got up and said.

In any case, he sneaked in secretly, and the Zhenbei Army was still waiting outside the city, so it was not good for him to stay here for too long.

"Will Yan'er go out of the palace with me?" Li Yi asked with a smile.

Just as Gu Nanyan was about to nod, he was interrupted by the depressed Emperor Anyang.

"If you want to go, go by yourself, what are you doing with my daughter!" His eyes sharpened, and he gave him an angry look.

Li Yi was not angry either, and looked at Gu Nanyan pitifully.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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