The farmer has a mall

Chapter 282 The Princess

Chapter 282 The Princess

In fact, before Gu Nanyan, Emperor Anyang had a son and a daughter, but they all died young.

After that was Fu Lang, born to Concubine Ning Gui, who was only a few months older than her.

And according to the rules of Anyang Kingdom, it is not that the children born of the queen cannot be called a long character, so Gu Nanyan, the eldest princess, is indeed worthy of the name.

It's just that compared to Fu Tuo who was happy for his sister finally regaining her identity, Gu Nanyan's attitude was mediocre.

Seeing that she didn't care about the identity of the eldest princess, Fu Tuo was a little disappointed.

"I know that you have to go back to Jianan Country. The so-called kindness is not as good as raising kindness. The Gu family raised you up. You really should repay them well."

He sighed and said with some reluctance: "Just don't forget, you and I are connected by blood, Gu will always be your brother no matter what your identity is in the future, this Weiyang Palace will always be your home, and my brother will always leave it to you." on."

Hearing his promise, Gu Nanyan felt a warm current in his heart.

"Don't worry, Mingshan City is my fief, and it's much closer to here. It's not a dream to go back and forth in a few days after I develop the steam car."

She grinned at Fu Tuo, showing a naughty look for the first time since coming to this world.

"At that time, I will come back every few days. Brother, don't think I'm annoying."

This was the first time he heard Gu Nanyan call him big brother, Fu Tuo's eyes were moist, and the corners of his mouth turned up.

"No, even if you live in the palace every day, elder brother can only be happy."

Gu Nanyan saw him showing his emotions, and suddenly became interested and blinked at him: "Then if you marry a daughter-in-law in the future, will she think I'm annoying?"

Fu Tuo was displeased when he heard the words: "The first condition for choosing a concubine alone is to treat you well, and this kind of thing will never happen!"

Gu Nanyan pursed her lips, deliberately making things difficult: "As the saying goes, it's easy to meet but difficult to get along with. Maybe she liked me at first, but then she didn't like me anymore?"

Fu Tuo frowned, and said without thinking: "If someone doesn't like such a kind and lovely girl like Yanyan, it must be because of her bad character. You don't need such a wife!"

Seeing him say this with a serious look, Gu Nanyan finally couldn't help laughing.

Seeing her happy smile, Fu Tuo shook his head helplessly, with doting eyes in his eyes.

"You've been weird all day long, and I don't know where you have so many strange thoughts in your mind."

He sighed, thinking of Gu Nanyan's inventions, he felt proud.

"By the way, what is the steam car you just mentioned? This capital is thousands of miles away from Mingshan City, how many days can it go back and forth?"

Fu Tuo, this is purely out of curiosity.

When he was still in Wuyin County at that time, Gu Nanyan gave him a mechanical fan before he left, and it was very novel to him to turn the small key on it a few times to blow air.

"Of course." Gu Nanyan raised her head proudly.

"Not only that, it doesn't need a horse-drawn cart, it can run by itself."

Fu Tuo was very surprised when he heard this.

Running without an ox-horse cart, even the gods in the book would find it hard to do it!
Fu Tuo didn't believe it intuitively, but suddenly remembered the fan, so his eyes lit up, and he leaned forward impatiently and said, "Tell me quickly, what does the steam car look like, and why can it move by itself?"

Is it possible that just like his sister told him about the rotation of the fan, it also needs to be wound?
Seeing his curiosity, Gu Nanyan thought for a moment and told him the principle of the steam engine.

An hour later, Emperor Anyang, who could only approve the memorial all morning without stopping his son, came to Weiyang Palace with a straight face.

Fu Tuo was so shocked by Gu Nanyan's words that he couldn't recover, and was in a daze as if he had lost his soul.

Anyang Emperor sat down beside Gu Nanyan angrily.

"What face are you showing me here? I'm going to rest in the afternoon, so hurry up and go to the Imperial Study Room to approve papers!"

This brat ran towards Weiyang Palace as soon as he came down to court, and disappeared in a flash.

Little Xu Zi hurried to catch up with him but didn't catch up with him, causing him to face the Ning family's faction alone all morning, and his head was almost blown out of the noise!
Thinking of this, Emperor Anyang's face turned ugly again, but he was startled when he looked at Gu Nanyan who was drinking tea with drooping eyelids.

"Didn't you say that the poison is harmless, why is your face still so ugly?"

He frowned and asked Eunuch Xu to summon Grand Physician Sun without waiting for Gu Nanyan to reply.

The second time I heard someone say that my complexion was not good, Gu Nanyan was also taken aback, inexplicably took out a mirror from her arms and looked at it, her face turned dark instantly.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Didn't that dog in 888 say that he has no other symptoms? What's going on with this dead face!

She gritted her teeth and scolded 888 in her heart, and decided to call it out at night to settle accounts with it.

Then he stretched out his arms with a calm expression, and let Dr. Sun, who was dragged all the way here and was out of breath, feel his pulse.

Imperial Physician Sun is a little old man with a gray beard, not as strong as Dou Bi, but rather thin.

It took him a quarter of an hour to retract his hand, and he was amazed at Gu Nanyan.

"The princess was indeed poisoned. It should be the same poisonous needle that His Royal Highness gave to Wei Chen, but..."

Seeing his puzzled expression, Emperor Anyang asked anxiously: "It's just what, but the princess's poison is too deep to be solved?"

"It's really hard to understand." Imperial Physician Sun nodded.

"This thing should come from a foreign land, and I have never seen it before, and I haven't found a way to crack it after studying it for a day."

Emperor Anyang was even more worried when he heard the words: "How is the princess's situation, can it be considered serious?"

He looked at Gu Nanyan's increasingly dark face, feeling worried.

Seeing that the emperor misunderstood what he meant, Imperial Physician Sun hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, the princess is fine, it's just that she is very angry. Wait for me to prescribe a prescription and drink it for a few days."

Emperor Anyang and Fu Tuo heaved a sigh of relief when they heard the words, and asked Imperial Physician Sun to write a prescription quickly.

Gu Nanyan curled her lips and flatly refused: "No, your prescription is useless."

Her angry pulse is entirely due to that unknown neurotoxin. As long as the residual poison is not cleared, any medicine is useless, so why does she bother herself to drink that bitter medicine soup?

Seeing her indifferent attitude, Emperor Anyang frowned: "If you are sick, you need to take medicine, and you know how to heal yourself. Do I need to tell you this?!"

Gu Nanyan rolled his eyes at him, picked up a piece of pastry, took a leisurely bite, and said concisely: "It's useless, don't eat it."

The veins on the forehead of Emperor Anyang twitched.

When did his princes meet him and they were not cute and sensible, and when did they meet such a brat like Gu Nanyan?
So he slapped the table and raised his eyebrows and shouted: "No!"

"You must listen to me in this matter, you must drink the medicine, otherwise, otherwise..."

Emperor Anyang's heart stalked, he didn't know what to threaten her, so he fell silent for a while.

Emperor Anyang: "..."

This brat is not easy to deal with, she can't beat her with force, and she is unreasonable with text...

Seeing that he was otherwise, he didn't say anything for a long while, and his brow was sweating in a hurry, Gu Nanyan grinned triumphantly.

However, before she was happy for too long, Emperor Anyang seemed to suddenly think of something, smiled instantly, and looked down at her with lowered eyelids.

"If you don't drink the medicine obediently, I will confiscate the five million taels of silver from the Ning family!"

Gu Nanyan paused while eating his snacks, then looked at Emperor Anyang quietly.

Emperor Anyang returned her a smug look.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

"Have you got 500 million taels back?"

Has the Ning family changed sex?

Give it so simply?
"I personally sent someone to fetch it, how dare they be negligent." Emperor Anyang snorted coldly, with a proud face.

In fact, what he didn't say was that this was only one of the reasons.

Concubine Ning Gui and Fu Tuo were imprisoned, Ning Zongyuan died, and the rest of the Ning family were afraid of being implicated, even if they ransacked their homes, they did not dare to have any opinions, so they naturally gave up their property obediently.

Furthermore, Ning Zongyuan was the most powerful member of the Ning family, but he was defeated by Gu Nanyan twice, and each time was worse than the last. They were already scared out of their wits.

Hearing that the money was for Gu Nanyan, those people wished they could even bring out the ancestral tablets and load them into cars!

Emperor Anyang couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Girls born in other people's families are all delicate and pretty, as cute as a little white rabbit.

But his house...

It's like a ghost!
(End of this chapter)

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