The farmer has a mall

Chapter 300 Bone Meal

Chapter 300 Bone Meal
With a crisp sound, accompanied by bursts of exclamations, the teacup shattered.

Nanny Chang was startled, and instinctively wanted to back away, but suddenly thought of Concubine Xian beside her, she gritted her teeth and stood sideways in front of her.

Gu Nanyan's strength was not light, and the splashed broken porcelain scratched the back of her bare hands, and blood dripped down.

Concubine Xiangui's face became even paler, she stared at Gu Nanyan in disbelief, and raised her hand tremblingly to point at her.

"Gu Nanyan, how dare you do it! You are so shameless in front of the emperor, you must rebel!"

With a sneer, the corners of Gu Nanyan's lips parted slightly: "I was born like this, you can throw it back if you have the ability, otherwise even if you can't see it, you have to hold it back for me!"

Gu Nanyan glanced unkindly at the shocked Concubine Xian.

"A litter of animals, how dare you mention the word 'shapeless'!" She sneered mockingly.

"For a person like you, killing you is considered self-cultivation, let this dog slave be rude to the prince, be careful, I will pull out her tongue by the roots!"

Gu Nanyan's expression was a little distorted, trying to restrain the mania in his heart, raised his hand to support his forehead, closed his eyes, and took a few deep breaths.

"Also, don't get involved with rebellion at all times. I do things with sharp swords and spears. It's you Ding Mowei who threw the teacup. The word "animals" is your Ding family. If I say I rebelled, your father may have to take the throne first. !"

Concubine Xiangui was shocked when she heard the words, seeing that Emperor Anyang's face became more and more gloomy, she hurriedly stood up and knelt down regardless of the broken porcelain all over the floor.

"Your Majesty, the concubine does not mean that, the princess is clearly slandering her!"

The imperial study room was quiet for a moment, Fu Tuo frowned to appease Gu Nanyan, and asked Sanjin to bring a cup of calming tea.

He was a little worried, although it seemed that the residual poison in his sister's body had only had a considerable impact on her emotions and had no other discomfort, but who knew if there would be problems after a long time?

Thinking of the lack of progress from Imperial Physician Sun, Fu Tuo tightened his mouth, and decided to order someone to look for a famous doctor when he went back. Maybe someone who had seen this poison before could help his sister get rid of it.

Emperor Anyang was also worried about Gu Nanyan, seeing that her complexion improved a lot after obediently drinking the Anshen tea, he was quietly relieved.

Seeing that Concubine Xian was still kneeling on the ground, he didn't let her get up, and said to Fu Tuo, "Tell me, where are the palace maids who have not left the palace at their age, and what is the connection with Concubine Wan being poisoned."

Seeing Gu Nanyan squinting his eyes and sitting there calming down, Fu Tuo didn't say much, and asked Sanjin to hand over the booklet.

"The solitary person checked the eight maids who left the palace. Without exception, all of them had accidents. They were either crazy, fell into the water and were drowned, or were killed by robbers at home. None of the whole family was spared. Many of them fell seriously ill shortly after returning to their hometowns, but passed away within a few days."

"Gu naturally doesn't believe that there is such a coincidence in the matter. Combined with their experiences, Gu suspects that something bad happened to the disappeared maids, and if the guess is correct, their bodies must still be in this palace!"

He looked at Concubine Xian with condensed eyes: "It's just that the palace is so big, it's easy to find a living person, but it's hard to find dozens of corpses."

"Gu Ben thought the clue was interrupted, and was about to search elsewhere, but Yanyan told Gu that the flower cakes made by Concubine Wan had a weird taste."

Gu Nanyan has a keen sense of smell. On the day of the autumnal equinox, when Concubine Wan opened the food box containing flower cakes, she felt something was wrong. She wanted to take a piece for a closer inspection, but Concubine Wan put it away.

She didn't care about it at the time, she just thought that the flower planting method of the imperial garden was special, maybe the gardener used some ancestral secret method, after all, in the palace, there is no one or two things that can be done at all, and she has no intention Explore other people's ability to eat.

But after the news of Concubine Wan's poisoning came out later, the more she thought about it, the more wrong she became.

It wasn't until he drank a cup of scented tea in Yushu Palace that he felt more confident, so he told Fu Tuo about it.

The flowers in the imperial garden are for the nobles to enjoy, so the powder made from pig or chicken bones is used for fertilization, which can not only make the flowers flourish, but also have no peculiar smell, just like the cup of scented tea in Wanfei Palace.

There is a very slight difference in the taste from the flower cake that day, other people can't smell it, but it can't hide it from Gu Nanyan's nose.

Therefore, Gu Nanyan concluded that the flowers in the flower cake were definitely not grown by the Imperial Garden.

From the very beginning, she felt that Concubine Chen did not seem like a poisoner, so she naturally set her sights on another suspect, Concubine Xian Gui.

She remembered that Concubine Wan had said that Concubine Xian was good at making scented tea, so she must also be a flower lover, so she asked Aslan to inquire and learned that there was a large flower field in her palace, which was tended by a dumb slave.

Gu Nanyan asked someone to take some soil for her, and after identifying it, she became more sure of her thoughts.

"Gute invited Doctor Sun to examine it, and confirmed that the bone meal used for fertilization in the soil was human bones!"

Fu Tuo's words fell, and everyone was shocked. Concubine Wan's complexion changed drastically, her expression fluctuated, and finally she just covered her mouth and retched.

Emperor Anyang often drank scented tea from concubine Xiangui, thinking that those were raised with human flesh and blood, his complexion was uglier than Concubine Wan's, and sour water gushed from his throat.

It's just that because of my image as an emperor, I didn't spit it out on the spot.

"Ding Mowei, you are so courageous!" Now that the evidence of the crime was conclusive, Emperor Anyang naturally believed Fu Tuo's words, his sharp eyes were full of anger.

"I still think you are respectful and virtuous, and specially bestowed a word of virtuousness on you. I didn't expect you to be so vicious. Not to mention people's lives, you actually use human bones as fat."

Deeply aware that he had misread, Emperor Anyang gritted his teeth and stared at the devastated Concubine Xian with hatred.

Concubine Xian Gui saw that the matter had been exposed, her figure turned from kneeling to sitting, her expression was dull.

"Your Majesty, don't believe what the crown prince said, it's clear that he and Concubine Wan deliberately framed him!"

Mother Chang didn't bother to help the master, she took a few steps on her knees and cried for grievances with tears in her eyes.

"My prince is the crown prince of a country, why would he frame this poisonous woman!"

Emperor Anyang naturally didn't believe it. Based on his understanding of Fu Tuo, even if he was taken care of by Concubine Wan when he was a child, he would definitely not do such a thing of self-destructing the Great Wall.

Besides, the crown prince has investigated this matter very clearly, just need to send Imperial Physician Sun to the flower field of Concubine Xian to find out what the truth is.

Nanny Chang was not reconciled, and continued to argue: "Of course it is because of the old relationship between the crown prince and Concubine Wan."

She lowered her head and covered the hatred in her eyes: "There have been rumors in the palace that the crown prince takes great care of Concubine Wan, and the two often use the name of the princess to have private meetings in Weiyang Palace. It has long been unclear..."

She is the young lady's nanny. She has watched the young lady grow up since she was a child, and she has left her own child behind and entered the palace to take care of her.

In her heart, Miss is more important than her own flesh and blood.

Since he had seen the grown-up child since he was a child, he naturally knew everything about her clearly, and also knew that the young lady couldn't control her temper at all.

In order to stabilize her position in the harem and prevent others from discovering the fact that the lady is 'ill', she had no choice but to come up with this method, so that the lady can vent her emotions on the maid when she can't control her emotions, and then she can calm down when facing outsiders. right.

Afterwards, she disposes of the corpses herself, minces the flesh and bones, grinds the bones into powder, mixes them and gives them to the dumb slaves to fertilize the flower fields.

But now that this matter has been discovered, once it is found out, the young lady will definitely not escape the responsibility

Because the incident happened so suddenly, Nanny Chang knew that she was helpless when she was in despair.

But even so, she wouldn't make it easy for the person who revealed it.

She gritted her teeth and stared at Fu Tuo fiercely.

"Concubine Wan is upset that she was punished by the empress to the Punishment Department and intends to take revenge..."


Hearing that one of her servants slandered her son for having an affair with his own woman, Emperor Anyang couldn't stand it anymore, and also raised the teacup in his hand and threw it at Nanny Chang.

It's just that Gu Nanyan threw it at his feet, but he aimed at his forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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