The farmer has a mall

Chapter 306 The emperor who ran away from home

Chapter 306 The emperor who ran away from home

Gu Nanyan left in a hurry, without any warning in advance. Although Fu Tuo was reluctant to give up, he had to send letters to the post stations along the way, asking them to take care of them.

If possible, he would like to personally send his sister back to Jianan Kingdom, but unfortunately his incomprehensible father ran away, leaving a lot of government affairs waiting for him to deal with, and he really couldn't get away.

Even so, he also insisted on sending her out of the capital Baili, and after reuniting with Li Yi, he had to hurry back to the court.

Sitting in the carriage with a bruised nose and swollen face, Emperor Anyang followed far behind the team, very dissatisfied with his son's behavior.

He raised his head to look at the sky, curled his lips and said: "It's getting dark, this brat hastened to go back, if he delays the morning, let's see how I deal with him when I turn around!"

The curtain of the car was lifted by him, and cold air flooded into the car instantly, which made him shiver.

Anyang Kingdom is located in the north, and the temperature is lower than that of Jianan Kingdom, so although it is not yet deep winter, it is very dry and cold.

He wrapped himself tightly in the fox fur, looked angrily at the team that had stopped for nearly half an hour, and let out a mouthful of steam.

"It's not about life and death, why is it so hard, why don't you say something in the letter?"

After he finished speaking, he put down the curtain angrily, and Eunuch Xu who was beside him hurriedly handed him a cup of hot tea.

Emperor Anyang took the teacup, warmed it in his hands, took another sip, and sighed comfortably.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the princess have been separated for many years, and it has not been long since they met. It is understandable that they are reluctant to part."

Eunuch Xu sighed in his heart. He had lived in the palace for decades, and he was used to seeing intrigues and brothers killing each other. This was the first time he saw such a sincere brotherhood.

Emperor Anyang snorted and was noncommittal, but he didn't complain anymore. After putting down the teacup, he carefully avoided the bruises on his body, and leaned on the thick cotton pad to rest his eyes with his eyes closed.

At the front of the line, Fu Tuo, who was worried about the residual poison in his sister's body, rambled on for half an hour, telling her to pay attention to her body, not to rush on the road, and he had already made arrangements to go to the posthouse to rest at night.

After finishing the work, let her write to him after going back, at least half a month, to let him know about her situation.

He also told her not to be impulsive when things happen, safety is the first priority in everything, and if there is something that cannot be resolved, she should go to the shopkeeper of Qingxianglou in the capital, that is his spy in the country of Jianan.

Lin Lin always talked for a long time, without stopping for a while, Gu Nanyan couldn't stop him even if he wanted to interrupt him, just like Tang Monk in Journey to the West talking about his apprentice, and she was drowsy after talking about it.

Seeing his younger sister's upper and lower eyelids fighting, knowing that she didn't sleep well last night, Fu Tuo had no choice but to stop, and called two maidservants to help Gu Nanyan into the carriage.

These two are twin sisters, they look very similar, they were originally from Yinlongwei, and their kung fu is very good, but Fu Tuo, who was worried about his sister's long journey, gave it to Gu Nanyan.

Gu Nanyan didn't refuse, and turned around and gave him a small lady's pistol, so that he could carry it with him, and left three magazines.

Considering that since Concubine Xiangui was thrown into the cold palace, the grand master's attitude was unclear, and various factions in the court were fighting each other, so the one hundred kamikaze army led by Battelle was left behind.

Fu Tuo reluctantly watched the team disappear, and just about to go back, his eyes swept over Emperor Anyang's carriage which fell far behind, and his brows frowned.

"Why does Gu look familiar at that car?"

He remembered that when his mother was still alive, his father took them to another garden to escape the summer heat, and the carriage there was similar in style to this one.

Sanjin heard the words and looked over, but didn't think there was anything special about the car.

"Maybe it's the family members of some adult in the city who went out of the city, His Highness has seen it before?"

Fu Tuo paused when he heard this, and then pondered for a moment: "Maybe it's because I'm thinking too much."

He shook his head, shook off the absurd thoughts in his mind, turned his horse's head and galloped towards the capital.

Emperor Anyang quietly put down the curtains, breathed a sigh of relief, and then hummed a little song in a good mood.

Eunuch Xu glanced at his master who was getting more and more troublesome, sighed helplessly, and made the mattress for him.

"It's really unwise for the emperor to leave a letter and go to a foreign country alone. I don't know how depressed the prince will be when he finds out."

Obviously the injury on his body is still not healed, so he has to keep up with the bumps all the way, if it's just to see him off, that's all.

However, as the king of a country, he insisted on going to Jianan with the princess's convoy. If he was discovered, it would be considered minor to cause turmoil. If assassins were attracted...

Thinking of this, Eunuch Xu did not know how many times he tried to persuade him: "In my opinion, before we go far, the emperor might as well return with an order, and go out to play after all the preparations are complete..."

Before he finished speaking, he was glared at by Emperor Anyang.

"Who said I want to go out to play, I'm obviously going deep into the tiger's den to investigate the enemy's situation, you know nothing!"

When Eunuch Xu heard the words, he really wanted to roll his eyes at him.

You are also investigating the enemy's situation. Your alliance letter has been stamped with a jade seal and handed over to the princess. The two countries will be allies in the future. Where is the enemy's situation?
But of course he wouldn't say that, and even if he did, it would be useless, as his master has never been able to listen to persuasion.

"Then you should at least have someone catch up with the princess to show your identity. There are a lot of people on the princess' side, so at least there is someone to take care of you when you go together."

"No!" Emperor Anyang firmly objected.

"Let's wait until we go farther. According to that girl's personality, if she finds me here, she will definitely drive me back."

It would be different if he went farther. In order to force Gu Nanyan to take him with him, he deliberately brought only a dozen guards. He didn't believe that stinky girl let him take such a small number of people back alone!

Emperor Anyang snorted proudly.

Eunuch Xu who saw his thoughts: "..."

It has to be said that although his master is capable in state affairs, for some reason, every time he faces the princess, he always has some unrealistic ideas.

Eunuch Xu was so worried that he thought over and over again and secretly wrote a letter to Fu Tuo while Emperor Anyang was asleep, and had someone send it back quickly.

Therefore, Fu Tuo, who was supposed to know that his father had run away from home after a month, received the bad news before the court.

With such an incomprehensible father, Fu Tuo was also worried and bald.

He was pacing back and forth in the Eastern Palace in court clothes, and the veins on his forehead were throbbing.

For Emperor Anyang, who has become more and more rascal recently, he has long been prepared, knowing that the time for "replacing" this time may not be short, but no matter how hard he thinks, he can't imagine that he can be so unreliable!

From ancient times to the present, except for being captured or invading other countries, he has never heard of any emperor who took the initiative to run to other people's territory!

Although it is unlikely that the two countries will go to war because of the younger sister, his behavior is tantamount to provocation. If the rebels seize the opportunity to provoke the relationship between the two countries, the younger sister will be in trouble.

Fu Tuo rubbed his throbbing temples, and hurriedly wrote a letter to Gu Nanyan, regardless of the morning morning.

Gu Nanyan, who was on his way, had heard from Ashlan that there was a team following them all the time.

It's just that there are not many people on the other side, and the escort flags are still planted in the team, and they don't seem to be malicious, so she doesn't care, and just thinks which escort agency happens to be on the same road with them.

It wasn't until Fu Tuo's personal letter was received that he knew who was following him.

Gu Nanyan was very speechless, and couldn't figure out what Emperor Anyang was going to do for a while.

Seeing that Fu Tuo's letter did not ask her to send Emperor Anyang back, he didn't dismantle it immediately, but asked the kamikaze team to pay more attention to the safety of the group behind them, and slowed down their pace.

After driving for several days, Gu Nanyan ordered to stop and rest, and camped in an open space not far from the post station.

Emperor Anyang, whose bones were about to fall apart after being bumped, heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly asked Eunuch Xu to help him down for a walk.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he got off the car, he saw Gu Nanyan sitting by the campfire not far away, looking at him with dark eyes.

Emperor Anyang: "..."

The corners of his mouth trembled, thinking that she had discovered him, he cleared his throat pretending to be calm, just about to go up to say hello.

However, Gu Nanyan's gaze skipped him and looked elsewhere, as if the glance just now was just an inadvertent glance.

Emperor Anyang:? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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