The farmer has a mall

Chapter 309 Cai Rang

Chapter 309 Cai Rang
Since Gu Nanyan and the others were not far from the city wall, only about ten meters away, the city defense artillery fired almost upright.

The shells were shot high into the air, and when they reached the highest point, they fell towards the top of their heads at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, more than a dozen kamikaze soldiers and Gu Nanyan were holding rifles, half kneeling on the ground in a row, and the muzzles passed through a gap deliberately left between the shields, aiming upwards.

Li Yi turned behind Gu Nanyan before firing the cannon, and covered her head in a semi-protective state.

At the same time, he quickly untied the rifle from the soldier holding the shield beside him, recalled the shooting skills Gu Nanyan had taught him, and aimed the gun at three points and one line at the top.

Gu Nanyan, on the other hand, watched the falling shells intently, and his expression froze when he reached the height of the city wall.


She gave the order to shoot first, and the shell she aimed at was hit, igniting the gunpowder inside, making a loud bang, and bursting, and the shattered iron pieces shot around rapidly.

Li Yi also fired, the first shot missed, he fired the second shot, and the explosion sounded again.

More than a dozen kamikaze soldiers shot overhead one after another, most of the shells were hit, and two missed shots were also shot by Gu Nanyan.

After all the shells exploded, the shield above the head quickly closed to block the falling fragments.

There were bursts of wailing from above, and a dozen or so defenseless gunners fell to the ground dripping with blood. Several of them were hit vitally by fragments and lost their breath on the spot.

Gu Nanyan, who was squatting under the shield, turned her head and grinned at Li Yi, who was shooting excitedly for the first time behind him.

"How do you feel?" she asked with a smile.

Li Yi suppressed his heart beating wildly, his eyes were shining brightly.

"It's a hundred times better than the crossbow you sold to the emperor." He laughed.

"Do you like it?" Gu Nanyan asked again.

"I like it very much." Li Yicheng said honestly, touching the body of the gun lovingly with one hand.

Gu Nanyan smiled knowingly. Sure enough, no matter what age men are, they have an inexplicable love for guns.

"I'll give you one later." Gu Nanyan said generously, then turned his head to look at the city wall intently.

Li Yi looked at her back with a gentle expression, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up. Although the situation was critical at this time, it could not stop his good mood at all.


Standing on the other side of the city wall, Cai Rang, who had the chance to win, looked ashen. He really couldn't understand why the opponent was still able to resist under such a magical weapon.

Due to the weapon in Gu Nanyan's hand, he didn't dare to show his head. He was unwilling to let the injured gunner be dragged down, and a dozen more people were added.

A new round of gunfire sounded, Gu Nanyan led the kamikaze team to resist the attack again, Cai Rang was a little scared.

Regardless of his subordinates who were still howling on the city wall, he jumped down the tower with a few strides and ran forward.

The soldiers guarding the city broke up, and the kamikaze team easily entered the city. The gates of the city were opened for them by a few generals of the Northern Suppressing Army dressed in civilian clothes.

These people are all Gu Yao's subordinates, and they are very happy to see Gu Nanyan.

"Princess, you are finally back." One of them hurried forward and said.

"The general has an order to bring your troops back to the capital immediately to rescue him. He will be fine when the court is stable." Even though he said that, the man's complexion was not very good.

After General Gu was imprisoned, General Qu Xiaoqu refused to accept Cai Rang's order and was also imprisoned.

Although the remaining generals refused to accept it, they did not dare to act rashly due to the lives of the two of them. The Zhenbei Army was like a decoration, and the city was controlled by Cai Rang and the people he brought.

The visitor took out a copper seal from his pocket and held it in front of Gu Nanyan: "The general gave this to his subordinate the night before he was imprisoned, and asked his subordinate to give it to you when he sees the princess."

Li Yi looked solemn, looked at the seal that Gu Nanyan took over, and said in a low voice, "This is the Tiger Talisman of the Zhenbei Army."

Gu Nanyan raised his eyebrows, pressed it on the back of his hand, and sure enough, the words "Suppressing North Military Order" were printed.

She thought for a while, and put the tiger talisman into her bosom.

"Please trouble the prince to take the kamikaze team to the barracks first to appease the soldiers, and I will save grandfather."

Li Yi frowned when he heard this, and after understanding what she meant, he was a little worried: "Cai Rang must also know that you will go to rescue Old General Gu, he has always acted viciously, and I am afraid he has already set up an ambush, so it may not be right for you to go alone at this time. "

Hearing the worry in his tone, Gu Nanyan frowned.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."


At the same time, in the imperial palace of the capital, the Empress Dowager Shen stood in front of the unconscious Li Mi's bed, bent down calmly and stretched out her hand to tuck the corner of the quilt for him.

"What's going on with Zhenbei Army?" She said slowly.

The young man standing behind her with his head lowered cupped his hands at her and said, "My lord, Gu Yao has been imprisoned by Eunuch Cai and will be escorted back to Beijing in a few days, but the Zhenbei Army has not yet taken control. The smelter and the arsenal After the Zhenbei Army withdrew, it was guarded by the private soldiers of the Princess Mansion, and they were unable to control it."

Empress Dowager Shen frowned when she heard the words, as if she didn't expect this bone to be so difficult to chew.

But after a while, she loosened her brows and didn't take this matter to heart.

"Forget it, as long as Gu Yao is trapped, the Zhenbei Army is like a display without anyone leading it. It doesn't matter whether it is under control or not. As for those factories..."

She smiled slowly, and she picked up a wet kerchief to clean Li Mi's face with kindness in her eyes.

"When the world is in the hands of Aijia, how long can they resist?"

After finishing speaking, she stopped talking, and after wiping Li Mi's face carefully, she said again: "Is there any news from Cui Yanping?"

The young man paused: "A few days ago, I received a letter from the military supervisor, saying that General Cui was vague. He neither rejected the Queen Mother's kindness nor accepted it. The subordinate analyzed that he might be waiting for news from Gu Yao."

Empress Dowager Shen smiled lowly: "This person has always been swaying with the wind, so there is nothing wrong with it, but we still have to be careful, and stabilize him before Prince Jing returns to Beijing."

"Yes." The subordinate took the order.

Empress Dowager Shen nodded in satisfaction, and asked the maid waiting outside the door to come in and change a basin of warm water. After washing her hands, she sat in front of the couch in the hall and drank tea, and exhaled slowly.

"Where did Prince Liang's convoy go?"

Young man: "According to reports from the spies, nearly half of the distance has been traveled, and it will take about [-] days to arrive in Beijing."

After finishing speaking, he hesitated for a while and then said: "I heard that the Prince of Daliang came here this time for the purpose of marrying our country, and the object of their lord's preference is Gu Nanyan..."

If so, the situation is complicated.

As the princess of Anyang, Gu Nanyan is already ready to be an enemy of Anyang. If she is allowed to marry Prince Liang and become the concubine of Daliang, she may instigate Daliang to form an alliance with Anyang.

Facing the two countries' attack, it is not easy to fight against the magical weapon of city defense artillery.

Not to mention that Cui Yanping's attitude is unclear, and whether he will help them resist the Liang army is still unknown.

"You can't think that Gu Nanyan is a fairy daughter, and the Prince of Daliang must be her. I have a lot of good daughters in Jianan, so I can give him a princess." Empress Dowager Shen laughed.

The young man was not as optimistic as she thought: "The spies stationed in Daliang reported that in order to marry Gu Nanyan into the country, the Emperor of Daliang chose a prince to accompany him besides the crown prince. Picking one of them shows that we value it.”

Empress Dowager Shen seemed to be a little tired and rubbed her forehead, she didn't care.

"What they value is not Gu Nanyan, but the city defense guns in her hands, and those weird weapons. You don't have to worry about this, just do what you are doing. Other Aijia have their own plans."

Emperor Liang's purpose was too obvious, and his thinking was too naive.

For a person like Gu Nanyan, no matter which country she is placed in, it is impossible for those in power to let her out.

Just like Queen Mother Shen herself, if Gu Nanyan can't be used by her, she will destroy her without hesitation!
(End of this chapter)

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