The farmer has a mall

Chapter 311 Reunion

Chapter 311 Reunion

"Where is Gu Yao?" Gu Nanyan asked in a low voice.

Facing Gu Nanyan, who was like an emissary from hell, Cai Rang was finally frightened and pointed to the room behind him with trembling fingers.

She took him by the back of the neck and walked over to check, and found Gu Yao and Qu Xiao tied together in the cellar under the bed in the house.

After finding the person she was looking for, she didn't have any sympathy for someone like Cai Rang, who was helping the tyrant, disregarding his pleas, turned the dagger and slashed his throat.

Gu Yao looked in surprise at the granddaughter who was covered in Cai Rang's blood and let them go gloomyly, speechless for a while.

They have been trapped below, and naturally they did not hear the movement outside.

"Why are you here?" Gu Yao looked at her blood-stained robe and frowned.

"Didn't grandfather send you a letter to return directly to Beijing?"

Gu Nanyan squinted at him, turned around and left when he saw that he was not injured.

"Go back to Beijing directly, and then come back to collect your body?"

After killing so many people just now, she was in a very bad mood, and the irritability in her heart was rising, so she naturally lost her good tone.

Gu Yao was stunned, but didn't care about his granddaughter's tone, thinking that she was angry because of his questioning just now, sighed, followed her granddaughter's footsteps out of the cellar, followed by Qu Xiao.

"Grandfather didn't mean to blame you. It's just that Cai Jianjun followed the dead soldiers of the Shen family. General Qu and I were able to cure one of them. Grandfather is afraid that you will be injured."

"The dead man of the Shen family?"

Gu Nanyan who walked to the entrance of the cellar stopped and narrowed his eyes.

Seeing her doubts, Qu Xiao took a few steps forward: "It's the dead soldiers trained by the Empress Dowager Shen's natal family. When Shen Youcheng rebelled, the [-] dead soldiers who were dispatched alone required your grandfather to dispatch the army to suppress them. Even so, it will damage a lot. Major General's life."

Thinking of the tragedy of that year, Qu Xiao sighed: "We all thought that the remnants of the Shen family were all killed, and those dead soldiers were all killed, but we didn't expect that there were still fish that slipped through the net!"

The Shen family's method of cultivating the dead is very cruel, killing each other out of ten, and then giving secret medicine to the survivors, becoming people who have no feelings but only know how to kill.

Moreover, these people were originally children of ordinary people, and they were taken captive when they were still ignorant. After taking the secret medicine, although their strength greatly increased, they would not survive to adulthood. The cruelty of the methods is simply outrageous.

"We know that you are powerful, but we don't want you to go up against this kind of person and lose your hands for nothing."

"You simply pretended to be caught and dragged Cai Rang, but in fact, the Zhenbei Army has always been under the control of your grandfather, and the old man's grandson quietly led people out of Wuyin County, where he was going to join you."

"I thought I could delay you for a while. If the old hag of the Shen family could reach the capital before she found out, she would definitely be caught off guard. Who would have thought..."

He sighed again, he didn't know whether he should feel relieved for his old friend, or regret that the plan failed.

Gu Yao smiled, and rubbed Gu Nanyan's head lovingly.

"It was decided in a hurry, and there are quite a lot of variables. Then Cai Rang is not a fool, and we couldn't delay it for long."

While the three of them were talking, they had already reached the door, and the archer who had lost his leader was nowhere to be seen.

Looking at the corpses all over the floor, even though Gu Yao was prepared, he couldn't help but gasp.

Qu Xiao's eyes were even more burning, and he ran over to test their pulses one by one, and found that there were indeed no survivors, and they were all killed instantly by someone hitting the center of the pulse. He couldn't help but look at Gu Yao enviously.

"I'm talking about Lao Gu, I heard that your family has a granddaughter from a concubine who is half as skilled as Nanmaid?"

He paused and said again: "It's not half, there should be one-tenth, why don't you adopt her to my Qu family, and I'll exchange my unworthy grandson with you?"

Gu Yao: "..."


The three brought them back to the army, and Gu Yao immediately ordered to arrest all Cai Rang's subordinates. After discussing with Li Yi, he decided to lead the troops to the capital himself.

Gu Nanyan exhausted a lot of physical strength, returned to her residence, and collapsed on the bed tired and hungry.

Seeing this, Liu Zhenzhen was very distressed, and hurriedly made her a large bowl of noodles with fried sauce for her to put on first, and then hurried to work on the stove again.

Gu Nanyan finished eating the noodles, waited and waited but Liu Zhenzhen did not come back, touched her still hungry stomach, sighed and got up to look for her in the kitchen.

She had just walked halfway when she heard a man around the corner with a somewhat familiar voice growling angrily.

Gu Nanyan frowned and approached, and saw Qu Zifeng who had just rushed back from the outside was holding Liu Zhenzhen's arm emotionally, saying something with a painful expression on his face.

But Liu Zhenzhen was pushed against the wall and couldn't move forward or retreat, her face was pale, she bit her lips and said nothing.

The corners of her skirt were stained with oil, and under her feet were broken dishes and food scattered all over the floor.

Gu Nanyan's face sank in an instant, and he stepped forward a few strides, grabbed Qu Zifeng's hand that was holding Liu Zhenzhen, and shook it hard.

Under the pain, Qu Zifeng let go subconsciously, and his whole body was thrown out by Gu Nanyan.

He raised his head reluctantly, and was startled when he saw that it was Gu Nanyan.

"What are you doing?"

Gu Nanyan asked word by word, with a sense of gnashing of teeth, looking down at the food scattered on the floor, feeling heartache as if it was about to bleed.

She gave Qu Zifeng a hard look, then turned to look at Liu Zhenzhen.

Liu Zhenzhen lowered her head, her lips were already bleeding from her bite, seeing Gu Nanyan looking at her, the corners of her mouth moved but she didn't say anything.

Standing up slowly from the ground, Qu Zifeng patted the dust on his body, calmed down and pretended to be nonchalant, and said, "This girl has strayed into the barracks by mistake, she might have lost her way, I just want to send her out."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Liu Zhenzhen who was still bowing his head: "This is the princess protecting the country. When Wuyin County was destroyed last time, she was the one who brought people to rescue her. General Gu is her grandfather."

As if reminding her of something, he said with deep meaning in his eyes.

"The exit is a long way from here. I'm afraid you'll get lost again by yourself, so let me go. I'll find someone to take you out."

Seeing Liu Zhenzhen still biting her lip and not speaking, he seemed a little anxious, and secretly glanced at Gu Nanyan.

Gu Nanyan blinked and looked at him, then at Liu Zhenzhen behind him, and before Qu Zifeng spoke again, he said in a cool tone: "Where do you want to take my cousin?"

Qu Zifeng was taken aback, but didn't realize that the person she was talking about was Liu Zhenzhen, and looked around with a puzzled expression.

"This subordinate has never met the princess' cousin, let alone took her away..."

Liu Zhenzhen was standing behind her with a thin figure, Qu Zifeng was a little anxious when he thought of how ruthless she was when she beat someone.

At the beginning, due to his mistake, he lost the token, which caused the city gate to be opened wide and the enemy entered the city, killing many Zhenbei troops. His grandfather wrote to the emperor to plead guilty.

The emperor saw that his grandfather had garrisoned the border city for many years and killed countless enemies, so he was beaten with fifty army sticks.

Military sticks are different from boards in the palace, the wounds are all inside.

He lay on the bed for two full months before he could barely get up, and he just recovered recently.

But when he thought about it, the fifty army sticks seemed a bit inadequate compared to Gu Nanyan's fist.

The feeling of powerlessness that hit the painful spot but was pressed to the ground and couldn't move was really impressive.

Thinking of this, he gave Liu Zhenzhen a subtle wink, signaling her to follow him quickly.

If Gu Nanyan found out her identity and knew that she was the one who stole his token, caused heavy losses to the Zhenbei Army, and almost killed Gu Yao's ancestors and grandchildren, she would probably be beaten to death on the spot!

It's not that he doesn't care about the life and death of Zhenbei Army, but his heart is for Liu Zhenzhen.

It was because he knew that she was also instigated by others, and he had to do such wrong things as a last resort.

Although the consequences are serious, the crime is not fatal. He would rather hand her over to his grandfather or Old General Gu than to let her fall into the hands of this female evil star!
(End of this chapter)

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