The farmer has a mall

Chapter 314 The Queen's Care

Chapter 314 The Queen's Care

Concubine Rou felt her unkind eyes, she trembled all over, and tightly grabbed the corner of her clothes with her fingers.

Concubine Cui Gui sneered, and said to the eunuch guarding the door: "Come here, let me drag this lowly maid who doesn't know the rules out, and slap her mouth hard!"

The eunuch took the order and was about to drag the maidservant when he went up, but Concubine Rou was shocked and wanted to stop her.


She took two steps forward to stand in front of her, with her wet eyes like a deer's, she pursed her lips and looked at Concubine Cui stubbornly.

"Pei'er is just a little more outspoken. Why do Sister Cui make it difficult for her, because she wants to beat someone just because of one word!"

"Frank and straight?" Concubine Cui sneered.

"What is this palace's identity? A girl with unknown background dares to yell in front of this palace, but Concubine Rou said she was outspoken for such a low-level offense?"

She sneered, and mocked without hesitation: "As expected, you are a businessman, and you have no rules at all!"

Concubine Rou, who was originally fair-skinned, turned even paler when she heard this, and she lowered her head to hide the unwillingness in her eyes.

Looking up again, he changed into an aggrieved look, and pulled Pei'er to kneel slowly in front of the queen who had never made a sound.

"Empress, Pei'er is still young, I really didn't mean to offend Sister Cui, she grew up with this concubine, and I don't want her to be punished, please save her..." Concubine Rou said, sobbing again .

The queen watched her cry coldly, and after a while she looked at Li Mi who was motionless with her eyes closed tightly and sighed: "After you entered the palace, the emperor told me to take care of you more, saying that you are young after all, and if you break the rules, don't worry about it." To compare with you..."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Concubine Cui again: "The concubine's words are indeed a little too much, no matter what Concubine Rou's background is, since she is a sister after entering the palace, it is better to get along with each other in harmony."

Although Concubine Cui Gui has a bad temper, she still respects the queen very much.

Even though she was disgusted by Concubine Rou's pretentious appearance, she still suppressed the anger in her heart, and said yes with a low eyebrow.

Seeing this, Concubine Rou seemed very excited, and wanted to say something grateful to the queen, but she saw that the other party's eyes suddenly fell on her, not as pleasant as Concubine Cui, with a rather serious expression.

"However, the palace is a place of strict rules. If it is found that the palace people are found to cover up the offense regardless of their superiority or inferiority, then wouldn't the phoenix seal of my palace in charge of the East Palace become a display?"

She looked at the frozen Concubine Cui, and smiled at her: "Pei'er made a mistake, although you, the master, are also responsible, but who told me that the emperor promised the emperor to take care of you, this time I won't care about you. "

"It's just that this court lady named Pei'er dared to offend the noble concubine and yelled at the emperor's resting place. She was really useless, so she was punished with [-] slaps and sent to the Shang Palace Bureau to learn the rules."

After she finished speaking, she waved her hand to let several eunuchs take the frightened Pei Er down.

Pei'er was dragged staggeringly, and when she came back to her senses, she was about to shout for grievances, but the eunuch who was holding her arm quickly covered her mouth, and her voice was blocked in her throat.

Concubine Rou, who was still kneeling on the ground, was at a loss for Pei'er's eyes asking for help.

After disposing of Pei'er, the Queen personally helped Concubine Rou up from the ground with a smile on her face, and patted her hand.

"Don't worry, as long as Pei'er learns the rules well, I will send her back to you."

She paused and thought for a moment: "Speaking of which, your days in the palace are not too short, but it's really inconvenient to only have Pei'er, a useful girl, by your side."

She tilted her head and lowered her eyelids and called out: "Moqi."

The court lady named Moqi hurried forward, lowered her head in a polite manner: "The servant is here."

"From today onwards, you will stay by Concubine Rou's side until Pei'er comes back."

Concubine Rou hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, Mo Qi is a first-class maid in your palace, how dare a concubine take away your love..."

She was interrupted by the Queen before she could finish her sentence.

The queen got up with a smile, and pulled her to sit next to Li Mi's bed again.

"There's nothing wrong with it. The emperor is now in a coma, so I will naturally take care of you for him."

"Besides, that girl Pei'er is very smart. I believe she will be able to learn the rules well in a short time. If you don't return the ink chess by then, I will personally ask for it."

She patted Concubine Rou's hand, and looked down at Li Mi on the bed.

"Now is a difficult time. Fortunately, the Empress Dowager is in charge of the overall situation. We sisters are in the harem, and we can't help with court affairs. We should unite to stabilize people's hearts, so as not to be taken advantage of by those with ulterior motives."

She smiled gently at Concubine Rou: "Whether you can stand in this palace depends entirely on the emperor's favor. You are so smart and you must understand this truth."

When she said this, she stopped talking, turned around and moistened Li Mi's mouth with a wet handkerchief.

Concubine Rou stared blankly at Li Mi who didn't notice, her thoughts were surging.

Concubine Cui watched with cold eyes, and twitched the corners of her mouth mockingly.

In Yufu Palace, Concubine Rou was lying sideways on the couch, looking a little tired.

"I'm going to rest, you go down first." She rubbed her forehead and waved to Mo Qi who was standing beside her.

Mo Qi answered yes, crossed his hands in front of him and bowed down, and retreated with a low eyebrow.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Concubine Rou suddenly opened her eyes and sat up.

She raised her head and looked forward, frowned and hesitated for a while and said, "Can you cure the poison in the emperor's body?"

As soon as she finished speaking, a deep male voice sounded next to her ears: "I can't solve it now."

"Why?" Concubine Rou was puzzled, her eyes still staring straight ahead.

"You gave me this medicine, why can't I get rid of it?"

Thinking that the other party was angry with her, Concubine Rou softened her tone and said softly: "I know that I didn't do well last time, but it was also because of lack of time. If you can cure the emperor's poison, give me a few more days time……"

"No if." The deep male voice interrupted her, his tone seemed a little irritated.

"Who are you going to help? You were the one who wanted to poison the emperor, and now you want to detoxify him!"

Concubine Rou's pacing voice sounded in her ears: "Don't blame me for not warning you, if the emperor's poison is cured, that person will definitely blame you, and the degree of favorability for you will also decrease accordingly, so I will ask for some things." It's back."

Concubine Rou was shocked when she heard the words, and hurriedly covered her face with her hands.

"No, I won't detoxify him, so don't take it back."

She wanted to detoxify the emperor because of what the queen said.

It was also because of Pei'er being punished today, which made her understand her situation.

Thinking about it since she entered the palace, Li Mi has really treated her in every possible way. He rarely puts on the airs of an emperor in front of her. He also insisted on making her a concubine because of her confrontation with all the courtiers. bit.

On the other hand, that person also already had a regular wife, but his attitude towards her was very cold.

Concubine Rou bit her lip, and suddenly regretted choosing the wrong person impulsively.

She was about to say something when she heard a knock on the door, followed by Mo Qi's steady voice.

"Concubine Rou, someone from the Empress Dowager's Palace, please go to Jinghe Palace to have a talk."


In Jinghe Palace, Empress Dowager Shen knelt in front of the Buddha statue with a Buddhist bead in her hand, chanting words.

It wasn't until the nurse beside her reported that Concubine Rou had arrived that she slowly got up and was helped to the front hall.

"Today in the emperor's bedroom, what did the empress and concubine Cui say?"

Concubine Rou was sitting at the bottom anxiously, when she heard the Queen Mother's question suddenly, she twitched the corners of her mouth stiffly.

"I didn't say anything important, I just got together and chatted." She tightly held the teacup in her hand and said nervously.

Then he secretly raised his eyes and looked at the Empress Dowager Shen who was sitting directly above her, her heart was beating wildly.

The person who was talking to her in the palace just now had warned her that Queen Mother Shen was a cruel and scheming person with countless debts, so if she had nothing to do, don't provoke her, let alone fight her, otherwise it would be easy to lose her life.

Therefore, every time she saw Queen Mother Shen, Concubine Rou was extremely nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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