The farmer has a mall

Chapter 322 Gu Zhengkang's Plan

Chapter 322 Gu Zhengkang's Plan
"Do you know how good our pharmacy's business is?"

In the attic lounge, Cui Yao proudly showed off to Gu Nanyan.

"Jishantang, the largest pharmacy in the capital, has lost more than half of its business since we opened for business. Their shopkeeper was so angry that they called four or five groups of people to make trouble."

Not being jealous is a mediocrity, for Cui Yao, this is the greatest affirmation for him!

He talked excitedly about how to bully others and repel the "enemy", Gu Nanyan was speechless.

Gu Nanyan frowned when he heard that the store was almost smashed down and Dou Bi was almost injured.

"Under the emperor's feet, are these people so rampant?"

Unlike other places, the capital is not only the face of the country, but also the palace and ministers' residences are the targets of spies from various countries.

Therefore, in addition to the daily patrols by the officers and soldiers of the Beijing Yamen, the Jinwu Guards are also in charge of the security of the capital.

It can be said that it is the place with the best security in the Jianan Kingdom.

Cui Yao curled his lips, a sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

"That's all superficial work, and there are no less dirty deeds behind the scenes than in other places."

He picked up the teacup and took a sip, then sighed: "You have spent too little time in this capital, and you don't understand the truth here. Here, even an ordinary grocery store has a backstage behind it."

Living in the capital is not easy, this sentence is not only about money, but also the confrontation between various forces.

Looking at his face that was much more mature than a year ago, Gu Nanyan lowered his head, "Who is the backstage of Jishantang?"

The fact that Gu's Pharmacy is her property was not intentionally concealed. It stands to reason that no one would not know about it, but the shopkeeper still sent someone to make trouble.

Although money is touching, it still makes people feel unusual.

"You also know this person." Cui Yao pondered.

"It's also a misunderstanding. The apparent owner of Jishantang is just an ordinary businessman, but in fact it is Li Pinggui, the king of Xianyang County."

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows, and a fat middle-aged man who looked like Maitreya Buddha and always had a smile on his face appeared in his mind, but was timid and fearful.

"But your dandy brother?"

She remembered having dinner with him when she first came to Beijing, and later this man went to live in her village for a few days.

Cui Yao rolled his eyes, and muttered dissatisfiedly: "As far as you remember clearly, what kind of dude brother, my master has already changed his ways, okay? There is a long line of girls in the capital who want to marry you!"

He is so busy now that he hits the back of his head with his heels that he doesn't even have time to go out for a drink. He is a pure and decent person!
Gu Nanyan smiled lightly and said nothing, with an expression that I just want to watch you blow.

Cui Yao had a stalk in his heart, he already knew her temperament, so he simply didn't have the same knowledge as her, so he would die of anger in the end.

"You also know how timid that guy is. With his personality, he will never do anything to bully others. It's all the shopkeeper's own idea."

"Later, I used some tricks and found out that he was the owner behind the scenes, so I came to the door. Only then did he find out about it, and immediately dismissed the shopkeeper, and also compensated us a lot of money. It was an apology and an apology. , we have nothing to lose in the end, so I didn't pursue it any further."

Gu Nanyan nodded. Cui Yao has a smooth personality and will not offend people easily. He is a very qualified businessman.

It was only fitting for him to handle these matters.

After talking about Jishantang, Gu Nanyan looked at the plaque diagonally opposite.

"How did you handle the Ge family's affairs?"

The door of Ge's pharmacy was covered with dust, it seemed that no one had cleaned it for a long time, presumably it hadn't been opened for some time.

"I don't need to do anything about this. Old man Ge ruined his family property entirely on his own initiative." Cui Yao mocked.

At the beginning, the pharmacy had just opened, and the business was very good due to the good efficacy of the medicine. The Gejia pharmacy, which opened across the street, was sold out and lost its business.

In addition, Gu Nanyan deliberately bought some medicinal materials, and every time he passed by their door, the old man Ge thought that these medicinal materials were what she needed to refine into medicine, and began to buy them for research.

Herbal medicines are the most feared overstock, and he bought them at a high price, which soon exhausted the family's wealth, and finally had to close down.

Xu Shi felt ashamed, and the Ge family withdrew from the capital shortly after the pharmacy closed.

"I asked someone to inquire. All of them have returned to their hometown. If you need me, I can give you the address."

Gu Nanyan shook his head indifferently: "It's just an ant, so don't worry about it."

The Ge family is dead, and the Ge family has also fallen. The original body's revenge has been avenged, and she doesn't want to put her mind on these people anymore.

Besides, there are more important things to do now.

The two chatted about some business matters, and when they learned that everything was fine with Guose Tianxiang, Kamikaze Delivery also opened several branches along the road from the capital to Mingshan, so they bid farewell to him and returned to the General's Mansion.

When passing by Gu Yao's study, he happened to meet a man in a crimson tunic who slammed the door and came out.

It was Gu Zhengkang, the son of Aunt Qiu of Xiyuan.

When he saw Gu Nanyan, he was taken aback for a moment, then he gave her a gloomy look, then flung his sleeves and left.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows, thought for a moment and walked to Gu Yao's study.

Seeing his granddaughter, Gu Yao's angry face softened a bit.

"Sister Nan is here." He pinched his eyebrows wearily.

"It just so happens that grandfather has something to ask you for." He pointed to the chair beside him and motioned her to sit down.

"What is Gu Zhengkang doing here?" Gu Nanyan asked.

In his impression, the concubine's family rarely appeared in the east courtyard, and even if they needed to find Gu Yao for something, they would ask the servants to come and invite him over.

"That's why I'm looking for you." Gu Yao frowned with a straight face.

"Your third uncle, who is so dishonorable, may have belonged to the queen mother's party!" He said a little angrily.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows: "How does grandfather know that he belongs to the Queen Mother?"

Gu Yao sighed, picked up a letter from the desk and handed it to her.

"I also just got the news. After you and I left Beijing, this rebellious son somehow climbed up to Yu Weisheng, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, was transferred to the Ministry of Officials, and became the right servant."

Most of the officials are civil servants, but Gu Zhengkang is a pure general, such dispatches are not common at all.

Besides, Yu Weisheng was originally the former left prime minister Fang Junhe's person, and now he must have followed the Queen Mother Shen.

Gu Nanyan roughly glanced at the letter, and it mostly talked about the time and place when the official minister and Gu Zhengkang met, and what the two of them did.

The Ministry of Officials is in charge of the appointment and removal of officials, which is a fat job, and it is several steps higher than Gu Zhengkang's previous post of captain.

No wonder he was dressed in a lot of luxury just now, the jade pendant on his waist alone is worth several hundred taels of silver, which cannot be afforded by the monthly silver from the mansion alone.

"He came to you because of Li Mi?" Gu Nanyan pondered for a moment and asked.

Gu Yao nodded, "He wanted to persuade me not to get involved in the fight between the empress dowager and the emperor, and it would be best to withdraw the Zhenbei army a hundred miles outside the city."

Speaking of this, Gu Yao's anger rose again, "You son of a bitch!"

Although he didn't pay as much attention to the west courtyard as the east courtyard, Gu Zhengkang was still his flesh and blood, and he always treated them equally, and he had Gu Qing and Gu Shen, and he never lacked him.

But just now he actually said that he, as a father, is a descendant of the East Courtyard, and Gu Qing is the Minister of the Ministry of War, but he is in the same rank as his nephew.

Gu Yao was angry, Gu Qing was able to take the position of servant because of his own ability, even Gu Yunge, he never cared about it.

Gu Zhengkang has always been the captain, entirely because of lack of ability.

He didn't find the reason from himself, but blamed him as a father who didn't know how to adapt and didn't pave the way for him!

That's all, he dared to meddle in factional disputes and walk with that traitor.

If the matter is settled by the emperor after the matter subsides, he will not escape punishment even if he pleads for him with this old face.

Gu Yao's headache hurts, and he has nothing to do with this son who has never been close to him.

He looked at Gu Nanyan, and knew that although this granddaughter seemed impulsive, she was actually smart, so he wanted to ask her opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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