Chapter 329

There were about fifty officers and soldiers in this team, each of them was wearing wooden armor, and they were standing in battle, confronting the two Yunchu sisters who jumped out of the carriage when they heard the noise.

Naturally, Gu Nanyan was not afraid of these shrimp soldiers and crab generals, so he gave Emperor Anyang a wink and told him to stay in the carriage, and jumped out of the carriage as well.

"I'll just say it once."

She passed Yunchu and Yunxi, and glanced around with condensed eyes.

"Step aside!"

Li Mi, that nasty thing, almost lost her own country several times, even her Zhuangzi also suffered!

And that old hag surnamed Shen, she didn't have time to settle accounts with her, this shameless and gutsy person attacked her Zhuangzi again!

Gu Nanyan, who has been "self-cultivating" since he was poisoned, felt the anger surging in his chest for a long time.

She stood there with a straight face and her head held high. Although her tone was light, the aura exuding from her body was stronger than that of the king of a country.

She was only an arm's length away from Huo Ming, and she was staring at him with a cold face, making him want to back away involuntarily.

Huo Ming gritted his teeth to hold back the inexplicable fear in his heart, gripped the handle of the knife in his right hand even tighter, and looked at her vigilantly.

"Miss Gu is going to force her way in. This village has been taken over by the Empress Dowager. If you can't produce the entry and exit documents..."

In his opinion, no matter how powerful Gu Nanyan is, she is just a little girl, how dare she compete with the Queen Mother.

There is also the rumored miraculous kamikaze team. He has never seen it with his own eyes, and he only thinks that the rumors are too exaggerated.

Besides, he was checked by someone just now, but the other party didn't bring anyone over, so his confidence was even stronger.

However, he has calculated thousands of times, but he has not calculated how bad Gu Nanyan's temper is!

Gu Nanyan, who was already impatient, heard that someone was robbing her Zhuang Zi, and was too lazy to listen to his nagging, so she kicked her.

She didn't use much force on this kick, and Huo Ming's reaction was not slow, so he quickly stretched out his arm to block it.

But he was still being kicked back again and again, his arms covered with cotton padded clothes were burning with pain, and he didn't dare to move for a while.

When Yun Chu and Yun Xi saw their master making a move, a murderous intent appeared on their cold faces, and before the other officers and soldiers could react, they stepped forward and started fighting with them.

These two girls were ranked in the top ten of Fu Tuo's Yinlongwei in martial arts. Naturally, the few pawns were not their opponents, and most of them were eliminated in a few quick strokes.

However, Gu Nanyan took his time and walked towards Huo Ming who was in pain and sweating, his eyes were as cold as ice.

"Did I escape into Buddhism or become a vegetarian? It makes all of you bold, and I dare to grab my territory!"

Huo Ming met her gaze, his hairs immediately stood up, and he drew out the saber at his waist to block in front of him.

"Gu Nanyan, how dare you disobey the Queen Mother's order, don't forget that this is the country of Jianan, not Anyang!"

Empress Dowager Shen withdrew her title of princess, and she is only the daughter of the general's mansion.

Even in Anyang, she was made a princess, but as long as she is still in the territory of Jianan Kingdom, she has to abide by the rules of Jianan. Disobeying Yi's decree is a serious crime, and the general's mansion will also be implicated at that time!

Huo Ming's eyes flashed.

Empress Dowager Shen just wanted to find a reason to attack Gu Yao, today is a good opportunity!

Even if he can't take Gu Nanyan down by then, he will still be considered a meritorious service.

Thinking of this, he didn't care about the injury to his arm, so he simply stabbed at Gu Nanyan with his sword, while yelling loudly.

"Gu Nanyan, the sinful daughter, dares to disobey the Queen Mother Yi's decree and is unforgivable. Brothers, take her down for me!"

The officers and soldiers who were beaten back again and again surrounded Sister Yunchu when they heard his words.

Gu Nanyan, who had tried their martial arts a long time ago, knew that this little person was not enough to give them a gap between their teeth, so he faced Huo Ming's sword without looking back.

At this time, Emperor Anyang was secretly watching the show with the curtain lifted.

He was holding a handful of melon seeds in his hand, and while crackling, cheering for Yunchu and the others.

Even Eunuch Xu couldn't stand that heartless look.

"Master, do you want to go up and help out, it seems like that."

Otherwise, the princess will come back to her senses in a while, so I don't mind you asking for theater tickets!
Eunuch Xu touched the shrunken purse at his waist, helplessly recalling the location of the pawn shop he passed by along the way, thinking of selling a few copies of the box of calligraphy and paintings they brought when they came.

Emperor Anyang angrily threw a melon seed shell at him.

"You know what a fart, this girl hasn't slept well recently, and she is gathering a lot of anger, don't let her vent it here, you want her to vent her anger on your master!"

During this period of time, he could see that the dead girl's temper was worse than that of a dog. If she was beaten up today, at least she could live in peace for two days.

Now that you know all about it, why are you so desperate to die all day long!
Eunuch Xu was speechless, rolled his eyes secretly, and looked forward again.

Seeing that the sword in Huo Ming's hand had been removed, he punched him off the ground, and Gu Nanyan held him up by the neck!

And his arm that was originally holding the sword was twisted backwards strangely, and it was actually bent!

Eunuch Xu: "..."

Good guy, this little ancestor is getting more and more vigorous.

Gu Nanyan exerted force in his hands, and Huo Ming only felt his throat bone creaking, and soon he couldn't breathe.

Struggling desperately, he raised his leg to kick the petite girl, but the dagger pulled out from the boot shaft broke his tendon.

Huo Ming's face slowly turned red, then gradually turned purple, and his mind gradually lost consciousness.

Just when he thought he was going to die, he fell to the ground as soon as his neck was released.

However, the broken hamstring could not support his strong body, and he fell limply the moment he landed.

The pain in his feet made him widen his eyes in pain, and what he saw was Gu Nanyan's cold eyes, which seemed to put people in hell.

"Now, I may have entered and exited this village?"

Gu Nanyan placed her foot on his chest, her tone calm and unwavering.

He was so sore that he couldn't speak, he just looked at Gu Nanyan who looked like a hell Shura in horror.


Just when Gu Nanyan was about to step on his chest again, a cry of surprise came.

Bai Zhi, who was wearing an ordinary farmer's cotton coat, trotted all the way, her eyes turned red as soon as she reached her side.

"Miss, you are back." Her voice was choked up, and she pursed her lips.

Gu Nanyan looked her up and down for a moment, and his expression eased.

"Is it okay?" she asked.

Bai Zhi nodded hastily, and touched her tears with her sleeve: "Miss, don't worry, slave is fine."

Even so, the tears in my eyes could not stop falling.

"It's just that Bai Shao was injured and had a high fever for several days. This servant wants to go to the pharmacy to get her some antipyretic medicine, but they won't let me go out..."

She was so wronged that she burst into tears, Gu Nanyan's eyes sharpened, and she stepped hard, Huo Ming, who was lying on the ground, wailed in pain again, breaking several ribs.

Bai Zhi and others were surrounded in the village for more than a month and were not allowed to go out. Fortunately, there was a lot of food in there, but they were not hungry.

It's just that a group of military masters came a few days ago and transported away all the grain seeds in the village. The big guys actively resisted, but the people here are ordinary farmers, how can they stop them.

Only a few strong men in the Ashlan tribe have some martial arts skills, and they all suffered serious injuries.

Bai Shao stepped forward to argue with those people, but was also stabbed in the waist and abdomen by a fierce soldier.

People in Zhuangzi were rarely injured, and there was not enough medicine for golden sores, so I wanted to send someone out to buy some.

But Huo Ming refused to give in, and led these soldiers to block the outside with knives, saying that whoever dares to step forward will be executed on the spot!

They had no choice but to go back and use burnt wood ash mixed with golden sore medicine to apply wounds to the injured.

However, this kind of soil method does not have much effect at all, and the white peony root even caused a high fever. Since yesterday, there has been no water or rice.

Gu Nanyan listened to Bai Zhi's sobbing speech, and her raging anger was like magma churning.

Emperor Anyang, who had seen enough of the show, walked over and looked down at the officers and soldiers who were lying on the ground.

"Smelly girl, don't blame me for not reminding you, these people don't look like people from the capital, so you have to check it out."

(End of this chapter)

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