Chapter 344
Gu Nanyan took a few steps forward, holding a porcelain bottle in her hand, and waved it under the noses of Nanny Ding and Liu Dayong, who had lost a lot of blood and was in a semi-comatose state.

The two fell unconscious on the ground in an instant.

Aunt Qiu was shocked. Seeing her looking over, she quickly moved her butt back and looked at her warily.

However, Gu Nanyan ignored her, and instead asked Gu Yao: "Grandpa, do you still remember what I called her just now?"

Gu Yao was startled by the question, looked away from the fainted mother and son Ding, thought for a moment and said, "Lu Shi?"

He hesitated and said, "You mean, her surname is actually Lu or Qiu?"

Impossible, he was already a general when he was young, and later made great contributions with the previous emperor's personal conquest, and was named a general.

At that time, Jianan was troubled by foreign affairs and internal troubles, and many spies from enemy countries were placed in Beijing. Even if he bought a servant in the general's mansion, he had to find out the origin, let alone such a big matter as taking a concubine.

"Grandfather had someone check it back then, and there was nothing wrong with Aunt Qiu's household registration. Although her parents were farmers, because the ancestors of the Qiu family were famous literati in the previous dynasty, they were also prominent figures in their hometown. They are your great-grandmother." distant relatives."

"Grandfather also gave her portrait to the villagers for identification, so she is undoubtedly the daughter of the Qiu family."

In other words, there is no problem with Aunt Qiu's identity.

But Gu Yao believed in his granddaughter's words even more, so he frowned and asked in doubt: "Is there any inside story?"

Seeing that he didn't doubt her words at all, Gu Nanyan nodded happily.

"Yes, there is indeed an inside story."

She looked at Aunt Qiu, whose eyes were twinkling, and said, "The village where the old man of the Qiu family lives was ransacked by horse bandits. He was only twenty at that time, and he had a son under his knee."

Although he was young, he was not a coward. Seeing familiar people fall one by one, he picked up a hoe to resist, but accidentally injured his vitals in the process of fighting.

"Ben was not seriously injured. To save the lives of the villagers, he offered to hand over the property buried by his ancestors. He rode a horse with his wounds for a day and led the horse bandits to the place where the treasure was buried. Therefore, it was delayed. treatment and nothing has happened since then.”

To say that Old Master Qiu is also a kind-hearted person, according to Li Yi's investigation, when the horse bandits went, Old Master Qiu's family had just returned from town and hadn't entered the village yet.

If he turns around and leaves, not only can he save the lives of his family, but also the property left by his ancestors.

But he insisted on hiding his wife and children, and went back to the village alone, just to save his fellow villager.

"The people in the village are grateful for his kindness. After seeking medical treatment for him many times to no avail, it would hurt his self-esteem. They unified their caliber and kept silent about his injury."

Although the old man Qiu is righteous, he is still a man after all.

A few years later, he still only had one son. Compared with other villagers, he inevitably looked desolate, and he was a little depressed, and his spirit was not as good every day.

His wife couldn't bear it, and once came back from outside the village, she picked up a baby girl who was still in her infancy on the only way back to the village.

Remembering that before the accident, her husband had told her that she wanted a daughter, so she carried the baby girl back.

Looking at the baby girl who stared at him with round eyes and smiled at him, the old man Qiu liked it from the bottom of his heart, and couldn't bear to throw this child out again, so he adopted her, and left her household registration in the next day. autumn family.

This child is now Aunt Qiu.

Gu Nanyan tilted her head and looked at her with the corner of her mouth hooked.

"More than ten years later, the old man Qiu's family encountered robbers on the way to visit friends. Three of the four members of the family died, and you were the only one left. Go to the capital and find my great-grandmother, am I right?"

Because of the villagers' deliberate concealment, outsiders did not know that Aunt Qiu was the adopted daughter of Mrs. Qiu, and the people Gu Yao sent to inquire were unable to find out about it.

"So what?" Aunt Qiu said with a pale face.

"I only realized that I picked it up after I became sensible. Even so, I always regarded myself as Qiu's family. I went to the General's Mansion because my father, mother and elder brother died in an accident, so I had to do it."

Gu Nanyan sneered, "Accident? That's not an accident."

Her expression was suddenly serious, and her small face was as cold as ice.

"The robbers who killed Qiu's family were not ordinary people, but the remnants of Emperor Wu of the Ming Dynasty. It was your biological father, a descendant of Lu Dingbang, the former Dingyuan General, who led them to do this!"

Gu Yao got up suddenly when he heard the words, his eyes were as big as copper bells.

"What did you say!" He looked at his granddaughter in disbelief.

If it is true as she said, this matter is not simple, not only is it the concubine's plot to murder the mistress, but also Aunt Qiu's purpose is very doubtful.

At this time, Aunt Qiu's face was as white as paper, and her head was dripping with cold sweat.

Gu Yao took a deep look at her, then looked at Ding's mother and son who were still in a coma, and only then did he know why his granddaughter fascinated them.

"Did King Sheng find out about this?" He said with certainty in his tone.

The granddaughter is capable, but her biggest shortcoming is that she does not have enough manpower and news network to listen to all kinds of news for her.

It's not just her, Gu Yao doesn't have such power in his hands, otherwise he wouldn't have searched for her for three years and failed to find her.

And the only one around her who has the ability to find out such a long-term matter is King Sheng.

As a royal family, he must be very sensitive to the affairs of the previous dynasty.

Now that he finds out that there are remnants of crimes left in the general's mansion, he, Gu Yao, is not afraid of walking upright and sitting upright.

But Sister Nan is planning to discuss marriage with him...

He looked at his granddaughter worriedly.

Gu Nanyan didn't have so many worries, and nodded calmly.

"This was just when Yun Chu went to Prince Sheng's Mansion to bring Mother Ding and her son, Long Yi told her that Li Yi had found out some other things, and told us not to leave the mansion for a while, and discuss this matter together when he came over. "

Seeing Gu Yao's preoccupied appearance, he thought that he was afraid that Aunt Qiu's matter would bring trouble to the General's Mansion.

She pondered for a moment: "Grandpa, don't worry."

Gu Nanyan put on a serious face as if comforting, and vowed: "If Li Mi doesn't open his eyes and wants to trouble us, you can move the general's mansion to my fief, and make sure that the dog emperor can't destroy my city even if he dies!"

She knew that a loyal minister like Gu Yao would not resist the emperor's order, so she didn't say that she could do such things against him, and she just took him out to hide.

Gu Yao couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Isn't that a traitor?
Although she felt that her granddaughter's idea was too bold, Gu Yao's heart was moved by her protective appearance of "everything is up to me", and her eyes turned red.


Is this girl's focus wrong?
"Aren't you afraid that this matter will affect your relationship with King Sheng?" He sniffed and tentatively asked.

Gu Nanyan was stunned, and looked at his grandfather suspiciously.

"Don't be afraid."

Why be afraid?
"He can't beat me again."

It's fine if you dare to give me a beating.

Gu Yao: "..."

Old General Gu, who understood what she meant, covered his chest, feeling a little out of breath.

In front of his eyes, there seemed to be a picture of Gu Nanyan after getting married, waving her fists and chasing Li Yi up and down in order to improve the relationship between husband and wife.

Gu Yao: What crime did King Sheng commit in his previous life!

Old General Gu was very upset, and he was not in the mood to deal with Aunt Qiu's affairs for a moment, so he detained her and the mother and son Ding who were lying on the ground in the dungeon of the mansion separately, and sent people to guard them strictly.

Only after Li Yi explained the situation to them, could he decide how to deal with these three people.

When Aunt Qiu was taken away, she passed by Gu Nanyan's side and took a deep look at her, her usual indifferent look had returned to her face.

She stood in front of Gu Nanyan, her eyes fell on Gu Zhengkang who hurried over from the door.

"The princess helps the concubine protect my son, so I will tell you who is behind it?"

(End of this chapter)

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