The farmer has a mall

Chapter 346 Catch up with a good time

Chapter 346 Catch up with a good time

Although Mrs. Gu was also helpless at her granddaughter's recklessness, she was not as reactive as Mrs. Guo.

Seeing that Mrs. Guo did not act lightly, she hurriedly used her arms to protect her granddaughter.

"You pat lightly, and then give the child a good or bad picture." After speaking, he reached out and rubbed her back.

Guo Shi also felt that he had used too much energy in a hurry.

Although compared with the strength she had when she beat her own son, she was quite gentle, but Sister Nan was a girl!
Guo Shi gave a smug smile and stroked her back for her.

Gu Nanyan, who didn't feel anything, just felt like a cat being groomed, feeling weak all over.

"I'm fine, it doesn't hurt at all."

She dodged the hands of the two of them, and seeing Guo's uneasy face, she hurriedly added: "It really doesn't hurt, the aunt looks like she hasn't had enough to eat, and the little effort she uses seems to be scratching an itch, won't it hurt?" Come to me." Gu Nanyan promised sincerely.

Guo: "..."

Is this girl provoking her?

Seeing his daughter-in-law's face turning blue and red, Mrs. Gu hurriedly changed the subject with a sneer.

Sister Nan is good at everything, but the ability to read people's faces is a bit weak, and she pokes at the lungs of people every sentence.

"Sister Nan, is this piece given to you by King Cheng?" Mrs. Gu asked.

Didn't it mean that there is only one piece of ruby ​​seal so far?

Gu Nanyan nodded calmly: "I have deposited more than 1000 million in Baofeng Bank, and it was just delivered a few days ago."

"What!" Guo Shi was shocked.

"Is this yours?" She turned over the seal, and sure enough, she saw her niece's name engraved on it.

Guo Shi held up the seal in a daze, and his breathing stopped.

Mrs. Gu was also surprised: "Sister Nan, where did you get all this money, but King Sheng gave it to you?"

If this is the case, this King Sheng is too rich, beyond description.

"Of course not." Gu Nanyan proudly puffed up her chest, and said with a curl of her lips, "I earned it all by my ability."

Seeing the look of the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law as if struck by lightning, she shook her head triumphantly.

Mrs. Guo swallowed her saliva, and said in a low voice, "Then you... are quite capable."

She had also heard that Sister Nan's vegetable and fruit shop and pharmacy were very profitable, and the daily income was like running water.

But in less than a year, he actually earned 1000 million taels?
Mrs. Guo clicked her tongue, she didn't grab it so fast!

Mrs. Gu was surprised but also very relieved. She thought that Wang Sheng's family property was so rich that it would be inevitable for Sister Nan to be inferior when she married.

Now she felt that King Sheng was not good enough for her granddaughter.

After all, there are many princes in various countries, but a capable girl like Nan Jieer...has never heard of it!
And she just received a letter from her husband a few days ago, that the factories in Mingshan City have already started to make money.

Especially sundries such as fans, clocks, etc., were sold out within a few hours of being released, and the supply was simply in short supply!
He is already negotiating with Sister Nan to expand the scale of the handicraft workshop and build a factory specializing in the production of parts.

According to Gu Qing's estimation, when the factory is expanded and put into production, it can earn at least 30 million taels a month!
Not to mention that her niece has a flexible mind and will continue to launch new products in the future, and she will only earn more!
Mrs. Guo clutched her chest. She had heard from her husband that he still had [-]% of the shares in it.

Although the money finally belonged to the public, Sister Nan said when she signed the contract with him that the [-]% of the shares could only be used as the income of the East Court, and had nothing to do with the Sanfang family!

Thinking that at least 3 to [-] taels of silver will be credited to the account of the General's Mansion in the future, Guo Shi wants to faint with joy.

If you are not in charge of a family, you don’t know that firewood and rice are expensive. In the past, the monthly income of each house plus farmland shop was only 7000 taels.

Although it is not a stretch, but her mother-in-law has managed it for more than 10 years, and she has only saved a few hundred thousand taels of silver.

I thought that she would have to take care of the hard work of calculating the budget after the middle school was handed over to her, but who would have thought that she would catch up with the good time!
Thinking of this, Guo's face turned into a smile, and he felt a little grateful for his love for his niece in his heart.

Mrs. Gu cheerfully felt the peace in the house, and pushed back the two seals to Gu Nanyan.

"Put away such an important thing quickly, and find a hidden place to hide it later, but don't lose it."

Gu Nanyan glanced at the two seals and asked, "You don't want it?"

Aren't you jealous just now?

Mrs. Gu was startled, and it took a while to understand what she meant. She couldn't laugh or cry, but at the same time she felt a little warm. She looked at Gu Nanyan with more loving eyes.

"Stupid boy, grandma is getting old, and she doesn't have to worry about what she would do with such money." She raised her chin in the direction of the west courtyard, pointing out something.

She heard what her wife said, and she was about to separate the big family in the West Courtyard.

Suddenly there is so much money, it is inevitable that it will not be clear at that time, whether it is guaranteed to go out to millions of taels for nothing, and then you will not feel sorry for her to death?

Of course Gu Nanyan understood this truth, although she wished that others would rob her of the money so that she could get it back doubled.

But as for that poor Gu Zhengkang, a jade pendant worth a few hundred taels looks like a treasure, and he hangs it on his body all day to show off. She probably doesn't have a few taels of silver in savings, so she doesn't bother to bother.

Nodding and taking back the two seals, she thought for a moment and said, "I have nothing to do these few days, how about going for a walk in the street tomorrow and buying something?"

Speaking of which, since she came to the capital, she hasn't gone out for a walk yet.

Coupled with the fact that there are two days left before the Queen Mother's birthday banquet, the Gu family looks calm on the surface, but in fact everyone is tense.

Especially Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Guo.

They couldn't get their hands on the affairs of the court, so they could only be in a hurry, but they had to pretend that nothing happened to appease people's hearts, and they lost a lot of weight.

Shopping is a woman's nature, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are naturally happy, but they are a little hesitant considering that there are many things in the house recently.

"Grandmother doesn't care, will it delay your business?" Mrs. Gu asked.

"That's right, people from all over the capital have gathered recently, causing people to panic, why don't we go out and wait until this period of time has passed." Guo sighed.

The Empress Dowager Shen is already a blockbuster when she is silent. She has been silent for so many years, and she will make a big one as soon as she shows up.

"What are you afraid of?" Gu Nanyan said indifferently.

"Let's shop ours, they mess with theirs, it doesn't matter."

What's more, after what happened with Prince Jing, the old Shen witch didn't dare to act rashly even for the sake of the overall situation, so no one came to trouble her even if Prince Jing was seriously injured.

Gu Nanyan estimated that she had knocked out her teeth and swallowed blood, and she just waited for the day of the birthday party to have an attack.

Seeing that they still looked worried, Gu Nanyan said: "The big deal is to ask Ashland to bring a few more people tomorrow. Grandma can rest assured that there will be no problems with me."

Recently, the situation was special. She asked Ashlan to divide the kamikaze team into several groups, and take turns patrolling the general's mansion every day, so as not to fish in troubled waters.

Especially the west courtyard.

Mrs. Gu thinks about it too, her granddaughter has survived thousands of troops unscathed, and she is not afraid of meeting a few young people, let alone the kamikaze team.

"Then, how about we go out after breakfast tomorrow?" When it comes to shopping, Mrs. Gu, who is in her sixties, can't help being excited.

You know, since she married into the general's mansion, she has never had a good time.

Seeing her mother-in-law agreeing, Mrs. Guo wondered: "Otherwise, Sister Nan will go with your grandmother, and the eldest aunt will not go. There must always be someone in the house to take care of it..."

"What are you doing?" Mrs. Gu waved her hands, her face wrinkled with a smile, obviously very happy.

"I don't see that Sister Nan has earned money and wants to go out to spread the money. If you don't go, you will lose a lot of money. After all, tomorrow, I won't even take a copper coin with me!"

She was in a good mood and spoke with ridicule, but she amused herself first after she finished speaking.

After laughing twice, Mrs. Gu continued: "I'm in charge of this matter, you can rest tomorrow, there is no work to be done, and there is no delay in a day's work."

(End of this chapter)

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