The farmer has a mall

Chapter 371 Gu Peiling's Gift

Chapter 371 Gu Peiling's Gift
888 was startled, then stretched out its claws and scratched its head in trouble.

According to usual experience, their bosses can talk for a few months at most each time they fall in love.

If the woman is blind this time, maybe she will get married and have children, then her performance will be ruined!
888 bulged his cheeks.

If it tries to separate the boss from his girlfriend in order to improve performance, will the boss praise it for being self-motivated?
Regardless of how entangled 888 was, Gu Nanyan threw it back into the space and went out.

She first walked around her yard, and seeing that 888 hadn't issued an alarm, she walked along the path towards the main courtyard.

The thing with energy probably came out of the palace, and it is unlikely to appear on the servant.

And judging by the deeds of the plunderer, they are clearly opposed to them.

Tomorrow is the old hag's birthday banquet. At this critical moment, its energy fluctuations appeared in the mansion, and it was probably aimed at her or Gu Yao.

Since there is no one in her courtyard, it can only be with Gu Yao.

Sure enough, the moment she stepped into the main courtyard, 888 felt more and more intense energy fluctuations, and hurriedly sounded a reminder.

Gu Yao was sitting in the front hall drinking tea at this time, and Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Guo were with him.

To Gu Nanyan's surprise, Gu Peiling, who seldom appeared in the east courtyard, was there.

Seeing her come in, Gu Peiling's eyes flashed, and then she stood up with a smile and greeted her.

"Sister Nanyan is here. Grandma just said that you are not feeling well today. Are you feeling better?"

As she spoke, she stepped forward, and stretched out her hand intimately to hold Gu Nanyan's arm.

Gu Nanyan dodged in the past, frowned, looked at her, and looked at Guo Shi beside him questioningly.

Seeing her doubts, Mrs. Guo smiled and beckoned, and when she came close, he stretched out his hand to touch her forehead.

"The fever has faded, why don't you sleep a little longer?"

She pulled Gu Nanyan to sit beside her, and asked the maid behind her to move the charcoal basin towards her.

Mrs. Gu also looked at her worriedly: "It must be cold at night, can you find a doctor to take a look?"

Without waiting for Gu Nanyan to answer, he touched her cold little hand and said to himself: "There is a pool in your yard facing the dormitory, it is cooler than other places, why don't you find someone to fill it first It’s time to dig it up when the weather gets warmer.”

Originally, she thought about finding another yard for her granddaughter to move there, but her granddaughter thought it was troublesome and refused, so she didn't force her.

Unexpectedly, he fell ill within a few days.

"Don't be so troublesome." Gu Nanyan said helplessly.

"I thought about moving back to my house after the birthday banquet, so don't worry about it in a few days."

She didn't intend to live in the General's Mansion for a long time, and she stayed here temporarily because she was afraid that the old hag Shen would jump over the wall and use her tricks, thinking that she could take care of herself by living here.

Mrs. Gu was startled when she heard the words, and then she remembered that Gu Nanyan still had a house outside.

Although she was reluctant, she didn't want to embarrass her granddaughter, so she forced a loving smile and patted her hand.

"That's right, your house has geothermal heat, it's indeed much warmer than here."

Hearing the disappointment in her tone, she lost all energy in an instant. Gu Nanyan didn't know how to comfort her, so she couldn't help but look at Mrs. Guo.

Mrs. Guo smiled and said: "Mother lived with you for a few days before, and she has been praising the comfortable layout of the house since she came back."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Mrs. Gu and asked, "Why don't you wait for Sister Nan to be free, and my daughter-in-law go find a few craftsmen and ask her to teach them how to lay the floor heating, so that they can rearrange the floor heating for you and Sister Nan." some."

"In this way, Sister Nan will be warmer when she comes back to stay occasionally."

Mrs. Gu's eyes lit up when she heard the words: "This is a good idea, what does my dear grandson think?"

Knowing that she was asking if she could come back to stay occasionally, rather than pretending to be warm, Gu Nanyan hesitated and didn't know how to answer.

Her fief is in Mingshan City, where she has her career, and she has to go back sooner or later.

Moreover, she had already agreed with Li Yi that after the two got married, he would follow her to live in Mingshan, and he would only come back from the capital once in a while.

If she promises to Mrs. Gu, but fails to do so, this is obviously not her style.

The sleeve was pulled by someone, Gu Nanyan looked up, and saw Guo Shi slightly nodded at her, asking her to agree first.

Seemingly aware of her granddaughter's embarrassment, Mrs. Gu sighed.

"Forget it, I'm an old woman, with one foot in the coffin, how many days can I live?"

She waved her hands in disappointment and said: "Besides, it's not that cold in the room. Your grandfather and I are used to it, so there's no need to go to war like this."

After finishing speaking, he sighed again, with that discouraged look, Gu Nanyan looked very helpless.

"It's not really a big fight."

Gu Nanyan pondered for a moment and said: "It's just that the geothermal pipe needs to be custom-made. I'll get someone to do it later. I will draw a picture and give it to my aunt. You can let the craftsman lay the pipe according to the picture."

She took the initiative to take Mrs. Gu's hand and said with a smile: "But since it is going to be relocated, it is better to relocate only two courtyards. It is better to install geothermal heating in the entire main courtyard of the General's Mansion."

Anyway, there are still some days before she returns to Mingshan, so it's better to agree first and make the old lady happy.

When she returns to Mingshan City, it's a big deal to make the steam engine out as soon as possible. It will be convenient to go back and forth at that time, and it's okay to come back occasionally for a short stay.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Gu knew that she had promised her that she would come back to stay for a while, so she burst into laughter from ear to ear.

Gu Peiling has been standing aside watching this warm scene, the smile on her lips can hardly hold back, her fingertips are deeply pinched into the flesh.

Her own grandmother was locked up, her father was sick in bed, and her mother was crying all day long.

The west courtyard was filled with a sense of decadence all day long.

But the East Hospital was not affected in the slightest, and it was still harmonious, how could it not make her resentful!
What annoyed her the most was that her father lost 3 taels of silver in vain because of those two tricks. Recently, he scolded her whenever he saw her nose or eyes.

Yu Shangshu also lost a lot because of this incident, and with all his face lost, he almost canceled her marriage with the son of Shangshufu!

If it wasn't for someone to help make peace, she might not have the face to go out at this time!
But Gu Nanyan, the chief culprit, didn't get any retribution, and he still lived as freely and carefree as the stars.

Gu Peiling forced a smile on her face, lowered her head to hide the sternness in her eyes, pretended to be happy and agreed, "If Sister Nanyan can go back to the house often, grandma will eat an extra bowl of rice, and you and my sisters can also get together often. "

Perhaps because she was happy, Mrs. Gu also liked her a lot, she nodded slightly when she heard the words: "What I'm saying is, it's hard for you to miss me, my old lady."

She patted Gu Nanyan's hand.

"Sister Ling came here today to apologize for what happened last time, and she brought a lot of gifts for me and your grandfather."

After finishing speaking, his eyes fell on the small table on the other side.

Gu Nanyan took advantage of the situation to look over, and saw a brocade box on the small table, inside which was a forehead inlaid with jade.

She squinted her eyes and moved closer to the brocade box.

"How about it, is that energy in this box?" Gu Nanyan asked 888 from the bottom of her heart.

"This box is fine, and the contents inside are normal." 888 replied.

"But I can feel that thing is in this room, why don't you get up and walk around and let me look for it carefully."

At the end of the sentence, it was still dissatisfied and hummed: "Who told you to refuse to upgrade your authority, otherwise there is no need for such trouble..."

Gu Nanyan didn't bother to pay attention to it, got up and stretched pretendingly, and started strolling around the room.

"After sleeping for a whole day, my bones are hardened." She muttered, as if talking to herself, she turned her steps and walked slowly towards Gu Peiling.

Everyone thought she wanted to stretch her muscles, but they didn't care, they just looked at her with a smile.

Seeing her approaching, Gu Peiling bit her lower lip nervously and clenched her fists tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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