Chapter 376

"Could it be related to that Hong Wei?" Gu Nanyan hesitated.

"I'm not sure either." Liu Zhenzhen smiled wryly, "After all, I've never seen him before."

She got up and went to the window, resting her bony fingers on the brown clay pot.

"But the drunken crab that Prime Minister Hong gave you, I ate it when I was a child."

Her mother grew up in a fishing village, so she knows more about shrimp and crab than others.

Ordinary people cook seafood either steamed or boiled, but her mother likes to marinate it with wine and various sauces and eat it raw.

Although many families who grew up by the sea would do this, the taste of her mother's cooking is somewhat different from others.

Liu Zhenzhen took out a silk handkerchief from her bosom, and opened it carefully.

Inside was a taupe, sun-dried leaf.

"I found this in a clay pot. This thing is called thick rattan. It is a medicinal material for relieving paralysis. It grows by the sea, and few people recognize it."

She said and handed the handkerchief to Gu Nanyan.

Her father likes to eat the drunk crab made by her mother, but he dare not eat more because of his poor health.

Coupled with the fact that he suffers from severe arthralgia, he dare not even touch this thing.

So her mother asked someone to bring back a bag of thick rattan from her hometown, put it in the yard to dry, and put a few slices every time she made drunk crab.

The purpose is to let her father have a taste.

Gu Nanyan took the leaf, tore off a corner and tasted it in his mouth.

Slightly bitter and a little spicy.

No wonder she tasted spicy in the drunk crab, but didn't see chili in it.

Arthralgia is also called rheumatism in modern times. If it is serious, it is really not allowed to touch cold food like crab.

Remembering that Hong Wei has been sitting in a special wheelchair, coupled with the special traction between the blood, maybe Liu Zhenzhen's guess is not wrong.


He also has an equally bad cook!
"I'll ask someone to investigate this matter, but do you know other characteristics of your father?"

Gu Nanyan made a lot of noise in Anyang Country.

If he is really Liu Zhenzhen's father, it is impossible not to recognize him when he meets him.

Unless he doesn't want to recognize her.

If so, a single leaf is not enough for him to admit his identity.

"I still listen to what my mother said about these things. As for my father..." Liu Zhenzhen smiled wryly, "I don't understand."

After that, she said pleadingly in her tone: "Nan Yan, can you bring me into the palace with you tomorrow?"

She and her younger brother have endured so much hardship just to find her father, and now she finally has a glimmer of hope, and she has to confirm everything by herself.

Gu Nanyan pondered, it's no problem to bring her into the palace, but the key is that Hong Wei is planning something with the old hag Shen, obviously he has no intention of meeting them.

Or they simply thought too much, she was afraid that Liu Zhenzhen would be disappointed again.

"If you really want to follow along, you can, but..."

Gu Nanyan looked at her, pursed her lips and said, "You have to be mentally prepared, maybe you will return without success."

There were too many issues involved, and she didn't know how to explain it.

Seeing her agreeing, Liu Zhenzhen was very happy, finally with a smile on her face, she hurriedly thanked Gu Nanyan.

"Don't worry, I just want to make sure that I won't make any trouble for you."

She paused, and said bitterly: "I know that after so many years, my father may have already had another family, but this is my mother's last wish, and it is also the obsession of my brother and me..."

Gu Nanyan sighed and patted her on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, if he is really your father, I will let him give you an explanation."

Her eyes were condensed, and she didn't have any good feelings for this uncle who might be related by blood.

Among other things, he had to settle the account for Liu Zhenzhen's sister and brother who suffered so much in the Ning family by abandoning his wife and son.

"Nanyan, thank you..."


The birthday banquet is held at noon.

Before dawn on the second day, Gu Nanyan was dragged up by Mrs. Guo to freshen up.

She sat in front of the mirror in a daze, and let Guo Shi command her maid to comb her hair.

When she woke up and looked in the mirror, her small face was blackened into the bottom of a pot.

Regardless of Guo's obstruction, she removed all the pearls and emeralds on her head, and recombed the same man's bun as usual.

With the water in the washbasin, I washed off the red and white powder on my face.

It was only then that amidst Guo Shi's angry and angry voice, he went to the front yard refreshed.

Along the way, Mrs. Guo chattered endlessly, complaining that she didn't look like a girl, which made the jewelry she usually saved useless.

Gu Nanyan ignored her words and didn't take her words to heart.

Ever since she returned to the General's Mansion, Mrs. Guo has tried every means to coax herself into wearing those colorful clothes, and every time she sees novelty jewelry, she has to buy it back and coax her to wear it for her to see.

It's fine on weekdays, but she didn't enter the palace for fun today. She dressed up and sang in the palace?

Of course, even on weekdays, she never let Mrs. Guo succeed.

Mrs. Guo, who had been talking all the way, felt very tired when she saw her virtue of going in from one ear to the other and exiting from the right.

She originally thought that her niece's status was different now, representing not only their general's mansion, but also the face of the Anyang royal family and the Jianan royal family, so she should pay more attention to her attire.

Especially the news that King Sheng was going to marry her spread all over the capital, how many heartbroken girls secretly compared with her.

It took several days of hard work for Guo Shi to come up with a makeup that suits her.

She also thought that after dressing up her niece, she would take her to the main courtyard to make a stunning appearance and show off her skills to her mother-in-law.

Unexpectedly, after tossing all morning, the girl finished dismantling it in less than a quarter of an hour.

Just like that, he went out the door with his face turned upside down.

She kept rubbing her chest all the way, with a look of hating iron but not steel, Gu Nanyan was very speechless.

Seeing that if she didn't say anything, Guo Shi would probably be able to ramble all the way to the palace.

Thinking that today's scene really needs to dress up imposingly, Gu Nanyan had breakfast with Mrs. Gu, and then went back to the yard.

Sending Liu Zhenzhen, who was going to follow her into the palace as a maidservant, back to the house, seeing no one around, she took out the cosmetics she had just bought from the mall and smeared them on her face.

Half an hour later, when Gu Nanyan appeared in front of everyone again, his handsome appearance almost made the servant girl in the mansion scream.

She walked from Tingfengyuan to the main courtyard with her hands behind her back, and she heard the sound of things falling and breaking countless times along the way.

Guo-shi stared at her niece approaching in a daze, not daring to recognize her.

Gu Nanyan's original appearance was gentle, with big and round eyes with curved eyebrows, and a fleshy face that was not aggressive at all.

If you ignore her temperament and only look at her appearance, it will make people feel a little cute.

But at this time, she was completely opposite, her eyebrows and eyes were drawn with eyeliner, her sword eyebrows flew obliquely into her temples, and the tails of her eyes were slightly raised, making her look very sharp.

At the same time, a light shadow is applied to the eye sockets and the side of the nose, making the facial features more intense.

With those eyes and eyebrows, if you don't look at the hairstyle, there is a sense of sight of an exotic beauty.

Her dark hair, however, was held high on top of her head in a ponytail by a gold crown inlaid with obsidian.

She was wearing the black sleeved princess court dress bestowed by Li Mi.

It made her look even more heroic.

If you add a saber, it's as if the young general in the picture book came out of the book.

All the maidservants in the room were stunned, and even Mrs. Guo couldn't recover for a long time.

"You are... Sister Nan?" She asked uncertainly.

She was surprised enough that Gu Nanyan knew how to put on makeup, but she was so good at it, she completely changed her personality, and her temperament was completely turned upside down!

Even Guo Shi, a top player in the middle school, has to admit that this is a master...

Although Mrs. Gu was also surprised that her granddaughter had changed, she had lived a few years longer than her daughter-in-law, and she didn't show it. She just stared at her curiously, and the more she looked at her, the more she felt that her granddaughter was very beautiful.

"Oh, our sister Nan is so pretty!"

(End of this chapter)

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