Chapter 384
What Empress Dowager Shen said was as if Huangfu Hao had wronged Gu Nanyan after marrying him.

I believe that my granddaughter will not suffer, so Gu Yao, who has been silent all this time, immediately frowned when he heard the words.

On the way here, he felt that the Prince of Daliang was harboring ill intentions towards his granddaughter, so he was somewhat guessing.

But King Sheng hinted many times that he would definitely come to propose marriage, so he didn't think much about it.

Never expected that the Empress Dowager actually wanted to let her granddaughter get married!
Knowing that the Empress Dowager Shen had bad intentions, Gu Yao's face was extremely ugly.

Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Guo were shocked. In their eyes, Li Yi was the best candidate for a son-in-law.

For Huangfu Hao, who had never met before, the two of course didn't like it.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law looked at each other, both showing dissatisfaction in their eyes.

"This is a good idea." Yu Weisheng glanced at Gu Nanyan inexplicably, and there was a lot of gloating in his eyes.

The marriage between the two countries is not a good thing for the woman.

A woman marries thousands of miles away and has no relatives or reasons. All relatives and friends are not around, and she has nowhere to complain about her grievances.

Not to mention that the other party is the prince, there will definitely be many women around him in the future.

Others have the support of their mother's family, but she can only rely on herself.

Even if Gu Nanyan has the ability, he might have to suffer a lot.

Thinking of this, Yu Weisheng was very happy, he didn't expect that he would have a chance of revenge so soon.

"The princess has always been pampered by the people around her, so it is inevitable that she will be arrogant and unreasonable. When she is in a foreign country and no one is around to protect her, her temper will gradually wear off."

He stroked his beard cheerfully, and said maliciously: "Your Highness the Crown Prince may wish to think about it, if you are willing to marry our eminent eldest princess, I believe that with your ability, you will be able to tame her."

He chattered endlessly, treating Gu Nanyan like an animal for sale.

He didn't realize that Li Yi's eyes on the other side were getting colder and colder, and the murderous aura on his body gradually gathered.

On the other hand, Gu Yao clenched his fists tightly, crushing the wine cup in his hand, and the light yellow wine dripped down his body without noticing it, the muscles all over his body were tense, as if he would explode at any moment.

Even the other ministers and female family members present frowned, very dissatisfied with his words.

Regardless of attitude, this is their princess after all.

It represents the country of Jianan!
The Minister of the Ministry of Officials made such a run on his words, and he was still stepping on his own face in front of the envoys of other countries!
When the scene fell silent, no one from Yu Weisheng's group spoke up.

Everyone lowered their heads and pretended not to hear.

Although Huangfu Hao was dissatisfied with Gu Nanyan's previous words and deeds, his purpose of this trip was to marry her back, so he did not refuse.

Moreover, Empress Dowager Shen took the initiative to bring up this matter, and even deliberately lowered Gu Nanyan's social status and raised herself, which made him very proud, and he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

However, Hong Wei, who was sitting next to him and hadn't spoken from the beginning to the end, frowned.

"What this lord said is that Gu Huan has never had a woman that he cannot tame."

He contemptuously looked down on Gu Nanyan, and was flattered to the point of being carried away. He completely forgot about his father's instructions before he went on an envoy, and Hong Wei's instructions before entering the palace.

He smiled evilly and said: "No matter how arrogant and shameless the princess of your country is, as long as she is trained by Gu, she will become gentle and gentle."

As soon as he said this, Gu Yao immediately jumped up, his sharp eyes were full of murderous intent.

"What a rascal, how dare you be unreasonable to my grandson!"

Not to mention that Sister Nan is very promising, even if she is really stubborn, she is still Gu Yao's precious granddaughter, how can she tolerate others insulting her like this.

Even if this person is the prince of a country!

He, Gu Yao, puts all his efforts into military exploits, even if his head falls to the ground, he has to teach this wretched and rude person a lesson!

After he finished speaking, he crossed the table and was about to hit him with his fist raised.

Also acting at the same time as him was Li Yi, who was full of murderous aura.

He didn't get up, his eyes were gloomy as hell, he picked up the teacup in his hand and threw it out with all his internal energy.

The direction was facing Huangfu Hao's mouth before he could close it.

He was in a fit of anger, and the strength in his hand was not light, and the teacup shot away like an arrow.

If it hits, not to mention Huangfu Hao's mouth full of teeth, even his face will be smashed to pieces.

Everyone's attention was attracted by the furious Gu Yao, and no one noticed his actions.

Moreover, at such a fast speed, even if it is discovered, it will not help.

Just when the teacup was about to hit Huangfu Hao, someone pulled his sleeve suddenly, causing him to stand unsteadily and tilted to one side.

The teacup flew out, rubbing against his ear, and hit an envoy behind him on the face.

There was a muffled bang, and immediately blood spattered everywhere.

However, before he could react, two strong winds struck again, this time faster than the last time, hitting Huangfu Hao's face together.

With a scream, Gu Nanyan and Li Yi withdrew their hands at the same time, looked at each other, and smiled silently.

Hong Wei let go of Huangfu Hao's sleeve, and sighed helplessly.

When the prince uttered disrespectful words, he knew that something bad was going to happen.

Grabbing his sleeve in advance and pulling him over, he escaped unharmed.

Unexpectedly, he escaped the first blow, but he did not escape the simultaneous shots of the two.

He glanced at the bloody Huangfu Hao whose face was half smashed, and then at the broken porcelain on his face and the fruit core deeply embedded in the bone.

He wondered if he would have been injured less if he had only received one blow if he hadn't made a move just now.

The sudden change caused the scene to become chaotic in an instant.

Several Daliang officials didn't care about their colleagues who were also seriously injured, and surrounded Huangfu Hao one after another, checking his injuries in a hurry.

Only Hong Wei's face remained unchanged, his eyes fell on Gu Nanyan's direction, with a look of relief and sadness.

Gu Nanyan felt his gaze, gave him a cold look, lowered her head and continued to feed Li Xu.

Li Xu's eyes were wide open, looking at her brightly.

"Aunt Huang is amazing."

To be able to beat people like that with fruit cores, if he wants to become that powerful, I wonder if Aunt Huang will teach him?
Before Li Xu could ask, Li Yi, who was sitting on the other side of him, spoke lightly.

"It's Aunt Huang." He corrected his nephew seriously.

Li Xu was startled when he heard the words, looked at him and then at Gu Nanyan, as if he didn't understand what he was talking about.

There are only Huang Shu and Huang Aunt by his side, who is Huang Aunt?
Li Xu tilted his head and couldn't help asking.

"Don't pay attention to him, your uncle's brain is flooded."

Gu Nanyan rolled his eyes at Li Yi, and asked someone to give Li Xu another bowl of rice.

This child seems to have not eaten well recently and is so thin that he can feel his bones through his clothes.

Fortunately, he was born with a baby face, and nothing could be seen on his face, otherwise she might not have recognized him just now.

Li Xu heard that his uncle's brain was flooded, and looked at him in horror.

In the speechless eyes of the latter, he just wanted to ask if the water in his head would make him sick, but he was startled by a familiar scolding, his little body trembled, and his little face turned pale instantly.

Gu Nanyan patted his head comfortingly, and looked at the furious Queen Mother Shen with cold eyes.

"It's reversed, it's all reversed!" Empress Dowager Shen's face turned white and red, seeing Huangfu Hao lying on the chair, life and death unknown, trembling with anger.

"Gu Nanyan, you are so courageous!" She stared at Gu Nanyan firmly, as if he was killing her father and enemy.

"Do you know who you hurt, that is Prince Liang!"

Empress Dowager Shen was panting heavily, her chest heaving violently, obviously the stimulation was not light.

She had never learned martial arts, and she was too old to respond slowly, so she didn't see that it was Li Yi and Gu Nanyan who shot at the same time.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw two things flying out from Gu Nanyan's direction and hitting Huangfu Hao.

I thought it was her own hands.

Looking at Huangfu Hao whose life and death were unknown again, Empress Dowager Shen's eyes were full of worry, as if it was her grandson who was injured.

When his eyes fell on Gu Nanyan's direction again, his eyes were instantly as cold as frost.

(End of this chapter)

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