The farmer has a mall

Chapter 393 Upgrade

Chapter 393 Upgrade
Empress Dowager Shen was still angry at first, the most taboo thing for elderly people is that others say she is old.

But this damn girl poked her mouth at her sore spot, and she was so angry that she couldn't get up or down in her chest, it was really uncomfortable.

When she recovered her breath and realized what the other party said, even the unfathomable Empress Dowager Shen was stunned in surprise.

She is tired of life.

Looking for death?
This medicine was given to her by Concubine Rou herself, and it is the same medicine as the one taken by the emperor.

Even the imperial physician couldn't see anything abnormal, and she was helpless, so she wasn't afraid of being eaten to death? !

Of course Gu Nanyan is not afraid.

The little blue pill was produced by the predators. The reason why the imperial physician was helpless was because there was no poison in it!
Li Mi's coma was entirely due to the energy in this thing.

According to 888, after this energy enters the human body, it will stay in the human head along with the blood flow, wrapping the entire human brain and preventing it from issuing instructions to the human body.

Without a brain to give orders, Li Mi was naturally unable to move.

Apart from the basic digestive functions, he doesn't even blink his eyelids, almost no different from a vegetable.

If ordinary people eat it, the end will be the same as Li Mi, until the energy covering the brain disappears.

But Gu Nanyan is different, she has 888!

Although 888 is a bit of a waste, you have to observe it at a close distance to find something, but it is still no problem to absorb the little energy in the small blue pill.

And it is very happy.

Excited, 888's whole furry body jumped up and down, stretched his arms and kicked his legs, he had done enough preparations, and just waited for a while to show off.

Although Gu Nanyan despises it for being useless, she still needs to rely on it to save herself, so she just pretends she didn't see it.

She calmly reached out to take the small blue pill that Xiao Minzi handed over, and stuffed it into her mouth without hesitation under the worried eyes of Gu Yao, Li Yi, Mrs. Gu and Guo Shi.

She swallowed without changing her face.


its stuck!
Gu Nan choked on the smoke and beat his chest, his face flushed red.

The strength in his hands was so great that he wanted to punch his chest in.

Everyone grinned as they watched, and swallowed involuntarily.

Gu Nanyan stretched her neck and swallowed the small blue pill after all kinds of difficulties.

Everyone looked at her eagerly, waiting for the moment when the effect of the medicine would take effect.

Although the Gu family was worried, they believed that Gu Nanyan was a man of success and would not risk his life.

What's more, I can't persuade him, I have eaten everything, so I can only wait.

In case something happens...

Gu Yao squeezed his fist, and glanced coldly at Gu Zhengkang who was still lying on the ground.

Everyone's attention was on Gu Nanyan, and Gu Zhengkang, a disabled person, was naturally ignored, shivering from the cold air coming from the ground.

He gritted his teeth and kept building himself up.

As long as he passes this test, after today, he will be a first-rank Duke, and no one will dare to ignore him again!
I thought so, but the body's natural reaction would not listen to his self-comforting words, Ji Lingling shivered twice, and her upper teeth were frozen and her teeth were knocked down.

The little eunuch standing beside him, who brought him in, was paying attention to Gu Nanyan's situation, and when he heard the sound of tucking, he glanced at him dissatisfied.

I didn't see the miscellaneous family being nervous.

What kind of presence are you looking for?

The little eunuch moved forward in disgust, and continued to stretch his neck to look forward.

Gu Zhengkang with his mouth frozen green:? ? ?
Anyway, he is an important witness.

so ruthless?

A quarter of an hour passed, but Gu Nanyan did not respond at all.

Instead, he rubbed his stomach and sat back calmly, continuing to eat under the burning eyes of everyone.

There is no way, 888 is not the most wasteful, only more wasteful.

She actually had to help replenish energy to break through the barrier and absorb the energy in the small blue pill.

And she used up all her physical energy in an instant, and almost made her legs go limp and fall to the ground!

So she took a long time to fill her stomach, and felt hungry again.

"888 Tell me the truth, your Tema is actually a defective product!"

Feeling the rapid loss of physical strength, Gu Nanyan complained while stuffing something into her mouth with a grim face, for fear that if she moved slowly, she would faint from hunger and make a big fool of herself.

The movements of her hands almost have afterimages.

The onlookers were dumbfounded.

888 is struggling to break through the barrier, absorbing that mass of energy before it reaches the head.

Hearing Gu Nanyan's complaints, she couldn't help but flatten her mouth in grievance.

"It's been said that your access rights are not enough. You must know that our company's regulations are very strict. There is a barrier between me and the world. If I hadn't upgraded before, I wouldn't be able to help you this time."

This is also to protect the world from harm.

After all, their abilities are beyond the cognition of this world, and using their abilities indiscriminately can easily break the balance of the world.

"If you want to absorb external energy, you must get the approval of the boss. Who told you to be stingy and refuse to upgrade..."

It muttered a few words in dissatisfaction, seeing that blue energy approaching the brain again, it hurriedly concentrated its energy to break through the barrier.

Another quarter of an hour passed, and everyone saw Gu Nanyan eating non-stop, but they didn't see any discomfort in her, and looked at Queen Mother Shen suspiciously.

Empress Dowager Shen is not in a hurry.

Concubine Rou told her that this kind of medicine takes effect slowly, and the better the physique, the longer it will take to resist it, but she will still collapse in the end.

She glanced at Gu Nanyan, who had his mouth full of food.

This dead girl is strong and can eat, she should belong to the wave of good physique, and there is nothing wrong with resisting for a while.

Thinking of this, she happened to see Gu Nanyan pick up a greasy elbow and stuff it into her mouth.

Due to the cold weather, the elbow was already completely cold, and it was covered with a layer of fat white lard, but she swallowed it without blinking.

Then he licked the grease off his hands.

Empress Dowager Shen: "..."

Just... a little tired and panicked.

Gu Nanyan was too tired to panic, but this food has high energy, so she had to eat it.

Heartily scolded 888 as a dog.

Feeling that mass of energy still rushing towards her head, she couldn't help gnashing her teeth angrily.

"Can you still do it!"

I'm almost sick of it!

"It's been half an hour, how long will it take you to break through the barrier!"

She almost cleared all the food on the dozen or so tables.

Didn't you see the little girl opposite was looking at her in horror?

If this continues, her Yingwei image will be ruined!

888 struggled to move his mind: "Come on, hold on."

"As for the elbow just now, it should be almost enough to eat another seventy or eighty."

Seventy or eighty?

You're an idiot!
Even the rice bucket can't hold so many elbows!
Gu Nanyan's face darkened, he dropped the bone stick in his hand, and stopped talking.

"Elbow your sister, I quit!"

She grabbed the handkerchief in the hand of the maid at the side and wiped her hands, and did not eat any more.

"But that energy has already reached your head, if you give up now, you will be unconscious." 888 said anxiously.

At the same time, he glanced at the energy ball and swallowed involuntarily.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

piss off!
Don't think I can't see your greediness.

She took a deep breath, waved her hand, and said proudly: "It's too troublesome, I want to upgrade!"

888 was startled when he heard the words, then overjoyed, and immediately gave up the half-breakthrough of the barrier.

"Have you figured it out?" It jumped happily on the spot.

Can't wait to open the mall panel.

"Then what are you going to buy?"

There are quite a lot of discount activities today, and the inventory is also sufficient. It is not a problem to make up 5000 million taels.


"You actually have so much silver?" 888 was surprised.

Gu Nanyan waved his hand again: "No!"

I'm going to whore for nothing!

Her own savings were only over 1000 million taels, and Li Yi's account had more, but it was less than 2000 million taels, and it was impossible to make up the remaining 2000 million taels.

Shocked 888: "..."

You think the mall is run by your family!

Still want to prostitute?

Why don't you go to heaven!
Watching helplessly the little barrier he finally opened slowly closed, 888 almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

(End of this chapter)

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