The farmer has a mall

Chapter 395 Real name report

Chapter 395 Real name report
Gu Zhengkang's eyes flickered, his brain was running fast, and he inadvertently glanced at the fur that Xiao Minzi was holding in his hand.

"Also, and that fur..."

Gu Zhengkang's eyes lit up, and he said in great surprise.

"Wei Chen heard from his father that he sent information to the remnants of the previous dynasty through a fur shop. There must be something in that fur!"

Of course there is something.

When Yu Shangshu handed it over to him, he said that there was a letter in which Gu Yao colluded with others to murder the emperor.

It is also stamped with the jade seal of the previous dynasty!
Although many ministers in the palace were on the queen mother's side, seeing Gu Zhengkang's look of wanting to kill his own father was still very contemptuous.

If there is such an unfilial son in their family, the ancestral tablet will probably be overturned!

Gu Yao's heart was already cold, he didn't even look at him, and turned back to Queen Mother Shen and cupped his hands.

"The matter about the poison has been proved to be false. Will the Empress Dowager still listen to this rebellious son and doubt the loyalty of the General's Mansion?"

He was relieved that his granddaughter was fine, but he had the same idea as Taifu Bai, thinking that his granddaughter took the antidote with cash, and the poison of the pill was detoxified, and the crisis was resolved.

He was very dissatisfied with Gu Nanyan's disregard of his own safety and risking his own life, and he lost his face towards Queen Mother Shen and others who made his granddaughter take risks.

"Although the old minister is old, he can still hold a knife. If the queen mother doesn't give an account of today's incident and spread it to the Zhenbei army, the old minister can't guarantee what will happen."

His prestige in the army is much higher than Li Mike, not to mention the Queen Mother.

If she really wronged Gu Yao today and humiliated her repeatedly, it might cause the Zhenbei Army to mutiny.

If this happens under such circumstances, it will deal a major blow to the empress dowager's reputation.

The Queen Mother's group didn't know that moving the Gu family was no different from stabbing a hornet's nest, but Gu Yao's dedication to protecting the emperor was their biggest obstacle, and it would be useless not to eradicate him!

Empress Dowager Shen, who had long been unable to get off the tiger, gritted her teeth at Gu Yao's blatant threat with a sullen face.

"Gu Yao, are you threatening Aijia?" She asked in a deep voice.

Gu Yao didn't say a word, which was tantamount to acquiescing.

He is loyal, but he is loyal to the emperor.

The life and death of the emperor is uncertain, and the empress dowager Shen's unruly intentions are undoubtedly revealed. For the sake of the entire court and the Gu family, he must be tough.

"What is Old General Gu doing?" Yu Weisheng asked with downcast eyes.

"Since someone reported the Gu family, what's wrong with the empress dowager's handling of matters in accordance with the law and letting people investigate and deal with them? You can't turn a blind eye just because you are afraid of the Zhenbei army. Then what's the point of Dali Temple, the Criminal Department, and various government offices?"

He looked at the trembling Gu Zhengkang, with a mocking smile on his lips.

"Besides, it's your own son who reported on you. It's probably not good to hear it out. The queen mother also wants to find out the facts for the sake of the Gu family's reputation, so that the general can be innocent."

Yu Weisheng was eloquent, and in a few sentences, he said that the Queen Mother's ulterior motives were for Gu Yao's good.

This is true.

The first emperor once said that any case of reporting on officials in the court must be investigated to the end. The purpose is to prevent some officials who do not know how to benefit the people, but take advantage of the situation to seize the people's wealth, leading to chaos in the government.

It's just that today's incident is obviously a hole dug by the queen mother, and everyone has tacitly understood it.

"Speaking of this, it reminds me of something."

After hearing this, Gu Nanyan stroked his sleeves, stood up, walked to Gu Yao's side and raised his chin.

"I want to report Yu Shangshu with my real name. He colluded with Anyang Kingdom, intending to split our country, causing a war between the two countries and profiting from it. Please investigate thoroughly immediately!"

She looked at Queen Mother Shen, but pointed at Yu Weisheng.

Yu Weisheng was taken aback, and said angrily: "What nonsense, when did this officer do such a thing, don't you want to talk nonsense!"

In his opinion, Gu Nanyan was in a hurry and wanted to divert everyone's attention so he casually framed him.

Not only did she think so, but everyone else did too.

He sneered: "The empress dowager clearly checked, Gu Nanyan, a small civilian girl, dared to slander the court officials at will, please punish the empress dowager!"

Gu Nanyan gave him a sideways look.

"Oh, there is one more crime committed below?"

Yu Weisheng was furious: "When will I offend the next!"

"I am a princess, but you dare to call me a yellow-haired girl, isn't that considered a crime?"

"You have already been deprived of the title of princess by the queen mother, so how can you talk about committing crimes!"

Gu Nanyan sneered: "You queen mother can be the master of Anyang country?"

Yu Weisheng was taken aback: "Of course not..."

"Then what right does she have to deprive me of her status as the Princess of Anyang Kingdom!" Gu Nanyan asked sharply.

Of course you are not qualified, but what the queen mother deprives you of your status as the princess protector...

By the way, she is still the Princess of Anyang.

Yu Weisheng was stunned on the spot, as if he just remembered that she was Princess An, who was conferred by Emperor Anyang himself, and the direct daughter of Emperor Anyang!
Everyone also thought of this and fell silent.

The empress dowager is so powerful that she can abolish the princess of the dynasty, and even the emperor.

But no matter how long her hand was, she couldn't reach Anyang Country.

Empress Dowager Shen narrowed her eyes: "Since you are the Princess of Anyang, you must not interfere in our country's internal affairs. It may be inappropriate to stay in the palace at this time."

She figured it out, this Gu Nanyan is a smart guy!
Moreover, she is quite capable, even the poison that the entire Tai Hospital is helpless has no effect on her.

Keeping her here will only cause a lot of obstacles, it is better to drive her out first, and deal with it after taking Gu Yao down.

She had a good idea and wanted to defeat them one by one, but Gu Nanyan didn't want to do what she wanted.

Spreading his hands, Gu Nanyan said with an innocent face: "But I am the lady of the general's mansion, how can I stay out of it when there is something going on in the general's mansion?"

"What's more, the queen mother was aggressive and made me take a pill for no reason. I don't know if there will be any after-effects. She can't let me go when the poison is tested. After the poison is tested, she will drive me away. How about playing with me?"

Empress Dowager Shen was so angry that she almost slapped the table.

What's wrong with her, she obviously wanted to take that pill herself!
"Since you are participating in this matter as Miss Gu, don't mention the identity of Anyang Kingdom..." Yu Weisheng said.

"Don't mention it, this palace is not the princess of Anyang Kingdom?"

Gu Nanyan looked at him with a look of caring for the mentally retarded.

Yu Weisheng choked again, his mouth opened and closed, and he didn't know how to refute for a while.

"Besides, I use my identity as a princess to report that you colluded with foreign enemies, and it's not because of the Gu family's affairs. As a whistleblower, you should be there."

Yu Weisheng couldn't say no to her, and when she heard her mentioning her collusion with Anyang Kingdom again, he almost jumped up on the spot.

"You're talking nonsense! Since when did I collude with foreign enemies!"

"Only a few months ago, I heard what my father said with my own ears. He said that you have been lurking in Jianan for many years and finally climbed to the position of Minister. It is really hard work to provide him with more information."

After she finished speaking, she nodded towards Yu Weisheng: "I thank you for your dedication on behalf of my father."

Yu Weisheng: "..."

"I do not have!"

"You have."



"What evidence do you have!"

"This palace is the evidence."

Yu Weisheng: "..."

Everyone: "..."

This is a bit unreasonable.

But they couldn't refute it.

After all, Gu Nanyan came forward as Princess Anyang, no matter whether it was true or not, they couldn't ignore it.

Everyone couldn't help looking at Empress Dowager Shen.

Empress Dowager Shen: "..."

what to see!

What can I do if I encounter such a bad thing!
"There is physical evidence of Gu Yao's collusion with the remnants..." Empress Dowager Shen held back for a long time before choking out this sentence.

"You said that Yu Shangshu colluded with Anyang Kingdom, where is the evidence?"

Gu Nanyan: "You can have this, if you don't believe me, search it."

Turning around, she asked Yunxi to put one in the Shangshu Mansion.

When she searched the private treasury of Emperor Anyang, there were many iconic things in it.

Empress Dowager Shen certainly knew what she was up to. If physical evidence was really found, she would have no choice but to investigate Yu Weisheng because of Gu Yao's matter.

(End of this chapter)

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