Chapter 397
"I followed it quietly, and arrived at a palace called Yufu Palace, where the boarder was inside."

Gu Nanyan glanced at him appreciatively: "Good job."

It doesn't look like a complete waste either.

"Can you see who the boarder is, and Li Mike is inside?" Gu Nanyan asked again.

888 paused and didn't speak for a while.

Gu Nanyan squinted: "You didn't go in, did you?"

888 felt wronged and pointed at his finger.

"The predator's vigilance is too strong, if you get too close, you will be discovered by it..."

What if the baby is eaten by a ferocious person?

Gu Nanyan: Hehe.


It's still that trash.


The Northwest Army led by King Jing rushed in.

Appearing with them, there are more than a dozen hidden guards including Long Yi, and nearly a hundred young men with black veils around their eyes.

These teenagers had no expression on their faces, their bodies were full of murderous intent, and their eyes through the black veil were like a pool of stagnant water.

It was the dead man of the Shen family that Gu Nanyan had met.

Gu Yao once said that these people had taken the secret medicine and would not survive to adulthood.

They also live underground all year round, and only show up when they have missions. Rather than saying that they are human beings, it is better to say that they are a knife in the hands of the Shen family.

Each of these teenagers is powerful and tyrannical, and they have no human feelings, and they want to kill people if they do anything.

When they were in Mingshan, they beat Gu Yao and Qu Xiao with no power to fight back when they were only about [-] people. Now there are nearly a hundred people here...

Gu Yao's expression became more serious, and he couldn't help but step forward to block Gu Nanyan.

Li Yi obviously also knew the origins of these young men, he frowned and said to Gu Nanyan: "They are too strong, after I stay with Long Yi, you take Old General Gu out to join the Zhenbei Army."

Gu Nanyan didn't speak, but her eyes clearly expressed her rejection.

Li Yi had no choice but to know that she was not the obedient person, so he stopped persuading her and only moved his body in front of her.

Coupled with Gu Yao's tall body, the two blocked Gu Nanyan tightly.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Bullying Lao Tzu is short, right?

"Ashilan!" She shouted angrily behind her.

Standing in the shadow all the time, the unmoving Ashlan showed her figure, holding the two-meter-high wooden box in her hand, and walked in front of her in a few steps.

Gu Nanyan took the box and put it on the ground, opened a little gap and stretched his hand in.

When I took it out again, there was a black box in my hand.

It was undoubtedly a pistol.

She handed it to Ashlan, and reached out to pick it up again.

Li Yi and Gu Yao couldn't help turning their heads when they heard the movement, and saw three guns, one big, two small, and three guns placed at her feet.

Gu Yao:? ? ?
When did my granddaughter learn to juggle?
Didn't you hand over your weapons when you entered the palace gate?
Both of them have been in contact with guns, especially Li Yi.

Gu Nanyan thought for a moment, and in order to prevent the two from hurting their own people, he left the automatic rifle and handed over two small pistols to the two.

Although Li Yi's eyes lit up the moment he saw the pistol, and his heartbeat couldn't help but quicken, since he had even used a rifle before, he was still calm.

Gu Yao is different.

He has seen the power of this thing with his own eyes, but he has never used it, especially the automatic rifle.

He looked at the small box in his hand, then at the big box in Gu Nanyan's hand, and then at Gu Nanyan.

Desire is evident in the eyes.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

You are not greedy at all.

She hesitated for a moment, then exchanged with Gu Yao.

Anyway, the principles of the two guns are the same, so it shouldn't be...

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Gu Yao lost his temper.

It hit Li Yi's toes less than a finger away.

Gu Nanyan:! ! !

Li Yi: ⊙﹏⊙

Nest, Lv*2
Don't accidentally injure friendly troops!
Gu Nanyan broke out in a cold sweat, quickly buckled the insurance, and looked at Gu Yao with a dark face.

Gu Yao: "..."

The old man shook his hands.

Do you believe...

He looked at Li Yi embarrassingly, and wanted to step up and pat him on the shoulder to apologize, but the other party quickly dodged and floated three meters away.

Li Yi wiped the cold sweat off his brow, and said politely but defensively: "This king knows that the general didn't do it on purpose, so he won't take it to heart."

After that, he took two steps towards the distance.

Gu Yao: "..."

Then why are you running?

And that bright and defensive eyes, dare to be more obvious!
Li Yi: Don't wait until you shoot me?


Seeing four people standing opposite with guns, Prince Jing's face immediately changed.

He had seen these things when he was fief, so he naturally knew their power.

But a palm-sized black box can kill someone in an instant!

Just because he knew how powerful this thing was, he even specifically asked the queen mother to let the gatekeepers search the Gu family carefully to make sure that they didn't have any weapons on them before letting them in.

But what's going on with this situation now?

Could it be that the Queen Mother didn't have them searched?
Empress Dowager Shen was very wronged. She knew that Gu Nanyan had a lot of weird things in her hands, so she not only told the guards to search carefully, but also specially sent Xiao Minzi out.

Obviously nothing was found on them.

How did these things come in? !
Is it possible...

She squinted her eyes and looked suspiciously at the little eunuch beside her.

Xiao Minzi's legs went limp in fright, and he fell to his knees with a plop.

"The Empress Dowager Mingjian, the slaves were indeed searched carefully, and there were no such things in the box at that time."

Although the clock was large, it couldn't hide these black boxes at all.

Not to mention several of them, unless he is blind, it is impossible to miss them.

It is meaningless to pursue anyone's responsibility now, Empress Dowager Shen gave him a cold look, then turned her head away.

Keeping such useless things is a waste of food.

But now is not a good time to deal with him, wait until these people in front of him are dealt with, and then deal with him together!

"What are you waiting for, King Jing, hurry up!" Empress Dowager Shen said in a deep voice.

Although she had heard about the power of this thing, she had never seen it before, so she was a little less afraid than Prince Jing.

In her opinion, no matter how powerful this thing is, it can't compare to thousands of troops. King Jing brought 2000 people to guard outside, even if he piled them up with corpses, he could kill them all!

At this time, King Jing had already quickly dodged and hid behind the Northwest Army.

Hearing the Queen Mother's order, he didn't move, his brows were tightly knit together.

"Gu Nanyan, do you only use these despicable moves? Do you dare to fight this king openly!"
Fighting aboveboard?

Why didn't you say it just now? !
Li Pinggui, who was hiding behind the crowd, almost spat at him.

Why didn't he realize before that the refined and easy-going Prince Jing was actually such a shameless thing...

Seeing Gu Nanyan lift the black box in his hand, his heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly leaned towards her.

He saw Gu Yao's move just now!

Looking at the eyes is not very good!

Even Li Yi, the future son-in-law, almost fell into his hands. If he missed it accidentally...

Li Pinggui shivered, and squeezed harder to Gu Nanyan's side.

He is cautious all day long, even if he is ridiculed for being cowardly and incompetent, he doesn't care, why?
Not for survival!
After finally surviving until today, seeing the dawn, if he died because of this old man's dizziness, it would be so terrible!
Gu Nanyan's eyesight is definitely higher than 5.0, so he naturally noticed Li Pinggui's little tricks.

But she didn't stop.

On the surface, this person seemed to be with the queen mother, but at the same time he was showing his favor to him, and he didn't seem to be pretending to be a snake.

She also couldn't figure out which side this person was on for a while, but at present, she would not pose a threat to her side.

After all, this fellow is not only cowardly, but also powerless!

Like the 888 trash, it's useless.

888, who was underestimated again: "..."

Don't look for me for a while if you have the ability!
Not only Li Pinggui felt that Prince Jing was shameless.

Others thought so too.

They surrounded the family with a large number of people, young and old, and called them despicable.

Everyone looked at Prince Jing with contempt.

(End of this chapter)

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