The farmer has a mall

Chapter 423 The Death of the First Emperor

Chapter 423 The Death of the First Emperor
Facing the Queen Mother Shen whose expression was changing, Taifu Bai threw a nuclear bomb without any disturbance.

All civil and military officials boiled instantly.

I don't know if he was too angry, but Li Mi accepted it well this time, he just closed his eyes silently and asked, "Do you have evidence?"

Hearing the question, Song Yi, Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, took a step forward.

"My Majesty, the old man kneeling in the hall is a descendant of the former Dingyuan General Lu Dingbang, and also the new Dingyuan General appointed by the remnants of the previous dynasty. The other person is his subordinate. This is the confession of the two. All the books have been stamped."

As he spoke, he took out two pieces of rice paper from his sleeve, on which many words were densely written.

It is not so much the confession of the two, as it is the confession of the young man.

He was brought up by the old man, and he has long regarded the other party as a relative, and has long been dissatisfied with the Queen Mother Shen.

The old man who thought it was her existence caused her to be lonely and wandering all her life.

Even the only daughter dare not recognize each other!

He obviously has tens of millions of wealth, but he can only live in a stinky fur shop, collect information for the Queen Mother Shen, and contact the old ministry.

But the old man was willing to serve the Empress Dowager Shen willingly, so he could only follow.

When he was arrested this time, he originally planned to keep his mouth shut, and he didn't confide a word after being whipped dozens of times.

Unexpectedly, Song Yi saw the status of the old man in his heart, and turned to torture the old man. Seeing that the old man he regarded as his own father was about to die, he couldn't bear it, and finally told the truth.

According to him, Empress Dowager Shen's mother, the Jiang family, was a descendant of the royal family of the previous dynasty, and her encounter with the late Emperor Liang was not accidental, but intentional.

The original plan was to let the Jiang family give birth to the Daliang royal blood, and it would be best to give birth to a prince, ascend to the throne, and use the power of the Daliang country to fight against the Jianan country.

Coupled with the secret assistance of the former forces, the restoration of the country is just around the corner.

It's a pity that the Jiang family doesn't want to become a pawn for their restoration of the country.

Coupled with the deepening relationship with the first emperor, he felt deeply ashamed of him, and didn't want to continue to make mistakes, so he deliberately confronted the queen when he came to the door, and ran away.

She thought that this move would completely get rid of the entanglement of the former forces, but she didn't know that she had been under their noses all along.

Jiang Shi is different from other women, she is a very assertive person, obviously she can't be manipulated by others.

So the so-called General Dingyuan at that time, that is, the old man's father, set up a plan.

Let his deputy's son, that is, Shen Yuan, meet Jiang Shi by chance.

And married Jiang, who was helpless and embarrassed at the time.

Jiang was so grateful that she worked hard to take care of the housework for Shen Yuan, but she didn't know that she thought she had escaped from the clutches of the devil, but she had already jumped into the fire pit.

Shen Yuan was originally talented, and with the strong support behind him, he soon entered the court, and put Empress Dowager Shen, who had the blood of both the former royal family and the Daliang royal family, in the back seat.

Later, when the Anyang Kingdom disturbed the frontier, the former emperor of the Jianan Kingdom marched in person, and was unfortunately seriously injured. At that time, the empress dowager's son had already been born.

Shen Yuan felt that the time had come, so he took the risk of poisoning the late emperor's medicine. As long as he died, only the infant son of the empress dowager could inherit the throne.

However, the first emperor was not a fool, he had long known that Shen Yuan's identity was different.

He was seriously injured, the imperial physician was helpless, all he could do was delay for a while.

The first emperor, who had already noticed that the taste of the medicine was not right, made a will to make Li Mi emperor, and then resolutely drank the poison.

He also plotted to pull Shen Yuan out, wiped out the Shen family, cleared the way for the new emperor, and then passed away.

No one knew the truth about this incident, it was all planned by the first emperor.

Therefore, when Li Mi learned that his father was not poisoned to death unknowingly, but was willing to commit suicide by taking poison for himself, a pair of red eyes viciously swept across the Queen Mother Shen, and the old and young kneeling on the ground.

"Bitch, I want you to pay for your father's life!"

Empress Dowager Shen was already stunned in place, she did not expect that her previous identity would be revealed.

Even Emperor Liang didn't know about this matter, and he was caught out at this time...

She hurriedly looked at Wei Hong at the side, and sure enough, seeing his face was as black as ink, she knew something was wrong.

"Prime Minister Hong, they are framing Aijia..." Empress Dowager Shen hurriedly tried to defend herself.

Now her only trump card is Liang Guo, and even Li Xu is in the hands of Liang's envoys, if they make them unhappy, the consequences can be imagined.

Wei Hong didn't want to hear her justification, he would expose the queen mother's identity today entirely because of Gu Nanyan.

Little did he know that there was such a big show waiting for him!
He looked at Gu Nanyan, who was with the old god, and she was the calmest person in the audience.

This girl probably knew the identity of the Empress Dowager Shen long ago, but deliberately kept it from him...

I'm afraid it's not revenge for him not notifying her immediately after he knew Li Xu's whereabouts!

This mind.

It's even smaller than a needle nose!
Wei Hong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but felt that such a Gu Nanyan was quite cute.


The evidence of Empress Dowager Shen's charges is conclusive, not to mention collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country, but also intending to rebel.

If it was an ordinary courtier or a prince or princess, it would have been enough to behead him.

But she is the empress dowager, the emperor's aunt.

If Li Mi ordered her to be sentenced to death, no matter what the reason was, she would be criticized as unfilial.

But if she was spared, let alone Li Mi, all the ministers would feel offended.

Since he couldn't kill her openly, he could only do it secretly.

Whether she died of illness or committed suicide in shame, in the end they were in their hands, and Empress Dowager Shen could not escape death after all.

Unfortunately, Gu Nanyan didn't want her to die quietly.

Just as the ministers were discussing with Li Mi on how to properly handle this matter so as to minimize the impact, Gu Nanyan walked slowly to the relieved Empress Dowager Shen.

For Empress Dowager Shen, as long as she is not executed immediately, there is still a chance of survival.

Seeing Gu Nanyan approaching with a sullen face, Empress Dowager Shen was not afraid at all, but instead smiled mockingly.

"Why, it's a pity that I didn't kill Aijia?"

This is the power of the imperial power, no matter how powerful Gu Nanyan is, no matter how invincible she is on the battlefield, facing her, the Queen Mother, she can't do whatever she wants.

Now that she has a place to breathe, she believes that it is not difficult to avoid death with the help of several officials in her hands.

Thinking of this, Empress Dowager Shen laughed even more brazenly.

When everyone heard her reputation, they frowned dissatisfied with her arrogant appearance.

Gu Nanyan also knows the reason why centipedes are dead but not stiff.

Once she is allowed to walk out of this palace gate alive today, it is hard to say whether she will make a comeback again.

After all, since the Shen family murdered the late emperor, she has turned over countless times.

She didn't talk nonsense, she pulled out a dagger from her waist, and before everyone could react, she pressed it on the neck of Queen Mother Shen.

"I don't have the word regret in my dictionary." She said in a deep voice.

Empress Dowager Shen's eyes flashed, and she didn't believe that she dared to kill herself in public. Even if she dared to do it, so many people present would probably not agree.

Otherwise, it would be a huge scandal for both the royal family and the imperial court if the news about the murder of the Empress Dowager by the Emperor and Princess of Jianan Kingdom spread out.

Sure enough, seeing Gu Nanyan pointing a knife at her, all the courtiers spoke out to stop her.

"Princess, don't be impulsive."

It was Taifu Bai who said this, he was afraid that Gu Nanyan would ruin his reputation.

"Sister Nan, put down the knife first, and I will discuss the pros and cons with you later."

This weak voice was made by Li Mi. He was also afraid that Gu Nanyan's reputation would be ruined because of a bitch, and in his opinion it was not worth it.

Gu Yao and Li Yi were still busy in the city catching the remnants, but they were not here at this time.

So after Li Mi uttered her voice, the rest of them tried to persuade her to let go of the Queen Mother's courtiers with all kinds of thoughts.

Gu Nanyan glanced around coldly, her small face was as cold as ice, and focused on the Queen Mother's party until those people shut their mouths guilty.

 The old hag is about to finish her calf, and then let herself go, build a car and grab money o(*≧▽≦)ツ

(End of this chapter)

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