Chapter 425
Gu Nanyan will definitely stay in Mingshan in the future.

Even if there is a steam car, it will take half a day at most, but the road conditions in ancient times are not good and the bumps are very bumpy, so she will not come back too often.

Therefore, the car dealership in the capital still needs to find another person to take care of it.

Although Guo Shi is a housewife, accounting and management are her strong points, it is better to leave this matter to her.

Your family can also rest assured.

Guo Shi didn't know that her little niece had put her in the category of her own family.

Hearing that building a cart would have to be shipped from Mingshan, she immediately realized that the cart she was talking about was definitely not the wooden cart she thought.

"This..." Mrs. Guo hesitated.

The niece has entrusted her with a heavy responsibility, which means she believes in herself. Of course, Mrs. Guo is very happy.

But it doesn't matter whether she has that ability or not.

Let’s just say that the things made by my niece are definitely not commonplace.

Definitely another money-making business!
If she agrees, wouldn't she be taking advantage of her niece again?
Guo looked at her mother-in-law hesitantly.

Mrs. Gu knew her granddaughter's temperament, so she said exactly what she said.

She didn't refuse either, and patted her daughter-in-law's hand with a smile.

"It's all a family. Since sister Nan has spoken, let's not be polite. It's a strange situation. You need to pay more attention in the future."

"Hey, mother, don't worry, my daughter-in-law will definitely spare no effort." Guo said cheerfully.

She was happy not only because of the money, but also because of the little niece's trust in Da Fang.

"Sister Nan, thank you, auntie, but even so, you still have to collect the money for investing in shares."

Guo patted her hand and interrupted Gu Nanyan.

"Auntie knows you are a good boy, but we are all elders, so we can't take advantage of you."

"Let's listen to my aunt about this matter. I'll have someone bring the money to you in a while."

After she finished speaking, without waiting for Gu Nanyan to refuse, she hurried back to the main courtyard to collect the money.

Gu Nanyan couldn't laugh or cry.

Mrs. Gu was very satisfied with her daughter-in-law's ability to act.

In any case, Sister Nan is also the granddaughter of their General's Mansion, and the only female doll in the East Courtyard.

Even if there is no business with this car dealership, it won't hurt to give her the money!

"By the way, the Chinese New Year is coming soon. Your aunt is going to buy new year's goods tomorrow. Sister Nan might as well go around together."

Gu Nanyan was taken aback for a moment before realizing it.

Empress Dowager Shen's birthday is in the twelfth lunar month, and it is already the end of the year, and the New Year's Eve will be in ten days.

"Okay." She didn't refuse, knowing that Mrs. Gu was worried that she would be bored, so she agreed with a smile.


Early the next morning, Gu Nanyan followed Guo Shi out of the house after having breakfast.

The two went shopping for half a day, bought all kinds of necessities for the New Year, and didn't go to Fumanlou to rest until noon.

The shopkeeper of Fumanlou has changed, and he doesn't know Gu Nanyan.

But one of the servants in the shop was the one who received Gu Nanyan last time, and he recognized her at a glance.

"Oh, sir...Miss Gu, I haven't seen you for a long time, please go upstairs."

The boy welcomed the two of them in with a smile on his face, and gave the shopkeeper a wink.

The shopkeeper knew who this person might be, and politely sent Gu Nanyan and Mrs. Guo up to the second floor.

Unexpectedly, the young servant gave him a hand.

"My lord has ordered that if you come here, I will take you to the private room on the third floor, where it will be cleaner."

Private room on the third floor?

Isn't that the room dedicated to the prince?
On weekdays, outsiders are not accepted!
The shopkeeper was about to speak when he suddenly remembered something and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

The prince only said that apart from him, the third floor can only receive the princess. Could it be...

Thinking of this, the shopkeeper instantly understood who the girl in front of her who didn't wear makeup, but whose color was like morning glow reflecting snow.

He quickly suppressed his doubts and led Gu Nanyan to the third floor.

His expression was more respectful.

Gu Nanyan didn't care where he was, and calmly followed him into the private room on the third floor.

The private room seems to have just been renovated, the tables and chairs are all new decorations, there is an extra spacious arhat bed near the window, a low table is placed on the arhat bed, and an incense burner is placed on the low table.

There was no incense burning in the censer, but the room was filled with the scent of jasmine.

Gu Nanyan glanced around, and sure enough, she saw a pot of jasmine flowers placed in every corner.

"These flowers are specially ordered by the prince, saying that the princess likes this fragrance." The shopkeeper hurriedly flattered.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows, but she didn't remember saying this.

But she really liked the taste, so she put a pot in her room.

I didn't expect that guy Li Yi to be very careful.

Gu Nanyan was in a good mood, and sat down with Mrs. Guo.

The shopkeeper didn't ask her to order, and directly asked the kitchen to make a table full and deliver it himself.

Gu Nanyan took a look.

Half of those dishes are her favorite seafood, and the other half are Guo's favorite.

Guo Shi was overjoyed, his eyes narrowed with a smile.

"My lord, I have troubled you. Please tell the shopkeeper to see you, and thank you on behalf of the courtier's wife."

She was originally worried that Sister Nan's temper was straightforward, and Prince Cheng was a prince who was raised and raised by others, so if she married into Prince Cheng's mansion, she would inevitably be wronged.

Now it seems that she is overthinking it.

King Sheng was not only careful with Sister Nan, but also considered her as the eldest aunt. It could be seen that he really cared about this marriage.

Guo Shi was so happy that he could not close his mouth from ear to ear, he generously rewarded the shopkeeper with ten taels of silver, and took out another five taels of silver to the boy.

Gu Nanyan couldn't help but see that she was like a boy who wasted money.

"You save it."

It's not that she's petty.

Yesterday, Mrs. Guo sent all the cash from the General's Mansion to herself, leaving only two or three thousand taels for the New Year.

She wanted to leave more money for the mansion, just in case, but Mrs. Guo refused to agree.

With such a way of spending more than 2000 taels of silver, Gu Nanyan suspected that it would not last the first month, and the account of the General's Mansion was empty.

Mrs. Guo waved her hand indifferently, and when she saw the shopkeeper leaving, she said in a low voice, "It's almost the end of the month, and the dividends from your factory will arrive in the account in about ten days, which is not bad."

The factory settles its accounts in the middle of every month.

In addition to workers' wages, each shareholder's dividends must also be distributed.

It's just that due to the underdeveloped ancient technology, it takes several days for the money deposited into the account to arrive.

"It doesn't take as long as ten days." Gu Nanyan took a sip of hot tea.

"The dividends this time should be brought back by the uncle himself. I think it will only be in these two days."

Gu Nanyan said it casually, Guo Shi was stunned when he heard the words.

"Your uncle is coming back?" Why didn't she know, and she didn't say it in the family letter.

Gu Nanyan was more confused than she: "Didn't uncle say anything, he wrote a letter last month, saying he would come back a year ago."

The letter was for her, mainly to report work years ago.

He only mentioned the matter of coming back, and only said that King Sheng asked him to come back.

Gu Nanyan thought that Mrs. Guo knew.

"He only said to ask me to prepare more new year's goods." Guo's face turned dark, "I didn't say anything back."

Her husband is going home, and as a wife, she still learned about it from her niece.

I'm afraid he only remembers work and forgets that there are wives and children at home? !
The handkerchief in Guo's hand was torn out of shape, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, Gu Qing, wait for my old lady!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."


I seem to have gotten into trouble...

Gu Qing, who had already arrived outside the capital, sneezed, and suddenly felt a chill behind him.

He gathered the fur on his body and sniffed: "Zhang Quan, how long will it take to arrive?"

Uncle Zhang is his servant, who is sitting outside the carriage and driving.

"Going back to the master, it will take two or three hours to arrive."

Two or three hours?
Should be in time for dinner.

He deliberately didn't mention his coming back in the letter from home, just to surprise his wife.

I haven't seen her for more than half a year, and I don't know if she is doing well, whether her father and mother are in good health, whether the two brats have done their filial piety for him.

Imagining how his wife, children, and children were surprised and surprised after seeing him, Lu Qing couldn't help showing a smile on his little black face.

Little did he know that there was a violent storm waiting for him in the General's Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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