The farmer has a mall

Chapter 466 Gu Nanyan Finds Faults

Just as Master Jin was about to say that Fu Rong was dealt with afterwards, he heard Bai Xiaowan speak again.

Gu Nanyan pulled Li Yi's hand away, and raised her chin arrogantly.

"Since you know how powerful the young master is, why don't you come over and serve him!"

She looked at Li Kangran, and saw that the other party was frozen in place, muttering dissatisfiedly.

"Standing there stupidly, what are you doing? I can't wait for the young master to invite you personally!"

Shopkeeper Wang was the first to react, walked up to Li Kangran in a few steps, and pushed her towards Gu Nanyan.

"It's your blessing to be able to serve the young master, so hurry up!"

Master Jin also reacted, although the little white boy looked only thirteen or fourteen years old, several years younger than Furong.

But dude, it's not uncommon for such a size to come out to play with women.

He gave Li Kangran a warning look, and motioned her to hurry over to serve her.

Li Kangran pursed his lips.

She didn't know what tricks Gu Nanyan was playing, but it was acceptable for her to serve a woman.

After all, even if the other party really stayed overnight, he wouldn't do anything to her.

Thinking of this, Li Kangran breathed a sigh of relief, slowly walked past Li Yi, and knelt down on the other side of Gu Nanyan.

She was trapped in a romantic place and made a living by selling laughter. It was naturally extremely humiliating to be seen by her former elders and enemies.

But she has long been no longer a high-ranking princess, and she has been trampled on her face countless times.

The state of mind is not the same as before.

At this time, facing these two people is acceptable.

"Please, young master." Li Kangran poured a glass of wine for Gu Nanyan, picked it up and handed it to her.

Words are respectful.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows, took the wine cup and drank it down in one gulp.

She was half the reason for Prince Jing's failure, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that she killed her father and enemy.

He could still pour himself a drink calmly.

She remembered that the girl's temperament didn't seem to be so good.

"Master wants to eat that." Gu Nanyan stretched out her white and tender paws and pointed to a plate of Yong Tau Foo.

Li Kangran responded, picked up his chopsticks and put some into her bowl.

"What are you doing in the bowl?" Gu Nanyan was dissatisfied.

"You feed it to the young master." She said with her nostrils upturned.

Li Kangran: "..."

Li Kangran picked up the stuffed tofu in the bowl and brought it to Gu Nan's mouth.

Gu Nanyan turned her face away in disgust.

"How can you eat such a big piece, my young master is a nobleman, if you swallow it whole, it will ruin your image."

Li Kangran was silent for a while, took a deep breath, and impatiently divided the stuffed Yong Tau Foo into several pieces.

"No, it's too small, the stuffing will fall out."

Li Kangran: "..."

Li Kangran gritted his teeth, took another piece and divided it into two.

" careful, don't drip the soup on my body, my clothes are so precious, if they get dirty, I'll beat you up."

Li Kangran: "..."

Li Kangran's chest heaved violently, biting his lower lip and staring at Gu Nanyan.

It seemed as if he could not contain his anger.

Although she has been reduced to a brothel, she still has dignity!

This dead girl has so many problems.

Finding fault on purpose, right?

Believe it or not, she turned her face and revealed their identities!

When she dared not resist!
Facts have proved that Li Kangran really didn't dare.

Just denying that she had met Gu Nanyan was already covering for them, if she said it again, Master Jin would definitely not spare her afterwards.


She had been exhausted physically and mentally for a long time, and suddenly met Gu Nanyan, an acquaintance, although the relationship between the two was not good.

But for no reason let her tense nerves relax.

There is an inexplicable sense of security.

It was as if... her father and mother were still by her side.

She knew what her father had done, and seeking to usurp the throne was a serious crime against the Jiu Clan, and it was the emperor's grace that she was still alive.

But even if she knew that it was her father who was wrong, she still couldn't let go.

That was the father who gave birth to her and raised her.

She can still recall to this day that when she was a child, her father carried her on his shoulders, leading her mother and concubine to walk on the street, and the family of three talking and laughing.

Those days will never come back.

Li Kangran's eyes were red, and tears fell down patter.

Jin Ye only thought that the arrogant Furong was offended, she wept aggrievedly, and smiled gently.

It's good for the little boy to have fun.

As long as he is coaxed well, he won't have to worry about not being able to rely on the mountain of Tai Tuo's mansion.

Although shopkeeper Wang had the same idea, he felt a little more sympathy than Master Jin.

Secretly, children are just children, and they don't know how to pity and cherish jade at all.

As for Li Yi...

Li Yi had nothing to say.

He could not protect himself, and his relationship with Yan'er was bumpy, but he didn't dare to speak for Li Kangran.

It made her unhappy, what should I do if I really proposed to withdraw from the marriage?
Even though the two of them are getting along well at this moment, after leaving the Cuixiang Tower, they still don't know how to face her.

Li Yi sighed, raised his glass to drink with Jin Ye.

Everyone in the room had different thoughts, which did not affect Gu Nanyan's good appetite in the slightest.

She was enjoying her meal when she saw Li Kangran's chopsticks hanging in the air, weeping in a daze.

So he poked the opponent's arm with his backhand.

"Why are you in a daze, hurry up!"

Haven't you seen Lao Tzu waiting to be fed?
Who wants to starve to death!

With Gu Nanyan's poke, the roasted meat on the chopsticks fell off with a thud, hitting Li Kangran's white skirt.

The oil stains spread quickly, and the good skirt was ruined.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

I didn't mean it.

Li Kangran: "..."

Did this damn girl do it on purpose!

This is her last good dress!
Qing Gu bought her a lot, but those clothes were too revealing.

She doesn't want to wear it.

This dress was a birthday gift given to her by her father when he was still alive.

All the way from the northwest to here, the old clothes were sold out long ago, and the money was used to pay for the officials who escorted her.

Only this one is not willing to sell.

This is her last tangle with the past.

But now...

Feeling that the last ties between him and the past were about to be lost, Li Kangran finally broke down and burst into tears.

Crying so heartbreakingly, crying so deeply, crying... Gu Nan's paws were numb with smoke.

Everyone: "..."

孽 孽!
Gu Nanyan: "..."

She can't help but tease herself, blame me?
Gu Nanyan picked up the roast meat with a guilty conscience, and his hands were immediately covered with oil stains.

Then he took advantage of the situation and wiped it on Li Kangran.

Li Kangran: "..."

I fight with you!
Regardless of his current status, Li Kangran angrily threw Gu Nanyan to the ground.

Gu Nanyan stretched out his hand reflexively and pushed.

Li Kang then hit his head on the table.

It sounds... painful.

Shopkeeper Wang couldn't help hissing.

But Li Yanran was lying on the ground motionless.

Shopkeeper Wang: "..."


Could it be that he was knocked to death!
If this is fatal, it will be difficult to clean up.

Shopkeeper Wang rushed over to take a look.

Li Yanran turned her back to the sky, her limbs spread out, her face full of grievances.

Although he didn't cry any more, the tears never stopped, silently streaming down his cheeks.

No matter how you look at it, how pitiful it is.

Shopkeeper Wang glanced at Gu Nanyan secretly.

Even if he wasn't a good person, he couldn't stand it now.

But it's useless for him to look down on it, the master here is Jin Ye.

Master Jin ignored him, and continued talking and laughing with Li Yi, as if nothing had happened.

Gu Nanyan swore that she definitely didn't do it on purpose.

The other party seemed to want to strangle her to death, and she had an instinctive reaction.

Even if it was instinct, she controlled the strength.

At most, let the other party fall ass.

Who would have thought it would hit the table.

Gu Nanyan picked her fingers, and sat on the ground without getting up.

Rubbing his butt against the floor, he moved towards Li Kangran.

Nervously said: "What... are you still feeding?"

Hey, get up quickly.

I am very hungry.

I didn't have enough at noon!
Li Kangran's chest heaved violently again when he heard these words.

He glared at her angrily, as if he wanted to bite off a piece of her flesh.

Hey Hey hey.

hello sister!
Didn't you see that I was confused?

Still thinking about eating, did you starve to death in your previous life!

Li Kangran only felt a puff of air stuck in his chest, and the back of his head hurt even more.

Even she herself didn't realize that at this moment, she was much more lively than when she first entered the door.

No longer a lifeless look.

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