The farmer has a mall

Chapter 511 What's wrong with sister 2

Chapter 511 What's wrong with the second sister

But this scene was seen by the woman who went out to meet him, and she was instantly jealous, thinking that Min was hooking up with her man.

She gave Min a gloomy look, and dragged her man away.

Although nothing was said at the time, the "feud" between the two families was settled.

Afterwards, as long as the woman saw Min, she would sneer and ridicule her. Her man stopped him a few times, but he couldn't stop him at all. He could only occasionally help Min with two buckets of water to express his apology.

The Min family is also unwilling to engage in verbal disputes with others, and lives more reclusively.

However, the woman didn't like her at first, and when she saw that there was no man in her family to stand up for her, she got even worse.

Since she couldn't see anyone from the Min family, she took advantage of Gu Peilan's absence and threw rubbish across the courtyard wall.

At first it was just leaves and weeds, and later even the excrement of chickens and ducks at home was thrown on it.

Min felt sorry for her daughter's hard work of going out early and returning home late, so she didn't tell her about this little thing, and silently cleaned up the rubbish all over the floor every time.

Until one time, chicken manure covered Min's head and body, and happened to be seen by Gu Peilan who turned back to get the store key.

What kind of temperament is Gu Peilan?

He could be said to be gentle before, but now he is the one who dares to chop people with an axe, his eyes turned red immediately, and he ran to the opposite side to make a fuss.

When the man of her family heard what his wife had done, he didn't know whether he was ashamed or angry, he slapped him tremblingly, the corner of the woman's mouth was broken.

He also warned the woman to cause trouble again, so he divorced her on seven terms.

For a woman, being divorced by her husband is no different from the sky falling. She immediately apologized to Mrs. Min and promised not to trouble her again in the future.

Since then, the woman has really become honest, but that is only superficial honesty, and she still wishes for Min's bad luck in her heart.

Thinking of this, the woman glanced at Gu Peilan, who squeezed in with the zongzi, with an anxious face, resentment flashed in her eyes.

If she hadn't made things big, she wouldn't have been beaten, and she wouldn't have been separated from the master!
"Hey, is this girl Lan coming back?" The woman said angrily, "Just come back, and explain it to the big guys quickly, don't wrong your sister."

Seeing that the Min family was fine, Gu Peilan breathed a sigh of relief, and her expression became indifferent.

"Explain what?" she asked back.

"This is my family's business. I need to explain it to you? Do they belong to dogs?" She looked around at the people watching the excitement, her tone was not very good, and she almost said that these people and dogs are meddling with mice.

Don't blame her for offending people with a map cannon.

These people had no friendship with them at all, and they didn't even know what happened, but they came to act as messengers of justice one after another. It's no wonder that Gu Peilan got angry.

Her words immediately aroused dissatisfaction among the crowd.

The woman was even more upset, "How can the little girl talk, we are all elders..."

"The elders can tell other people's affairs, Aunt Yu, I call you aunt because of Uncle Yu's sake, if you say one more thing, believe it or not, I will find Uncle Yu!"

When Aunt Yu heard this, her momentum suddenly weakened.

You can't let her man know that she is picking trouble, or he might really divorce her!

Aunt Yu snorted twice, with an expression of dissatisfaction, but still moved towards the door to avoid Gu Peilan's sight.

Little bitch, wait for her, sooner or later she will look good!

Gu Peiling's eyes flickered when she saw Aunt Yu's flag was quiet and she didn't dare to say any more.

She took a step forward and grabbed Gu Peilan's hand, seemingly very helplessly said: "Little sister, don't do this, everyone cares about us too."

"What's wrong with me?" Gu Peilan shook her off, her eyes full of coldness.

"Gu Peiling, you know who borrowed the money. You owe the debt, but you let the debt collectors go to my shop to make trouble. Since you are my sister, I don't care about you."

Gu Peilan took a deep breath, and the more she spoke, the angrier she became: "But you actually made a fuss with your mother, do you want to piss her off, do you still have a conscience!"

In the past, her mother was eccentric, and she let Gu Peiling go, but this doesn't mean she is a soft persimmon that can be kneaded by others.

Gu Nanyan looked at her from a distance, pointing at Gu Peiling to reprimand her like an angry little beast, the corners of her mouth slightly hooked.

Turning around, he whispered a few words to Yun Xi behind him, then walked through the crowd and walked into the courtyard.

She has a vicious aura, which was formed after the baptism of the battlefields of the past two generations. Even if she deliberately restrains herself on weekdays, she can still make the enemy feel terrified, let alone these ordinary people.

As a result, wherever she passed, everyone's hairs stood on end, coupled with her impressive demeanor, they couldn't help backing away.

Gu Nanyan approached with the corners of her lips hooked as if she hadn't seen it.

An imposing young girl who was obviously dressed well appeared, and the surrounding discussions became much quieter and gradually quieted down.

Gu Peiling turned her back to the gate, didn't see her, she was still chattering and pretending to be pitiful.

"Lan'er, what are you talking about, when will my sister send someone to make trouble at your place?" Gu Peiling pretended to be puzzled.

"It's not that my sister said you. Those people are not good people at first glance. You, a girl, spend all day with such people. Be careful and suffer."

Because she was afraid of Gu Congyuan, she didn't dare to say too much, but she just put on a posture of a good sister and advised Gu Peilan not to learn from her.

"Our Gu family's daughter's family, even if you are in jail, you must keep yourselves clean. It is better to keep a distance from your nephew. Don't be like your second sister..." Gu Peiling bit her red lips and hesitated to speak. .

Does this mean that she doesn't know how to behave and is entangled with men?

Gu Peilan was not angry when she heard the words, but looked behind her strangely.

"Big sister!" Gu Congyuan yelled angrily, ignoring Min's obstruction.

Watching so many people say such ambiguous words, how can the little girl behave like a rumor.

What's more, sister Nan was involved.

Gu Congyuan was really angry now, it's normal for brothers and sisters to have quarrels, but she was so vicious that she ruined her sister's reputation.

He couldn't bear it any longer, looked at Gu Nanyan apologetically, and then said in a heavy tone: "Elder sister speaks so incoherently, it seems that life in husband's house is not satisfactory, but brother-in-law bullied you?"

"Why don't I tell my grandfather that tomorrow I will send my brother-in-law's family to where they should go. As for the imperial examination... I don't need to take it anymore, so I should teach him a lesson and vent my anger on my sister?"

His grandfather had already told him about the Yu family.

The implication is that Yu Weisheng is dead, and the rest of Yu's family did not participate in the conspiracy, and he does not intend to pursue it any further, so that the elder sister can live with Yu Ci at ease.

As for their stay in the capital, my grandfather didn't plan to take care of it.

Gu Congyuan knew that his grandfather cared about blood and family ties, and couldn't bear the fear of his elder sister, nor could he bear the embarrassment of a three-bedroom man.

But Gu Peiling didn't know this, her face turned pale upon hearing this.


Absolutely not! ! !

If Yu Ci was exiled and came back after the place of exile, she would not be able to take the imperial examination in time, and she would still be an official's wife!

Although she can participate next year, she doesn't want to live a whole year of hard life.

Otherwise, they wouldn't throw out a lot of money, just to stay in Beijing for a while.

Gu Peiling didn't dare to say any more, she squeezed her palm hard, forcing herself to swallow her unwillingness.

Why did her mother help Gu Peilan, and even her younger brother, who didn't know the truth, helped her out!

She was the one who was favored the most in the past, what kind of person is Gu Peilan!
The more she thought about it, the more she hated her, and Gu Peiling almost bit her lips to bleed blood.

However, she kept silent, and Gu Peilan was not going to let her go.

Since Gu Peiling tried her best to frame her regardless of her sisterhood, don't blame her for being unrighteous.

Gu Peilan rolled her eyes, glanced at Gu Nanyan, and asked Gu Peiling, "You just told me not to be like the second sister, what's wrong with the second sister?"

Harmfulness flashed across her eyes, and she glanced at Gu Nanyan after she finished asking.

Seeing that the other party raised his eyebrows and looked at him with a half-smile, not angry, his heart suddenly felt beautiful.

It took a lot of effort to suppress the upturned corners of his mouth.

The second sister really loves her!
Gu Nanyan gave her a funny look, lowered her face cooperatively, stood behind Gu Peiling, and asked in a serious tone: "I also want to know, what's wrong with me."

How can there be something wrong with such a perfect person like Lao Tzu!
Speak out if you have the ability.

Tell me to see if I change it!
 I didn’t check the two chapters today, so let’s read them if there are any typos. My cuties, I feel bald when I write this kind of scene. The author has to cut some ginger to wipe the hairline_(:з」∠)_
(End of this chapter)

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