Chapter 527
Gu Peilan sweated from the painful forehead, and pressed the wound firmly, but the blood still couldn't stop flowing out.

She was afraid that Mrs. Min would be worried, so she hurriedly pulled the corners of her mouth to comfort her: "My daughter is fine, it's just a small injury, just apply some medicine later and it will be fine."

How could Min not be worried, and wiped her blood with a handkerchief with shaking hands, who knew that it would flow out again after wiping, and it couldn't be wiped clean.

She sobbed suddenly: "It's all mother's fault, mother is useless, she can't control your father, and can't protect you brothers and sisters."

Min's tears fell down like money, Gu Peilan endured the pain and wiped her tears with the other hand.

Unexpectedly, he touched Min's face with blood.

She withdrew her hand helplessly: "What did mother say? If it weren't for you, our brothers and sisters would have become wild children."

This is true, Gu Zhengkang is very utilitarian, thinking about getting promoted and getting rich all day long, so he can say he doesn't care about his children.

Gu Congyuan was better, occasionally getting some attention from Gu Zhengkang.

He didn't even say a word to Gu Peilan.

The appearance of the mother and daughter at this time was so miserable that all the surrounding audience fell silent and looked at Rong'er and her daughter condemningly.

However, the mother and daughter saw that they had caused trouble, and ran away as early as the first time, so no one was there.

The servants of the General's Mansion saw this scene and hurried to report to their master.

When Mrs. Guo came over in a hurry, what she saw was Mrs. Min holding Gu Peilan's hand and weeping. Blood dripped down her wrist and onto her skirt, staining a large area red.

Guo Shi was startled and took two quick steps.

"What's the matter?" She was out of time for a while, why did such a big thing happen.

"Stop sitting on the ground, get up quickly, I'll send someone to find the doctor!" Mrs. Guo asked someone to invite the doctor, but he himself helped the two of them up, and led them to the gazebo on one side.

Everyone's eyes are a little weird.

Guo is the mistress of the General's Mansion, and her attitude is enough to represent the entire General's Mansion.

In her actions, she did not see any grievances with Sanfang.

Of course, it is also possible that they are acting. After all, there are a lot of people here. No matter how incompatible the eldest and third families are, they cannot show it in front of so many people.

Everyone looked at each other, exchanged glances, and decided to observe again.

The mansion only sent servants to congratulate them, they put down the congratulatory gifts and left, the rest of them were all the family members of the masters of the mansion.

Official positions are not high.

Guo's attitude towards the third room directly affected their attitude, and those who were pointing at Min suddenly stopped talking.

The three of them entered the gazebo, the others didn't want to get too close and stood far away.

Before the doctor came, Gu Nanyan, who heard about the accident here, came here first.

When everyone saw her, the discussion disappeared immediately, and they all stepped out of the way and saluted respectfully.

Gu Nanyan waved his hands and walked calmly into the pavilion without stopping.

She had good eyesight, saw Gu Peilan's handkerchief covered in blood from a distance, frowned, and asked Yun Xi behind her to go back to the yard to get her medicine box.

When she went in, Mrs. Guo had already asked the reason of the matter clearly, her always kind face was dark.

"I know about this, don't worry, brother Yuan is a child of my general's mansion, unless he is willing, no one will dare to force him to marry a wife, and the lady doctor you mentioned..."

Guo frowned and thought about it, and there was indeed such a person in his impression: "I will seek justice for you about today's matter."

Gu Peilan felt relieved when she heard that, the General's Mansion would not force her children to marry, the uncles and uncles married people who were like-minded, even his father married her because he liked her mother, but later he didn't like her up.

Min Shi also breathed a sigh of relief.

Her mind turned slowly, and she didn't understand what the woman meant until her daughter mentioned it.

She will not interfere with her son's marriage, but that girl is obviously not a good match.

What's more, she hurt her own daughter, and the Min family was even more displeased.

It's just that she didn't expect that sister-in-law would help them.

When she was in the west courtyard, she often made troubles for her sister-in-law.

Min was a little ashamed, and just about to thank her, she heard her daughter happily call "Second Sister".

Gu Nanyan walked up the stairs, followed by Yun Xi who was carrying a medicine box.

She greeted Mrs. Guo first, and when she looked at Mrs. Min, she hesitated for a moment and nodded to her.

Min was at a loss, but she was very happy in her heart.

Gu Nanyan didn't say much, sat down and began to clean up Gu Peilan's wound.

The wound looked deep, but luckily it didn't hurt the vitals.

Gu Nanyan thought for a while, took out the hydrogen peroxide and alcohol from the medicine box, and cleaned the dirt from her wound.

Hydrogen peroxide is not irritating, and the washing process is not painful.

But alcohol hurts.

Gu Peilan broke into a cold sweat from the pain, biting her lower lip to endure it.

When I knew I needed to sew up the wound with a needle, I almost cried.

"Second sister, can you not sew..." Gu Peilan looked at Gu Nanyan pitifully, and asked, but her hands had already retracted.

The second sister is terrible, isn't it?

How can I sew stitches on her hands?

That hurts so much.

How can the second sister have the heart!

The second sister doesn't hurt her anymore~

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Gu Peilan was determined not to sew it up, and Gu Nanyan threatened her with a stern face: "Your wound is in the palm of your hand, and it will be difficult to heal if you don't sew it up. If you tear it repeatedly, your whole hand will rot, and then you will have to chop it off. Really don't sew?"

Gu Peilan: "..."

She has heard that some wounds will rot if they are not healed, but...she is really afraid of pain.

Gu Peilan wanted to cry, but in order to keep her hand, she finally agreed.

It's just that expression, as if he was going to make a heroic sacrifice.

Gu Nanyan: "..."


Thinking so, she took out the anesthetic needle from the medicine box and sprinkled a lot of anesthetic on the wound.

After Gu Peilan could no longer feel the pain in the wound, she took a suture needle to sew it up.

When the doctor arrived, the wound had already been bandaged.

The doctor was useless and was sent back again.

Of course, the money is still in hand.


Seeing the needle and thread running through her daughter's flesh with her own eyes, Min's legs were so frightened that her legs went limp.

He clenched his teeth and remained silent.

It wasn't until the wound was wrapped up that Gu Nanyan threw a bottle of ointment and alcohol to her, and she took it tremblingly.

"The medicine is changed every day. The one in the blue and white porcelain box is medicine for wounds, and it is also used to remove scars. After cleaning the wound, apply a layer." Gu Nanyan told her how to use the medicine.

"Remember not to touch the water for three days."

Only three days?
Min thought she was wrong, but she agreed gratefully.

"Look at my memory, I forgot that Sister Nan can bandage, and went outside to ask for a doctor... This porcelain box contains the kind of medicine you gave your grandfather." Guo asked with a smile.

She didn't really forget, but she didn't know if Sister Nan was willing to help, and didn't want to embarrass her, and now she took all the faults on herself.

Gu Nanyan's face was gentle, and he said in a gentle voice: "Yes, I have saved some more recently, and I will send two boxes to my aunt later."

"Oh, that auntie got it. Brothers and sisters, you don't know, her ointment is precious, just apply it on. Don't look at Sister Lan's deep wound, it will scab over within two days!"

Guo Shi was cheerful, and mentioned the cherishment and value of the mouth ointment by the way.

She didn't ask Min's for money, after all, the price of the ointment...not to mention Sanfang, she couldn't even afford it.

Hmm... Although the box for Min's is obviously several circles smaller than the old man's.

But it doesn't matter!

She would bring it up, in the final analysis, she wanted Sanfang to remember her love for Sister Nan.

Her niece and daughter don't care about such an expensive ointment, so she can't do it.

Min's eyes were wide open, she couldn't imagine what kind of sore medicine was so expensive, and the supply was in short supply.

She looked down at the ointment in her hand, and hurriedly clenched it.

Such a precious thing must not be dropped.

With tears in her eyes, Gu Peilan held her injured hand and gave Gu Nanyan a bear hug on the spot.

"Second sister, you are so kind..."

 The double monthly ticket event is coming to an end, cuties, please come on.

  Muma loves you~(ω)

(End of this chapter)

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