The farmer has a mall

Chapter 529 Yun Xi's Thoughts

Chapter 529 Yun Xi's Thoughts

Jiangshan is a kind of glory, and it is also a heavy burden on the shoulders of the royal family.

It is a kind of unavoidable responsibility.

The lives of him and the emperor's brother are not as important as Jiang Shan's.

It was already dark when Li Yi left the mansion.

Gu Yao personally sent him out of the mansion, while Gu Nanyan was brought back to the backyard by a group of female relatives.

The hope of being alone with his wife was shattered, and Li Yi reluctantly returned to Prince Sheng's Mansion.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw the left-behind dragon standing upright at the door.

Full of resentment, he looked at Li Yi with accusing eyes.

The prince has gone to the general's mansion.

The prince went to the general's mansion to meet the future princess.

The prince went to the general's mansion to meet the future princess without him!

The prince went to the general's mansion to see the future concubine, even if he didn't take him with him, but he even sent him away on purpose! ! !
He also wants to follow Miss Yunxi!

Long Yi's resentment was almost solidified.

Li Yi: "..."

Hmm... suddenly I feel a lot better.

It was indeed right to leave Long Yi behind.

He was relieved to see someone less fortunate than himself.

Li Yi was instantly refreshed, walked around Long Yi proudly, and walked away with his head held high.


Long Yi: "..."

The matter of treason should be put on the agenda.

I just don't know if Miss Yunxi will be willing to flee to the end of the world with him.

On the other side, Yunxi was standing in the corridor, holding a box of makeup and powder in her hand, slightly frowning, as if she was in a difficult situation.

Gu Nanyan walked behind her with his hands in hand, stretched his head to look: "Where did you come from?"

Yun Xi was startled and almost threw the box out.

"You've finished washing."

She turned her head, and a burst of fragrance wafted into the tip of her nose.

Gu Nanyan's long hair was loose, and the ends of her hair were still dripping water, and the water stains seeped through the large nightgown and stuck to her back.

Yun Xi hurriedly took a handkerchief to dry her, and couldn't help complaining: "It's cold at night, you will get sick if you come out like this."

After she finished speaking, she was taken aback for a moment, then her face turned pale, and she knelt down on one knee with a plop: "Your servant is overstepping, please master punish me."

She is a hidden guard, she shouldn't have emotions or criticize her master's behavior, but what did she say just now!
Yun Xi's face is even paler, since when did she become so unruly.

It seems... After following the master, she became less and less like herself.

It shouldn't be like this.

Gu Nanyan seemed very helpless, bent down to help her up, but Yunxi hid her.

"Slaves dare not." Her head drooped even lower.

Gu Nanyan had no choice but to get up, stared at her for a while and turned to enter the room.

"Are you going to let me go to bed with wet hair? Why don't you dry it off quickly." A cold voice came.

Yun Xi got up when she heard the words, bit her lip and went into the room to wipe her hair without saying a word.

The room was quiet with only the sound of insects chirping. Gu Nanyan squinted her eyes and leaned on the back of the chair, showing no emotion on her face.

Yun Xi secretly looked at her several times, feeling a little uneasy.


"En." Gu Nanyan's voice was very weak.

"Are you... are you angry with this servant?" The voice trembled slightly.

"Why should I be angry?" Gu Nanyan slowly opened her eyes, her clear eyes looked over, as if she could see through people's hearts.

Yun Xi didn't know what to say, and after a few breaths, she said dully: "This servant is not a qualified secret guard."

A qualified hidden guard has no thoughts of his own. To put it bluntly, the hidden guard is just a knife in the master's hand.

A knife is a dead thing and can only be manipulated by others.

Yun Xi felt that she already had a heart for this knife.

She was qualified before, otherwise His Royal Highness would not have given her to the princess.

But recently, for some reason, she has become more and more emotional.

Gu Nanyan silently nodded her fingers, making Yunxi even more nervous.

"Actually, whether you are a qualified secret guard or not is no different from me."

She turned to look at Yunxi: "I can protect myself, and I can beat someone up if I want to, and I don't think you can be better than me if you are qualified."

Yun Xi's eyes quickly dimmed.

Sure enough, she was really useless in Master's heart.

Yun Xi was so depressed that she even stopped wiping her hair.

However, before she was depressed for a long time, she heard the cold voice sound again.

"At the beginning, I accepted you and Yunchu only because the people around me need to have the power to protect themselves. In this regard, you are qualified, and that's enough."

This is enough.

This is also the reason why Baizhi and the others have been placed on Zhuangzi since they were bought.

And Mrs. Liu, if it is not necessary, she will not take it to her side.

It's not that she is too cautious, but that she respects life and doesn't want anyone around her to be hurt because of herself.

And even though she has a high status, the only people who serve her are the two sisters Yunchu and Yunxi.

Because she knew what she was going to do and what kind of danger she would be in in the future, a woman like Bai Zhi was not suitable to be by her side.

Yun Xi didn't seem to understand, she just thought back about her words blankly.

After understanding what she meant, her heart was beating violently.

"Master, what you mean is that even if the servant is not strong enough, you won't despise the servant?" Yun Xi suddenly felt a little sour, and asked with anticipation in her eyes.

Gu Nanyan: "That's not true. If you can't even protect yourself, I would have thrown you on Zhuangzi a long time ago."

Yun Xi: "..."

"So you don't need to be burdened, it doesn't matter if you are qualified or not, as long as you are strong enough to protect yourself, otherwise if one day you are better than me, where will I save my face?"

Yun Xi: "..."

So you are just doing it for face, right?

Touched to feed the dog!
Yun Xi felt aggrieved and continued to wipe her head.

But her master was not honest at all, he looked around and didn't clean the water for a long time.

Gu Nanyan picked up the powder case on the table, opened it and looked at it, the powder was of high quality and smelled good.

"Why haven't I seen you use it?" She looked at Yunxi's face, which was clean without any makeup.

"The dark guard must not have a scent on his body, so as not to be recognized by others when he is on a mission."

"Then you still keep it?"

"The servant is going to return it to the guard Long, but I haven't seen him recently."

"So this is what Long Yi gave you?"

Yun Xi: "..."

Yun Xi was a little embarrassed.

Who gave this to her? Didn't the master see it with his own eyes?

Why did you ask her specifically.

Hmm... The reason is of course that Gu Nanyan was bored and deliberately teased her.

Gu Nanyan held the powder case and looked at Yunxi's tender face.

She smiled and said: "Xiao Xixi, it would be nice to help me with something, there will be rewards."

Yun Xi: "..."


Half an hour later, Yun Xi stood on the roof of Prince Sheng's Mansion without moving for a long time.

She reached out and touched her face, sniffing at the tip of her nose.

Fragrant, very nice smell.

But it made her a little uncomfortable.

The master asked her to come to Prince Cheng's mansion to deliver something, and pressed her on the dressing table to smear for a long time before going out.

The person who said that she is the master now represents the appearance of the master, so she has to appear beautifully in front of people in order to make people impressed.

Yun Xi didn't understand why a hidden guard like her should impress others.

Although she hadn't worked as a secret guard for a long time, it was so dark in the middle of the night, who would show her her makeup?
But since it was the master's order, she listened to it.

And what the master said is right, she is not a secret guard hiding in the dark, but the master's personal servant girl, she must be cautious in her dress, words and deeds.

She was negligent in the past, so she must pay attention in the future.

She remembered that there was a girl in the yard who was in charge of dressing the master. Although the master had never used her, she heard that this girl was very good at craftsmanship, so she had to ask her for advice later, and she must not embarrass the master!

Long Yi, who was so angry that he couldn't sleep, was walking on the roof when he suddenly saw a slender figure standing in the distance, his eyes became sharp instantly, and he rushed over in twos and threes.

"Who are you, and what is your intention to sneak into the palace late at night!" Long Yi's voice was deep, revealing a cold killing intent, which made the scalp numb.

She seemed to be different from the awkward man who gave her makeup that day.

 There are still three days left for the double monthly pass, and there are still cuties in stock to vote for, vote for, vote for, vote for, vote for.

  The sleepy author Jun is too difficult, drink four glasses of American espresso every day to your fullness, admire and send a few.

(End of this chapter)

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